Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1214: Thank you Miss He for caring so much about my boyfriend

Chapter 1214 Thank You Miss He Caring About My Boyfriend So

Nian Xiqi can't wait to pick up his ears.

Not only did she eat the food intimately by this woman intimately, but she helped her too much.

"Miss Nian was just joking just now," He Xin smiled, and said sincerely, "Miss Nian, I said it seriously."

Nian Xi was sullen, when did she not take it seriously?

"Go and find Uncle Han," Nian Xidan said, "It's all he is in charge of cleaning up. Miss He came just right. I heard Su Ning say that you are very good. I really admire it, but what about this robot? It's such a big problem, please give me an explanation. "

"I and Su Ning are working on this problem just now," said He Xin. "I know this is Su Ning's robot that pleases you, so I have added two more functions in it. Who knows that there was a conflict with the previous one, specifically Which program we are still debugging because I have just arrived. "

Nian Xi was depressed. "Miss He, I am not your experimental robot. Yes, although I am a layman, I also understand that some high-tech products cannot be added with new procedures without strict control. This is not a motorcycle. Adding an extra wheel becomes a tricycle. As far as I know, many robots on the market can only be launched after being checked at various levels, because if there is an accident, it will bring danger to life. "

"I understand," He Xin nodded, "I didn't add it casually. It was a new program that I made out without sleeping for two nights. I was afraid of accidents, but we are not almighty people, no It is possible to make everything absolutely 100% safe. Even if the robots on the market, or food, appliances, are the same, there may be problems later and they will be recalled to the manufacturer. "

"Miss He is really clever," Nian Xi sneered.

He Xin smiled, "It is Miss Nian who is biased against me."

"Don't quarrel," Jiang Yanning said for a long time after seeing the two women twitching each other. They were a little dizzy. "Xi Xi, what do you have in your hand, it looks like you are eating."

Nian Xi remembered that he had brought a lot of things here, and he wanted to feed him, but he enjoyed eating with other women.

She smiled, "Oh, I bought the lunch. I haven't eaten yet."

After talking, she sat down in the chair next to her, opened the box, and a seductive aroma was emitted in the laboratory.

Jiang Yanning's stomach groaned, and he had to take his own meal and eat it.

Nian Xi does not give him food, he can only eat his own.

Nian Xi almost wanted to vomit blood, this idiot, I don't know if I came over and asked if she wanted it.

He Xin smiled slightly, "Miss Nian was so rich, I thought you brought it to Su Ning, but fortunately I bought Su Ning when I came."


So is he still eating the food that He Xin bought.

He even ate the food bought by other women in front of himself.

Nian Xi now wants to kill his heart.

Why he likes men with such low emotional intelligence.

Was she that kind of life?

But with a smile on her mouth, she said, "Thank you very much, Miss He for caring about my boyfriend so much. You are really a good Chinese girlfriend. Seriously, if it weren't for the reason of this robot, I do n’t know Su Ning and you a friend."

The smile on He Xin's face was unnaturally stiff. "Normal, Su Ning usually doesn't like talking."

Third more. . Fourth night

(End of this chapter)

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