Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1232: Don't tell my brother

Chapter 1232: Don't Tell My Brother

"I wanted to eat him a bit, so don't tell my brother," Nian Xi said seriously.

Lausanne: "..."

It feels like the worldview has been refreshed again.

However, if Ning Junting knew that her sister had this idea, she would hate iron and steel and be mad.

"Sang Sang, you probably don't know much," Nian Xi said with a blank expression on her face and smiled. "You say that facing such a tender and delicious grass every day is like a snow lotus on a snow mountain. Take it off, just like you saw my brother before, you think he is handsome, and he has a good figure. Do n’t you want to get into it? ”

"I don't remember much," Lausanne shook his head.

However, she can also understand that Jiang Yanning is really too pure. His eyes always look like a newborn deer. When he meets a wolf-like woman like Nian Xi, he will probably be tempted.

"That ... just like the feeling that you often hate my brother's hate and itchy and want to hit him, do you understand?" Nian Xi continued to make an analogy.

Lausanne froze for a few seconds, this time nodded, "Anyway you are a girl, you still have to remember to take measures, and you haven't been together for a long time. I personally mind that you still enjoy the feeling of love first, and it is not too late to get married next year. Really not so free after marriage. "

Nian Xi hehe smiled, "It seems that you feel great freedom after you marry my brother."


Lausanne can only sneer, "but there is fun."

"In short, the topic I talked to you tonight, don't tell my brother," Nian Xi told.

Lausanne nodded his head, hesitated or courageously urged again: "In short, two people explore more, this is also a man's instinct, slowly and naturally will meet."

Nian Xi was grateful. "Thank you for your teaching."

Lausanne: "..."


The two sat down until 8:30 and left. On the way back, Nian Xi suddenly said to Jiang Yongning, "Let's stay at my house at night, and go back tomorrow morning."

Jiang Yanning was right at the intersection of red lights, and when she heard her words, she wanted to stop, but after forgetting the throttle, she forgot to loose and drove directly to the past.

Nian Xi reminded, "You have run a red light."

Jiang Yanning was so frightened that he stepped on the brake again, stopping in the middle of the road, and the cars coming from the other side were blocked by him.

He was panicked.

"Already broke, what are you doing in the middle of the road, drive over quickly," Nian Xi was crazy by him.

Jiang Yanning was so anxious that he sweated out. He drove the car for a long time, but stopped shortly, his face was pale. "What to do, I ran the red light, I ran on the first day when I got my driver's license. Will not be revoked. "

"No, you can deduct a few more points at most," Nian Xi looked at him in annoyance, and regretted not to say such things while driving.

Jiang Mining lowered his head for a while and said, "Xi Xi, I don't want to happen again last night."

"I'm afraid you'll get lost driving alone," Nian Xi shrugged, "since you don't want to."


Jiang Yanning was a little dazed. I didn't know why, but suddenly I felt so lost. Why didn't Nian Xi say a few words to keep him, did she not see that he was struggling with his own reason?

Nian Xi asked, "What have you been watching me for?"

"... No ... nothing," Jiang Yongning started the car again.

The car was parked on the parking lane of the community, and Nian Xi unfastened his seat belt. "I have already helped you get back to the navigation. If you follow the route, you will be able to get home smoothly."

Jiang Yanning: I do n’t want to go back ...

(End of this chapter)

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