Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1305: Yan Su is my woman

Chapter 1305 Yan Su Is My Woman

Moliuxi found out his friends in the entertainment circle on the phone again. After calling them one by one, they just skipped the class. They went home and took out their notebooks. They registered more than ten accounts in a row and scolded Ye Yunyang's lengthy argument. Meal.

Although this kind of thing can be found by someone, but there is no more resentment than doing it by yourself.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lausanne called him. "Luxi, please hurry up to Susu. The current netizens are simply too much, and they have scolded people so badly, and Ye Yunyang, and his face ."

"I don't care about it, I don't send it," Moriu said casually as he typed.

"Hey, why are you doing this, after all, you are a crew, and the warmth, timeliness, and Cheng Sheng have all made sounds, and even some superb foreign stars have also made some sounds. You are not so good. "" Lausanne said angrily.

"Okay, for you to force me so much, I'd like to make it difficult for you," said Mo Liuxi, lipping his lips, and then posted on his Weibo, vocal: I heard Yan Suhong bullied people, huh, it's funny She was bullied by me every day in Venice, and I didn't dare to say a word.

This was too arrogant. Lausanne called and immediately reprimanded him after seeing it.

"Why are you so troublesome, I'm busy and hung up."

After hearing the phone hang up, Lausanne finally understood a little why Mo Jin couldn't wait to see his son's mood.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Yan Su came out after participating in the competition. Jiaojiao held the mobile phone with a strange look. "Look for you from sister."

Yan Su guessed that it was for Ye Yunyang. As soon as she took it, she heard Xiang Wan ’s excited voice soar. “Yan Su, what kind of background do you have, the famous British actor Pirus speaks for you on Facebook. And Paffett in Hollywood, all actors who are popular all over the world. By the way, in addition to them Ji Jiyi, Li Ming, Cheng Sheng, how much do you hide from me. "

Yan Su rubbed her ears blankly, thinking she had a hearing problem, "Xiang, are you awake?"

"I don't think I woke up, either," Xiang Wanyou said with emotion. "Who has more contacts in the entire singer circle than yours. Now netizens are going to the side and yelling at Ye Yunyang. There is a guy named" Yan Su is my woman " The fans were crazy, and they scolded Ye Yunyang and the people who scolded you on the Internet. The scolding people closed the comments because he was so famous that they were scolded by hot searches. "

Yan Su: "..."

Is there any such awesome figure in her fans?

"Xiang sister, I really don't know. I have been preparing for the competition, and I haven't thought about it at all," Yan Su said seriously.

"I've seen a ghost," Xiang Wan muttered, "but this thing has been carried over. While the current situation is falling to your side, don't forget to have Ye Yeyun."

On the way back to the hotel, Yan Su looked at her mobile phone. Currently, in front of the hot search, she turned out to be "Muluixi vocal", "Ji Nuyi means vocal for Yan Su", "Paffett knew Yan Su", "Yan Suren" How good the pulse is "," Yan Su is my woman is so terrible. "

Yan Su is full of fog, funny and angry at Mo Lu Xi ’s yin and yang's strange voice. In addition, this "Yan Su is my woman" is just too powerful. If anyone dares to defame Yan Su after speaking, he will scold anyone.

Third more. .

(End of this chapter)

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