Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1308: Nian Xi was sitting on the box with a beautiful face

Chapter 1308 Nian Xi was sitting on the box, his face was boundless

"Yeah, why haven't you come? Didn't you just say that you were about to call when you just called?" Ning Junting frowned and took out his cell phone. He was looking for Murong Cheng's number. Lausanne patted him suddenly. . "

Junting Ting turned back, and his face smelled bad.

Murong Cheng raised her handbag in fur and raised it. On the side, Jiang Yanning, wearing a gray coat, pushed the box, and Nian Xi sat on the box with a beautiful face.

Lausanne sighed, "So sweet."

Nian Junting glanced at her displeasedly, strode up, and stared at Jiang Junning coldly, but the question was directed at Nian Xi: "I didn't say he was coming before, sorry, I didn't book his ticket."

"It's okay, I've already made up," Nian Xi said with a smile. "He said that he had a project research before, but after he was busy, he followed, just because we haven't traveled yet."

The corner of the annual average Ting's mouth condensed into a frosty arc, and continued to target Jiang Yongning, "We are a family travel, do you understand."

"Brother," Jiang Yanning's face was clear and indistinct, and he called.

Annual average Ting: "..."

"Both are called brothers, they are indeed a family," Lausanne walked over and held his husband's hand.

Annual average Ting looked at her blankly, did that mean that, as a listed president, he felt that his IQ was almost not enough.

"Xunzi ..." Jiang Yanning smiled and touched his head.

Lausanne's heart has sprouted.

The disappointment of Junting Ting held her to the back. "What are you two doing, not to go to Hangzhou, is it necessary to bring such a large suitcase?"

"Mom's stuff is inside," Nian Xi said lightly. "Besides, the suitcase is big, and I can sit there, aren't those star couple airports so showy and loving."

When she saw it before, she could only be silently envious. There was a boyfriend who hadn't played with her. Every time she went out with a friend, she could only carry a big box by herself, just like a man. , Of course, the first trip, of course.

Junting was silent, "We are out to play, not to show affection."

"It seems like you are not," Nian Xi pointed at the snow boots on his feet sarcastically. "Why, so many pairs of snow boots bought by your sister-in-law before you finally got a chance to wear them again. Xia Cheng, you are so hot, and I really convinced you, you are the only president I have ever seen who will wear snow boots to public places. "

Nian Junting glared her eyes. "This is all the intention of your sister-in-law. After so long collecting, I finally have to go to a cold place, of course I have to put on it."

Lausanne silently reminded him, "Should it be time to board the plane ..., by the way, Lucy?"

Xu Zhengxuan: "When you were arguing, he had already left the luggage."

Mo Jin sighed with a smile, "Why is this child so anxious?"


After boarding the plane, because Jiang Mining was a back-up ticket, he sat far away alone.

Immediately after the plane took off, Lausanne felt uncomfortable. "What to do, miss Apple, this time we two leave together. I don't know if he will cry at night, so he should bring him."

"No," Junting held her hand. "The boy must learn to be independent and not always rely on his parents. He will know that one day we will do it for him."

"Really?" Lausanne slaps him in disbelief.

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(End of this chapter)

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