Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1426: I'm getting married, why should I divide

Chapter 1426 I'm Getting Married, Why Should I Divide

Lausanne helped Little Apple put on diapers, because she was too worried about Nian Xi, so that she was too nervous to get her to protest.

"Those who use high-tech crimes are scary," Lausanne said with emotion.

"Well, I have basically determined that the injury of Nian Xi must also be followed by a criminal organization who has followed Jiang Yongning. I will go to the director to say that this is not a small case," said Jun Junting, anxious.

Lausanne watched him for a while, let go of the little apple, walked over, grabbed his waist, and said softly, "I finally understand why I haven't been very supportive of Nian Xi and Jiang Yongning ..."

"You finally understand, otherwise you always think I don't want Nian Xi to be abducted, do I look like such a selfish person," Nian Junting proudly snorted.

Lausanne Oh, for Nian Xi's sake, don't pierce him tonight.


At seven o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yanning stepped out of the laboratory with bloodshot eyes. The black eyes seemed empty and could not find the focal length. Uncle Han and Xu Gang immediately stepped up, worried.

"Sir, you have spent the night in the laboratory. You must be very tired. Would you like to have breakfast," said Uncle Han.

Jiang Yanning shook his head blankly, and the diffused pupils finally found the focal length. "Uncle Han, my experiment was successful last night. As long as I use electromagnetic waves to interfere with the inverter, the location of the killer station can be implemented, they want to warn me."

Xu Ganggang's expression immediately gloomed. "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, the Interpol has started operations, but according to the information we have received, it is not clear how many people there are in the TOX organization at home and in other countries. Police in several countries want to join forces with us to completely clear this organization. "

Jiang Yanning, "What the **** do you mean?"

Xu Gang frowned. "This is not the time for us to fight the grass and scare the snake. If we act now, it will only clear the people around you. They will still change over. The information in your hand is too important. Got to do evil, and the consequences are unimaginable. "

Jiang Yanning held his head. If it had happened before, it would have happened, but now it is different. He has Nian Xi, and he has someone he wants to cherish.

"I can't go wrong, Nian Xi can't go wrong," he mumbled and grabbed Xu Gang's hand.

Uncle Han said indignantly: "I want to know how our husband's research data was transmitted. Only the closest people around us know this. When we first studied it, we knew we couldn't pass it on, so Immediately stopped all experiments and deliberately hid in Xiacheng. "

"It was the last time you went to France that stole your Nano-Border Theory laboratory staff member Zhang Nan. Did n’t our people say that he fled abroad, but he has been arresting it, but suddenly no news, only recently Knowing that he had entered the internal organization of TOX, he had a makeover, and he also had a facelift. Even his fingerprints changed, "Xu Gang said faintly." He was working around you every day at that time, and he must have known something. "

"Wang bastard," Han Shuqi hit a hammer on the wall.

Xu Gang sighed lightly, "Mr. Jiang, our suggestion is that you leave Xiacheng as soon as possible."

"You let me go?" Jiang Yanning opened his mouth hard. "How do I go, my girlfriend is here ..."

Xu Gang said, "Or break up with Miss Nian immediately."

Fifth more. Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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