Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1452: I am his fiancee and his family

Chapter 1452 I Am His Fiancee, It Is His Family

That's right, she was in a bad mood lately, she wasn't dressed up, and her clothes were always in uniform, which seemed a bit shabby.

But a natural beauty like her is occasionally not overpowered by external things, which is enough to overwhelm these people.

Cheng Jing also heard it, and frowning was about to rebuke. Nian Xi held her back and wanted to listen again.

Those female colleagues obviously didn't notice that she came in from behind, and then talked a lot, after all, as good as Nian Xi's family, and can find a handsome and superb man like Jiang Mining, everyone was jealous before.

People are like this. Once you see that someone better than yourself is unlucky, you will inevitably be gloating.

"Oh, you say she, it doesn't look as good as before, after all, Nian Xi is not young anymore."

"Yeah, I haven't gotten married at this age, and I've been abandoned. I don't know when it will end. What about the good conditions at home? I can't marry."

"That's right, so ordinary people like us are also ordinary people, but if I say, even if you have money, you can't be too picky. You see how handsome Feng Jichuan is. I heard that they talked for seven or eight years. Later, It ’s about to get married, and the wedding invitations are sent out. She suddenly wo n’t get married. Although Feng Jichuan said that the breakup was his reason, he did n’t cherish it. But he ’s a good captain. He looks handsome and has the ability. Family conditions Not bad, that's what she did. "

"Uh-huh, but you said if she didn't get married this way, this was the same in the previous paragraph, and I heard people say she ... Koff."

"No way."

"Professor Fukejiang suddenly disappeared. I heard that he was more fierce."


"This group of 38 is really idle and nothing to do," Cheng Jingren couldn't bear it, rushed directly to the table, slap it on the table, "I think you are only policemen, all of them are police officers, and you are so superstitious. Fortune telling. "

The female colleagues were startled after seeing her and Nian Xi, and turned around and wanted to slip.

Nian Xi directly took the two women back to her chair. She pointed to one of them. "I know you. I came here last year. It's called Tan Yao, right? You like Feng Jichuan because he didn't look at you. I have always been resentful to me, and I have been saying bad things everywhere. I used to be in a good mood and did n’t care about you, but now a scientist who has contributed to the country is missing. You not only do n’t want the case, you are still behind him. The family members said four things in a malicious manner. Should I report it? "

Tan Ye was startled, but said unconvinced, "When did I hurt the family of Professor Jiang?"

Nian Xi sneered and patted the table word by word, "I am his fiancee, that is, his family. Do you have any opinion?"

Tan Ye was so frightened by her imposing manner that she blinked, forgetting that her fiancee was not legally a close relative at all.

"And ... say I'm ugly ..." Nian Xihaha, "I'm even uglier than you, not like you, the dressed-up flowers are not as unkempt as me. What makeup do you paint? It is good-looking and cannot hide the defects of your small eyes, slumped mouth, and flat forehead. "

"Nian Xi, don't talk too much," said one of the older sisters, Xie.

"Shut up, what about my late marriage, who in the bureau does n’t know that your family has a delicious lazy husband who does n’t have one, who does n’t know that he breads and raises women outside, but you can only swallow it, and you do n’t know what qualifications you have to say others,” Xi said she turned blushing and could not bear to look at it.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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