Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1455: It's hard for our baby Susu.

Chapter 1455: Hard Work, Our Family Susu Baby

Ten minutes later, Molucy re-entered the book and put it in her hand. The book was still hot and hot.

He looked at her with a smirk. "It's really wet and it made me blow for a long time."

Yan Su: "..."

Moliuxi rubbed her red and chubby cheeks, "Okay, you can read, I'll cook supper for you, we have worked so hard for our baby Susu."


Yan Su has been nauseated and doesn't know what to say, "You have just returned from a foreign country and you are cooking supper, aren't you tired?"

"Tired, but hungry, don't you think I don't need physical strength to work hard," said Mo Lu Xi's lips with a bad smile.

Yan Su took the book and threw it at him. "You want to be a cow. I don't want to be a farmer yet."

Molucy smiled and turned around.

Yan Su thought for a while and continued to read the dissertation. She was so frustrated just now that she found that she had no drowsiness, and time was urgent, so she couldn't waste it.

At about twelve o'clock, Molucy came in with two bowls of tomato spaghetti.

Yan Su's eyes were bright and she looked delicious after looking at the hue for a long time. Although she hadn't eaten for a long time, she was really tired today.

"Just leave it, only spaghetti," Moluci said, not too happy. "I said you have too little stuff in the fridge. There are no ingredients for supper."

Yan Su blinked. "I don't usually eat supper. What ingredients do you want me to prepare?"

"Lobsters and the like, now it's all seasons to eat lobsters," Moluci said lightly. "Or chicken wings, cheese, bacon, pizza, salmon, arctic shrimp and the like."

Yan Su: "..."

This is really a bit demanding.

"It's already the lowest level for me," Moriusi snorted. "If you don't want to go to my side, I promise I can get you a sumptuous table at any time."

"Thank you, I think this tomato noodle is fine," Yan Su said with a burrow.

Morusi sighed as he ate, "If only there was a fruity pizza."

"You can order takeaway."

Someone shook his head. "Takeaway is not as delicious as I do."


After eating, Molucy asked her to go to bed. Yan Su refused, and she would write an essay for another hour.

Molucy thought for a while, and took a book and sat next to her.

Yan Su cast his eyes and said, "I also have an exam, and we have to take more subjects than you."

Yan Su thinks about it too, but she is not worried about her family's tyrant gene, unlike herself, she can only work hard the day after tomorrow.

The two kept seeing two o'clock in the morning.

At 8:30 the next day, Yan Su was woken up by the alarm clock and desperately got up and dressed.

She still had a lot of things today, and Molucy was tired in bed and immediately got up to make breakfast for her.

I ate noodles and eggs with milk for breakfast. Moluci laughed: "Susu, you see that you used to collect my heart with a bowl of porridge, but I want to make a lifetime breakfast for you, and I lose."

Yan Su was overwhelmed after listening. "After my tour is over, can I make you porridge every day during the holidays."

"Okay ..." Moluci responded softly. "Su Su, I want to take Yan Yan over the summer vacation and live for a while, as we are all in Xiacheng, we can accompany her. I think the child still needs parents I discussed it with your parents, and they agreed. "

Yan Su froze and nodded. In fact, she had long wanted to answer Yan Yan, but she had no time.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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