Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1476: How did my brother become Susu boyfriend

Chapter 1476: How Did My Brother Become A Susu Boyfriend

The audience had a tacit silence, and the stadium only heard Yan Su's quiet and gentle voice.

Suddenly, a tall boy in white shirt, jeans, and black cloth shoes came up from the right side of the stage. As he walked up, he took off his mask. The pale cold stage lights suddenly brightened his dark sword eyebrows, bright eyes With a tall nose and **** thin lips, this is a handsome face that seems to exist only in comics.

His face quickly appeared on the big screen around him, clearly enlarged. This face had appeared in public in the past, but his eyebrows were as cold as snow. At the moment, his mouth and eyebrows were surprised but gentle. A smile is like the beginning of melting snow.

The audience screamed in shock and anger, even Yan Su's voice covered up.

I don't know who took the lead in calling "Morius".

"Morius ... Morus ..."

The sound of continuous waves rushed towards the surroundings.

Lausanne was fossilized.

She hugged her head.

My God, my God.

Was she dazzled or had hallucinations?

How could she see her younger brother walking on the stage, and how could she see Yan Su holding Molucy's hand.

There was also a close-up on the big screen. The two smiled at each other with affection, but Yan Su's cheeks were red and shy, and Molucy was raising his mouth high, not to mention laughing too much.

"Husband ..." Lausanne turned his head in shock and looked at the people around him. "Is it Lucius on the stage, you tell me."

Nian Junting looked at his wife without looking back, and nodded helplessly, "Yes, it's him, you're right."

"But why is my brother a Susu boyfriend," Lausanne said blankly, "how can I not know at all."

"Because you were stupid for three years," Jun Ting touched her head, and said with great sympathy and understanding.


Lausanne really felt stupid after being pregnant, but after a while, he suddenly felt wrong. Her husband was too calm, "No, you don't seem to be surprised at all. Did you know?"

Nian Junting glanced at her weakly, "I think everyone knows you and your father except you and your dad."

Lausanne stumbled and then became angry. "How can you do this, one and two are hiding from me, please, Susu is my best friend, Lucy is my brother, why do n’t you tell me, why aren't they? Tell me."

"No one told us that we found the clues ourselves," said the young average lazily. "Everyone has been together so many times, every time we are in our house and when we go to Hangzhou, are you a star?" Your mother can see it, just you and your dad, the two of them have not been in the state, we have not broken it, everyone can see that Yan Su is not embarrassed, after all, she is your friend. "

Lausanne froze. Is it so obvious that she can only see that these two people are not right, and each time they are together, Lucy can't help looking for Yan Su's uncle, is this the way they like?

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be the same, after all, Lucy has never spent so little time with anyone, but it seems that Yan Su is particularly obvious.

Nian Junting sighed softly. "When the New Year, Yan Su returned to Jiangxi to celebrate the New Year. Your brother brought so many Jiangxi specialty products back. You have to say what Hunan and Hubei are."

Lausanne: "..."

She has never been to Jiangxi. How did she know what special products are in Jiangxi?

Tenth more. Ten changes for the time being, come over after dinner and change, I want to eat too. Alas. Remember to send a monthly pass, see how hard I work

(End of this chapter)

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