Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1568: Tell Manda to go or not

Chapter 1568: Call Manda Anywhere

After wandering the pier, Nian Xi went to the night market again.

Said it was a night market, but in fact it was at the sunset in Samoa, because it was very dark here.

At night, there were so many people, Jiang Yining did n’t agree with it. “Xi Xi, let ’s go back to the hotel. After all, Manda has n’t caught it. This is a place she ’s familiar with, and I ’m not too familiar with it. Not domestically, many foreigners come here every day to be stolen and robbed. "

Nian Xi smiled disapprovingly, "That's because they don't know my skills."

Jiang Yanning frowned, feeling that Nian Xi was too arrogant to say this sentence. "What about Manda, based on my understanding of her, she will definitely not give up. Although the police here are also cooperating with Feng Jichuan, but In fact, they don't catch people with much care. This place is too remote. Many people have emigrated to other countries. "

"That's just right, telling Manda to go back or not," Nian Xizhen laughed. "And Manda didn't know me, why did you come to me? I didn't move in front of her when I acted."

"But she knows me, and she certainly knows I'm undercover," Jiang Mining mumbled.

"Are you afraid?" Nian Xi casually picked up a big mango on the side of the road.

Jiang Yanning was stunned for a long time and was speechless.

Could he say that he was scared, and finally reunited with her, he hadn't married his wife yet, and he didn't want to die early.

"Xi Xi, listen to me," Jiang Yanning said.

Nian Xi ignored him, but asked his boss how much a mango cost, and then paid for two big mangoes.


The two kept strolling until 10:30 in the night to go home slowly.

Nian Xi walked slowly while eating a pineapple. "Sunning, the pineapple here is really sweet. Would you like a bite?"

"Xi Xi, eat less, pineapples get angry, and you still hurt," Jiang Mining felt like an old mother.

"It doesn't matter if you eat a little bit," Nian Xi smiled suddenly, Jiang Yanning didn't respond, and the man was pushed behind a car parked on the side of the road.

"Hurry up," Nian Xi pressed his head, and then, where the two were standing, there were several "bangs".

Jiang Yanning looked at the place where he was standing, and the trees next to him were penetrated by bullets.

Immediately afterwards, the glass of the car that the two were leaning on also shattered, and the glass fell down. Jiang Mining subconsciously protected Nian Xi's body underneath to prevent the glass from hurting her.

Nian Xi stunned fiercely, probably the first time he encountered such a dangerous situation and a man was protecting her.

She sighed deeply and pulled Jiang Yanning apart.

"Xi Xi, don't move around," Jiang Yanning frowned, his tone never sharper.

"Since Manda is here, can I still let her escape," Nian Xi pushed him away and leaned to the side of the car. She saw Manda with her two subordinates sitting in an old van. , Keep attacking here.

She closed her eyes and meditated for a few seconds, and drove qiang quickly to blow up the two tires of the van.

Manda in the car was taken aback. Unexpectedly, the car was still moving. The policewoman could explode accurately, and she was desperate to death.

"Miss, the car won't drive," one of her subordinates said in a hurry. "Let's go first. There is a lot of noise here. There is no need to rush to revenge."

"What do you know, I must kill Jiang Yongning and this woman, haven't you seen how close the two of them are?" Manda was already furious.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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