Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1583: How did the simple dogs used to be like this now?

Chapter 1583 How Many Simple Puppy Dogs Have Been Like This Now

"Why," Nian Xi turned her head and saw Jiang Yanning squinting in her pajamas' eyes, and Liu Hai's forehead was slightly messy covering her forehead.

"Sleep again," Jiang Yanning sticked up like a puppy, his nose dangled in her clothes, his T-shirt was full of scent she was familiar with all night.

"I'm not sleeping," Nian Xi shook her head decisively and let herself out of the beauty. "On your first day at your house, you can sleep until three shots in the sun. What do your parents think, and they may be waiting for us to make breakfast. "

"I don't care," Jiang Mining couldn't hear anything in his head right now, he just felt sorry last night.

The eyes were not bewildered for a while, the contention was big, bright, there was a hint of expectation inside, and the cheeks were slightly red.

Nian Xi is speechless, you don't care, do I care?

But look at him ...

She smiled. "You wouldn't ... think ..."

After waiting for her to finish, Jiang Yanning lowered her head, but the mosquito-like "um" sound overflowed, "It's been a long time."

Nian Xi was tickled by his adorable appearance. It was rare that he was so active, but it was not good to go out until nine o'clock.

After tangling for a long time, she finally had no choice but to take his face and kiss him.

Jiang Yanning was so happy that when she wanted to go one step further, Nian Xi said intently: "It hasn't been a long time. Didn't you just come when you met, you have survived for three years, so why bother? You do n’t care about these things. ”

Jiang Yanning was dumbfounded, it was like the flesh of the mouth suddenly flew, "I ... I don't ..."

"Yeah, you didn't," Nian Xi sighed, and let go of him to get out of bed to change clothes.

"Xi Xi ..." Jiang Yanning followed in a sullen mood. "Yes, but after you opened the door and let me see the vast world, I have let myself go."

At the foot of Nian Xi's feet, he almost hit the locker room door.

Her helpless hips, really, how many simple puppies had become like this now, and she was about to speak, and she heard the sound of intermittent sound outside the living room suddenly.

Sure enough, not only did some people in the Jiang family get up, they seemed to be coming.

But the man in front of him seemed to be unaware, and she had to remind him, "It seems that guests are coming from your house."

"Oh, but it's my fart."

A man is not interested in anything except Nian Xi in front of him.


Nian Xi rubbed her eyebrows, "It should be some relatives in your family. After all, you have been missing for so long. Friends and relatives know that you are back. It is normal to see you. Did n’t your mother say it last night, your aunts and aunts? They all care about you. "

"Oh, yes, I don't listen much," Jiang Yanning looked blank.

Nian Xiren was intolerable. "How on earth have you been undercover these years, playing pigs and eating tigers?"

"Cheer up," Jiang Yanning tells the truth. "Those are no way. In order to be able to come back early, I am tired every day. I have never been tired. I still like my previous life."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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