Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1592: Your uncle is not an ordinary person

Chapter 1592 Your Uncle Is Not An Ordinary Person

Nian Xi quickly took out the gift and gave it to her, and then said earnestly, "This is from your uncle."

Little Apple's Captain America's helmet only showed a pair of big doubtful eyes. "When did I have an uncle, when did you have a husband?"

Nian Xi was unhappy when she heard it. "Did I tell you before? I have a boyfriend long ago. Although I haven't got married yet, it's a matter of time to become your uncle. It's just because of something. Didn't come back abroad, this time I'm finally coming back. "

Little Apple simply crooked her head in confusion, "Isn't that because you did n’t have a boyfriend on purpose to find an excuse to fool me, just like my dad said he would sell me every time, and said I picked it up? In fact, I know that adults just like to lie to children. "


Nian Xi and Nian Junting twitched at the same time.

Nian Xi was very depressed. "Little apple, you didn't say that before. You said, believe me, and wait for your uncle to come back."

Little Apple sighed, "Our teacher tells a lot when he tells lies, aunt, don't deceive yourself because you didn't marry, rest assured, even if you can't marry in this life, wait for you to grow old, I will take care of you. "

Nian Xi felt powerless for a while, and now the little ghosts are all the same as Cheng Jing. "No, I do have a boyfriend. I didn't lie. Your uncle is now in Beijing and will come to me in a few days. By then I will Show you, you can ask your father or your mother if you do n’t believe me. "

Little Apple looked up at the average young man who nodded his head.

Little Apple just believed it.

Nian Xi took Apple's hand out and said proudly while walking, "I told you, your uncle is not an ordinary person, and he is handsome next. These are not important. What is important is that he is a scientist ... .... "

"Really ..." Before the words were over, Little Apple was jumping for joy, "My uncle is so powerful?"

Scientists in the children's world are the magical characters seen in books. Too few and too few people see them in real life. Everyone wants to be a scientist, but it is difficult to reach the sky.

"Very powerful," Nian Xi nodded. "The watch you wore was sent by your uncle. When he comes back, I will let you study a more powerful one."

"It's awesome," Little Apple was excited. "Then he can transform my body and make me a super soldier, Captain America."

He finished waving his shield.

Nian Xi was stunned. "Uh ... your uncle is a physicist and astronomer. He is not good at reforming the body."

And if he would really be the first to reform her policewoman.

"This way ..." Little Apple thought for a moment, "Then ... transform me into Iron Man, can you help me get armor like Iron Man, don't worry, I won't hurt humans , I will try to save humanity. "


Nian Xi stroked his forehead. "That kind of superhero only exists in science fiction movies, that's impossible."

Little Apple Wuliang's eyes fell lonely all of a sudden, "Isn't my uncle great?"

Nian Xi is just about to cry without tears. Can anyone of your kind do it?

Junting Ting hit the apple helmet with an impolite punch. "You still want to be a superhero in your physique. The real superhero depends on his own physique. Look at Ye Wen and look at Huo Yuanjia Instead of always thinking about what is there. "

Younger brother

(End of this chapter)

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