Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1661: I can't accompany this meal

Chapter 1661: I Can't Accompany This Meal

Which pot he doesn't open?

An Lan is depressed. Although he has made a lot of money over the years, he has also made some investments. There are too many places to spend money. Even with such a large law firm, money is used everywhere.

Especially after that happened, the office now has fewer and fewer cases.

She went to France again and spent a lot of money on buying and buying, as well as the mortgage of several houses to be repaid ...

"Do you know that?" Half-anchor An Lan cast a complex look in the mood, "I heard that Chen Juanqi's case was negotiated in private later?"


The case has passed, and Xu Bohan did not hide it. "The second trial was lost. The Chen family really had no money. In addition, the Chen Liang family really had no money. They lost some money and conceded. Lin Hao could go to jail for one year. "

An Lan laughed when she heard it, sneer sarcastically.

Before that, Chen Liang cried out crying for justice for her daughter. In fact, it was just the same. In the end, you can sell your daughter for more money.

And she, notorious for being scolded everywhere by Chen Liang, didn't know how to describe such a person.

Xu Bohan looked at her eyebrows and said calmly, "What are you angry at because Lin Hao didn't get enough punishment, or Chen Liang flinched with money. Now the media has changed his pen, before scolding Lin Hao, now run over and scold you. "

An Lan had to admit that Xu Bohan's words were sharp, but she didn't want to be so easily poked by him in his heart wound. "I don't blame anyone. I only blame myself. The case was taken by me, and the road was chosen by me. Of the people our lawyers usually contact, I haven't seen anyone of any character. "

"Really," Xu Bohan stared at her for a moment, "You don't mind, but in fact there is a fire in your heart, but you have this self-knowledge is good, indeed you should only blame you Yourself. "

An Lan's chest was undulating. She had never seen such an annoying man.

Xu Bohan still said sharply, "And the reason why you will take this case is because of your own selfishness. The case of Chen Liang has received a lot of attention from the beginning. You want to regain your reputation through this case. It's like Xu Zhengxuan's case was reversed. "

An Lan was blushing and red-faced, annoyed, "Yes, that's what I do. Our lawyers want fame in this industry. Where can we make money without fame?"

"It's not as good as Xu Zhengxuan's case every time," Xu Bohan continued. "That time was because of the help of the annual average Ting, plus Yi Jingxi surrendered, otherwise you won't be so easy. Overturn. "

"You say it again, I can't accompany this meal," An Lan became furious.

Xu Bohan tightened his thin lips and looked away.

After about a minute of quiet, An Lan drank two cups of tea again, and he suddenly spoke coldly again, "Don't make yourself so bad, if it's for money, you won't scold me like that in the toilet, you It ’s just that you are too deep, and you put too much emotion into the case. You think you are fighting for justice. Actually, it ’s not. It ’s difficult to distinguish who is right and who is rebellious in court. You can Are you assured that every case you do is justice for the victim? "

An Lan was irritable. The first few sentences felt that this person was comforting her, and later she felt like she was sarcastic, "I can't."

Fourth more. Tomorrow continues. . Law is an inscrutable problem. This is the first time I have written a subject that is close to realism, and it hurts my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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