Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1703: Is Xu Bohan really such a mean person?

Chapter 1703: Xu Bohan Is Really Stern?

At the end of the song, Xu Bohan put down the microphone and everyone applauded.

An Lan also applauded.

At this time, Yun Tian came over and said, "An Lan, Cao Meng, if you want to play undercover together, just play with some of our women. They are not called men. They are too cunning."

"Okay," Cao Meng just happened to find it boring to play with a sieve and drink, and Xuejie invited him, and he didn't refuse too much.

An Lan also agreed that she had been playing undercover with friends before, and she was all interested in acting.

In the end, there were seven women who decided to play undercover. Everyone got together and introduced each other. It happened that Xu Bohan finished singing, and everyone listened a little bit, and did n’t know which school sister said, "Listen to Xu Bo Cold singing is really a visual and auditory treat. "

Yun Tian laughed and dragged the crowd into a small room. After sending a word to no one, he laughed: "But he is afraid that no woman is willing to marry him."

Cao Meng wondered: "What conditions?"

Another older school sister laughed and said nothing.

"Say it," Liu Qinmin couldn't help asking because he knew the reasons An Lan and Xu Bohan were familiar with.

Yun Tian shrugged. "It was during the previous meal that Xu Bohan personally stated his mate selection conditions. There was no gift for marrying him. The house was out of the house and the wine was up to three stars. After the marriage, the job was handed over to the man.

An Lan staggered, not only her, but everyone looked strange.

"It's unlikely, such harsh conditions," Cao Meng was not convinced first. "Did you say it on purpose?"

"I don't know, but I heard that he didn't have a fiancee before. Later, he was about to get married. The other party suddenly didn't want to marry him," Yun Tian said haltingly.

The older school sister was surprised, "Is there such a thing, then maybe it's true, a few women will agree to this condition."

"Forget it, don't mention him, let's play the game," Yun Tian glanced at An Lan calmly and said, "Everyone remember to protect the words in your hands, don't be seen by others."

An Lan bowed his head, but wondered in his heart what Xu Bohan really had to choose a spouse?

Apart from knowing that he put it in the decoration, the rest of her really didn't know much.

Is Xu Bohan generous?

I didn't think it was necessary for her to have a drink with her blind date.

It is not so much to say that it is cheap. Although I have to invite him to dinner every time, he eats a home-made restaurant and the price is not expensive.

In short, not sure.

But if it's true ...

An Lan shivered, and even if he really thought about himself, she wouldn't think about it.

It's just a pity that such a man with a good show career can have no way to find a girlfriend in this life.


At about eleven o'clock, after Anlan drank three bottles of beer, the phone rang again. Yan Wen called. I don't know why she called herself so late.

She went out with her mobile phone and found a quiet place. "Attorney An, didn't you give me a bunch of case materials for me to see, I have a place where I don't understand and want to ask you, don't bother."

An Lan smiled, "Don't sleep so late, you work hard, OK, you ask."

Yan Wen asked a criminal case, and An Lan spent five minutes answering her doubts.

Hanging up, just turning around, Chen Ke walked in front of her, his face flushed and drunk, and his eyes were very unfriendly.

Second more.

Xu Bohan: Let me out soon, I want to save the beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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