Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1742: If there's something I bump into, you're done

Chapter 1742: If I Have Something To Meet

An Lan subconsciously tightened the collar around his neck.

She felt that if he kissed him at this time, she would definitely not escape.

But she soon noticed that after the blackened pupils had solidified for a while, they slowly began to clear and calm.

He asked again with a low-pitched voice: "Say it again."

An Lan also calmed down quickly, thinking what he was thinking, he felt nervous that he might kiss himself, "I said that you let me down. There is still an hour ahead, especially the last half hour, all of which are steep slopes and stairs. "

"So I have to hold you for the last half an hour, so that you can save your strength," Xu Bohan said and hugged her.

An Lan drew a breath. "When it's not stubborn, it's overwhelming."

"An Lan, don't look at me often in the office, but I am very physically fit, and I insist on running in the morning for ten years," Xu Bohan explained in a low voice.

An Lan's eyes widened slightly, making her insist that she couldn't do a morning run. "How can you do that."

Xu Bohan heard a faint smile appearing in the eyes as deep as the sea. "As a judge, in fact, the work pressure is very high, and sometimes I have to combine sports to maintain a good body and mind while working. I don't want to have only There is no healthy body at work. "

An Lan suddenly felt a little admired by him. Thinking about the fact that he used to stay up all night to earn money in the past. Sometimes he flew to several cities a day. In fact, it was very tiring and hurt him. All he wanted was to find a bed to rest. In fact, it may become older gradually in the future, and the sequelae left by young people will come out.

"Of course, there is another reason," Xu Bohan suddenly became meaningful. "I lack a person to accompany me to sleep, and for me, there is no one in my big bed that is worthy of my love. "


This question is a bit offset thinking about the color.

An Lan ears are hot.

Pretending not to hear, saying, "Since you are so powerful, you are bothered, if you have something to bump into, you are finished."

An Lan simply closed her eyes after speaking, not looking at him or communicating with him.

Xu Bohan watched her sleep and smiled, then looked forward and stepped firmly every step.

Everyone thought that he could only hold on for a while, but he did not expect that he was holding An Lan in his hands and walking on the mountain road for half an hour.

Even some unconvinced male compatriots had to lament his physical strength.

An Lan remembered what Yan Wen had said on the bed before. Now it should be good to think about it.

But it's good or not.

Unconsciously, her mind was hot.

Until Xu Bohan's steps stopped in front of the stairs, he whispered to her, "An Lan, the stone ladder in front is too steep. It's not safe for me to hold you up like this, you have to climb it yourself."

An Lan opened her eyes, and Xu Bohan put her down, and pulled her clothes along.

Holding her for so long, he Qingjun's cheeks turned red, and there was sweat on his forehead and nose, but there was no sweaty smell on his body.

Although he took the initiative to hug himself, An Lan was still embarrassed. "You can drink some water. Would you like to take a break here and have some fruit?"

"Go to rest a little above," Xu Bohan said suddenly, "I just saw that there is something selling in the gazebo resting above, don't you dislike eating what I bring, then see if there is anything like this Fresh fruits grown by farmers nearby. "

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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