Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1774: Song Yitong

Chapter 1774: Teacher Song's Daughter, Song Yitong

Xu Bohan held his hand in the teacup for a moment, then looked up, and said in a faint tone: "No speculation."

Song Ruixue shook his head helplessly, "Anyway, it's always your dad."

"Don't talk about him," Xu Bohan suddenly looked up and smiled. "It's him who wants to sever the father-son relationship with me. What's more interesting?"

Song Ruixue shouted: "I'm not good for you. There are people like your uncle on the side. Be careful that your dad finds a stepmother for you. Don't be afraid. The money will be cheap for others."

"It's not my money, I won't miss it," Xu Bohan always said in a light-hearted tone. "I prefer to rely on myself, and I'm fine now. I have a house, a car, a girlfriend and a job. There is also a stable deposit. If there is any dissatisfaction, one needs to know how to be content. "

An Lan thought silently that she might not know how to be content.

However, after listening to the conversation between these two people, it seems that Xu Bohan still has so much money at home.

She didn't care much about it. She had more money in her pocket than the other half.

At half past seven, there was a car sound outside.

Immediately after the "heel" high heels rang, a woman came in, short hair, wearing jeans and pink leather, and glasses.

An Lan thought to himself that he had made an intellectual dress today, but looking at others like this is really the intellectuality from the bottom of his heart, and he still looks a bit shoddy.

"Isn't it socializing, I thought you would come back late," Mrs. Song said with a smile.

Song Yitong glanced at Xu Bohan, his eyes fell on An Lan, his eyes flashed with surprise, "Don't you say that Lord Xu will come today? Why, you haven't seen him for half a year, and the judge even found a girlfriend?"

"Well," Xu Bohan turned his head and An Lan introduced, "This is Song Yitong, teacher Song's daughter."

"Hello, this is An Lan," An Lan stood up and shook hands with Song Yitong. She thought Song Yitong might be her rival. After all, she and Xu Bohan were classmates, but from the eyes of Song Yitong Here she felt that she might think too much.

"You ... Did you know each other?" Song Yitong's eyes were a little complicated.

An Lan and Xu Bohan were silent at the same time, strictly speaking.

"Miss Song is amazing," An Lan smiled slightly.

"Bao Han, you are the oldest, and it's time to get married," Song Yitong said suddenly with emotion, "If she doesn't get married, my daughter will go to kindergarten."

"Miss Song is married?" An Lan raised an eyebrow.

Song Ruixue laughed, "She is older than you. If she isn't married, my mother and I may be dying."

"My husband recently went to study abroad. I live at home temporarily, and the child puts my mother-in-law," Song Yitong said with a smile, "Miss An did something."


An Lan opened his mouth slightly and staggered, and said halfway, "I want to introduce to you what people you know about blind dates."

"Thin," Xu Bohan said slightly, "but I don't think it's any bad."

Song Yitong's gaze stayed on his face for a while, and nodded, "Did you meet your old classmate at the 70th anniversary of Fazheng University last time?"

"I encountered a source of punishment."

The two talked for more than 20 minutes. Speaking of the development of the old classmates, and then the working conditions of each other, An Lan sat on the side feeling that it was as simple as two old friends who have n’t seen each other for a long time, but she did n’t think Boring, after all, being able to sit with Song Ruixue's predecessors, even if they just breathe the air in the same space, it seems as if they are immortal.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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