Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1776: I overestimate myself and underestimate the care I have for you

Chapter 1776: I Overestimate Myself And Underestimate My Care About You

"Talked about some disappointment," Xu Bohan frowned slightly.

An Lan nodded, without asking, if he wanted to say he would say naturally, she is not the kind of woman who breaks the casserole and asks to the end, everyone should have their own privacy.

"That Miss Song looked weird to me," An Lan suddenly smiled, jokingly, "she secretly loved you when she was not young."

"How is it possible?" Xu Bohan drew his lips. "She was a tomboy while she was studying. If it weren't for Teacher Song, I wouldn't be familiar with her."


"I didn't make any friends at that time," Xu Bohan answered truthfully. "My classmates at the university were quite boring. Everyone liked to play. They talked about women or where to play. boring."

"You are boring to talk about women," An Lanyi glanced at him.

Xu Bohan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Did you like to talk about men with friends when you were at university?"

An Lan: "..."

Why do you feel like you've dug a hole in yourself.

"No way," An Lan resumed earnestly in a second. "I was studying with all my heart. You can see that I can be sent abroad to study abroad. You can see how good my grades are, especially in my sophomore year. "

Xu Bohan didn't say a word, but freed up a hand to reach her, held her, and squeezed gently on the back of her hand.

This is still the most intimate action between the two, but it is an inexplicable ambiguity.

An Lan held his face back and pinched on the back of his hand. "Drive carefully, Lord."

Xu Bohan's heart was crisped by her pinch.

Withdrawing his hands and putting them on the steering wheel, he suddenly said, "I have a toothache."

An Lan was inexplicable. After a while, he vomited, "During the dinner, the ribs were broken by you. Who made you bite so hard can you not have a toothache."

"I'm not comfortable," Xu Bohan looked at her complexly. "I was sickened by the WeChat He Mingqian sent you."


In fact, An Lan herself thought it was disgusting, and then remembered that she was a little touched at the time, as if she was eating shit.

"It turns out that you like that kind of tune," Xu Bohan said with a sour tone.

"Okay, don't mention it," An Lan said, blushing blushingly. "Don't you say that the private affairs are separate from the case?"

"I overestimated myself and underestimated my concern for you," Xu Bohan said silently.

An Lan quietly throbbed in her heart, lowered her head, and lowered her head to silence, revealing only a half of red ears.

Xu Bohan's eyes glanced deep.

For about an hour, the car stopped at the gate of Anlan Community.

An Lan took a deep breath. "Thank you today, I will contact the witness as soon as possible."

"Well," Xu Bohan stared at her.

"Also, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't see Teacher Song," An Lan was very excited about the incident.

"It will be common in the future," Xu Bohan leaned over.

An Lan thought he still unfastened his seat belt as before, holding his breath.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly lowered his head and kissed her with his lips.

The air in the car suddenly became thin.

An Lan's eyes widened, and she felt her heart pop out of her throat.

This happened too suddenly.

Looking at each other, Xu Bohan had only her eyes in her eyes, and her eyelashes were like long feathers, brushing her eyelids.

"You ..." She was in flames.

Fourth more. Very pure. It should be okay, it made me very embarrassed. It will be updated tomorrow afternoon. No time in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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