Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1799: Can't hide me all the time, I will feel insecure

Chapter 1799: Can't Always Hide Me, I'll Be Insecure

"Can you bring your family," Xu Bohan said suddenly.

An Lan raised his tea cup in surprise, "Would you like this occasion?"

Although she has been dating for a long time, she knows that he does not like to participate in the banquet of the unit.

"I don't like it, but what kind of blind date or birthday banquet is the easiest to be a rival, I must pay close attention to you," Xu Bohan said lowly, "An Lan, you should take me out to meet people, not always I hid, I would feel insecure ... "

"Well ..." An Lan sipped the tea directly.

For a long time she eased her cough and flushed.

"Are you okay," Xu Bohan asked. "Don't be stingy, stinging is not easy for me to find a girlfriend."

An Lan gritted her teeth and couldn't help crying. "Can you speak so disgustingly, a big man is not safe."

"I mean it," Xu Bohan said in a serious tone. "I was already busy with my work. I can spend little time with you. I want to know you better."

"Okay, I'll put your family on tomorrow," An Lan said with a smile, "Come and pick me up tomorrow morning."


An Lan rested the next day, and it was a rare night's sleep. When he was still in bed, the doorbell rang outside.

She opened the door and saw Xu Bohan's face speechless. "Please, it's nine o'clock now. Why are you here so early?"

"Is it early? I usually get up at seven, and I've been bored at home for an hour before I came to you."

Xu Bohan said as she looked at her dark pink velvet pajamas, her hair a little messy and draped over her shoulders. This color lined her skin, and she was full of temptation in sexy, "You haven't got up yet?"

"Well, it's a rare break. I must be lazy," An Lan yawned. "So you don't usually find a girlfriend. How boring it is to rest at home."

"Fortunately, I watch TV for a while without a girlfriend, and play with my colleagues. It's okay. After I have you, I want to give you all the rest time," Xu Bohan bowed her lips.

"I didn't brush my teeth," An Lan turned and dodged. "Wait for me outside, I'll sort myself out."

"It looks good without finishing," Xu Bohan blurted out.

An Lan blushed his eyes, "Eating honey early in the morning."

"I just wanted to eat, but I didn't eat," Xu Bohan was serious.

An Lan remembered the kiss just now, her face was hot and couldn't go on, "Wait for me."


Xu Bohan sat on the sofa, thinking that the words "wait for me" could be so nice, especially the soft tone, which made him really want to move the Civil Affairs Bureau over to get married.

After sitting for a while, Xu Bohan took out the breakfast he bought, packed the plates, and then turned to the bathroom.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a basket next to the washing machine, where Anlan's underwear was resting.

His ears turned red, he took them out and washed them with his hands.

After finishing her grooming, An Lan found out that he was not in the living room. He had probably gone to the bathroom.

When she first picked up a cup of soy milk on the table, she suddenly remembered that she was too lazy to come back last night. She was lazy after taking a shower and did not wash her underwear.

It's over, it's going to be seen by him, and whether he feels that he's lazy.


When An Lan rushed into the bathroom quickly, the moment she broke in, she almost wanted to dig her eyes.

Xu Bohan was also frightened and quickly buckled his belt. His cold face turned from inside to outside, and he gritted his teeth.

Fourth more. Tomorrow continues. .

(End of this chapter)

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