Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1824: Makes him look like he has become his wife

Chapter 1824 Makes Himself Become His Wife


Xu Bohan's pale face was stiff after hearing it.

Is she comforting him or laughing at him?

Colleagues in the ward almost laughed out loud, but they all endured. Everyone was very happy to see Xu Bohan's appearance. After all, it was not good for him to see his high temperature.

"You are not leaving yet," Leng Buding, Xu Bo's cold and indifferent eyes glanced at colleagues, "a lot of people, disturb me as a patient, haven't you heard the doctor say, I want to rest, and other units My colleagues don't have to come to see me. "

This is the red fruit of the red fruit.

An Lan was embarrassed by his inhumane way. "Don't get me wrong, he may be in a bad mood just after being injured, and at this point, his family will worry about it before he returns."

"We understand," said Mr. Zhao with a smile. "It's not clear what kind of person he is for many years. Then we leave first, Mr. An, and we will give it to you, Judge Xu."

The dean also explained cheerfully, "It takes a lot of care to eat something and get him back to work as soon as possible. We need him."

An Lan: "..."

Why suddenly it took her to take care of her during this time, and she even packed her meals, making herself seem to have become his wife.

"Attorney An, then I'm gone too," Su Run handed a pile of test sheets to her, lamenting, "It's good for the leader to have a girlfriend, and I can save a lot of things, oh, yes, if If you are missing something, you can call me and I can deliver it in the middle of the night. If it's okay, then I may come tomorrow at noon. That kind of thing happens today and there is a lot of follow-up work to be done. "

An Lan nodded and asked them to go out, and asked, "How is Zhao Gui now, are you in control?"

"How to control," said Su Run angrily. "When the guy saw Chief Xu falling downstairs, everyone was frightened, and did not know whether it was intentional or accidental, and twisted his leg. No choice but to be sent to the hospital all the way, this is in the emergency room, the police are watching him. "

"Is it in the emergency room," An Lan suddenly confirmed repeatedly.

Su Run was inexplicably frightened, "You're not going to trouble him."

"Why can't I trouble him," An Lan smiled. "Xu Bohan didn't marry me. I'm his girlfriend now. Why am I going to find him in the name of my girlfriend?"

Su Run was anxious as soon as he heard, "Mr. An, don't go alone. Zhao Gui has two brothers, both of them. At that time, when the presiding judge Xu approached Zhao Gui, he was almost successful. Otherwise, it was Zhao Gui's second brother. As a reminder below, Zhao Gui will not find out, nor will he fall from behind. "

An Lan sneered, "Is it entirely possible to say that they are making trouble on purpose?"

"The trouble is trouble, but people committed suicide. At that time, the judge did not insult the judge, nor did our people have questioned Brother Zhao Gui on the spot, but they said that they saw someone close to their brother, and they were afraid of him. "It reminded me," Su Run sighed. "You can't cure any crime, and you can be detained for a few days at most."

"This group of people is quite organized," An Lan said, "I have dealt with this kind of people before. They have not received any education. They are village tyrants. They are more impulsive and irrational. Was the lawyer Zhao Gui hired to support him? "

First more

(End of this chapter)

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