Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1901: As a big man, it seems to be arrogant recently

Chapter 1901 As A Big Man, It seems To Be Maniac Recently

Xu Bohan's brain was so hot that he opened her door and entered the room.


After He Mingqian's lawsuit ended, both of them were on track. An Lan was busy approaching the legal work of the new company opened by Xuan Chenglang in Xiacheng. Xuan Yuanlang did not come, but the new company's preliminary work was complicated. I am very busy and have to work overtime every day.

Seeing that it is almost the end of the year, Xu Bohan's court work is becoming increasingly busy.

Not only that, but my colleague had to eat and sing on my birthday.

In KTV, the birthday of Judge Zhao ’s father came with a glass of wine and patted Xu Bohan's shoulders with enthusiasm. “Xiao Xu, I heard that you are looking for a girlfriend. Why did n’t you bring your girlfriend today?”


Mentioning his girlfriend, Xu Bohan evoked a faint smile.

"Since the girlfriend didn't come, take two drinks with your uncle," said Judge Zhao's father cheerfully. "It's all night, anyway, don't work."

Xu Bohan shook his head and refused, "I drove the car."

"It's okay, look for a driver," Father Zhao is an old drunkard, grabbing Xu Bohan and pouring him some liquor.

Judge Zhao on the side laughed, "Dad, don't get drunk. If he goes back drunk, beware of his girlfriend coming to trouble me. Now who in our court doesn't know his girlfriend is not easy to mess with, eh Alas, Bo Han, or you are blessed. I knew I should have found a lawyer wife. "

"You regret marrying me now, don't you?" Mrs. Zhao rolled her ears politely.

"Wife, I'm joking," Judge Zhao cried and begged for mercy.

Xu Bohan smiled slightly.

In the end, he was filled with a lot of liquor by his father, and it was hard to find an excuse to leave at 10.40. He called An Lan with a soft tone, "I'm drunk ..."

"Then do you know who I am," An Lan asked.

Xu Bohan lifted his lips and said dumbly, "My wife."

"It looks really drunk," An Lan chuckled. "Don't drive, take a taxi back."

Xu Bohan said with a smile, "At this time you shouldn't say that I should wait in place, should you drive over to pick me up right away."

"Judge Xu, you have been spoiled by me recently," An Lan smiled angrily. "Should such a woman say this well?"

"A man is also a person, and there are times when he is vulnerable," Xu Bohan said without flushing his heart.

"I think you're very strong," An Lan said politely. "Isn't it just drunk? Haven't you been drunk with me before? How can you go back now and go back now, don't be arrogant . "

Xu Bohan was stunned, and for a long time he said helplessly, "We haven't been together for two days."

"I'm still busy," An Lan said. "This is going to open soon, and there are some rules and regulations that are not perfect. I have to help you. Go to bed early."

"You ... aren't with Xuan Yuanlang," Xu Bohan asked.

"No one else has come to Xiacheng. Will everyone be able to do everything," An Lan smiled angrily.


Hanging up the phone, Xu Bohan took a taxi back to his home.

On the way, the stomach suddenly felt a little painful.

Maybe I drank too much before.

He held his cell phone and tried to call An Lan, but finally held back.

It's just that this thought made his mouth helplessly twitched. As a big man, it seems to be arrogant.

He still couldn't make himself as sensible as the average annual Ting.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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