Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 278: The first time I went away, I silently hid a box of TT in my bag

Chapter 278 The first time I went away I hid a box of TT in my bag silently

"Don't go yet, aren't we at eleven o'clock," Lausanne reminded, feeling tired.

Xiao Qian then started the car.


To the airport, three people walked through the VIP.

When passing the security check, the staff asked to open Lausanne's bag for inspection. Fortunately, in order to avoid the embarrassment of the security check, she had already rolled up the clothes in a ball and wrapped them in paper bags. Lausanne was stunned.

Standing next to her, her annual average Ting and Xiao want to stop looking at the box of Okamoto.

Xiao Xi shouted with his hands and shook the young average.

Ning Junting ignored her, took Okamoto from the staff and looked at it for a second, and then calmly slipped it back into her bag. When the zipper was closed, her hooked lips looked at her with a meaningful smile.

Lausanne was hot on the soles of his eyes.

She really wondered where the box came from.

By the way, last time Yan Su also asked her if she wanted to bring TT. This morning when she came out of the bathroom, she saw Yan Su coming out of her room. She thought she was borrowing cosmetics. Isn't it ...

"Okay, it's okay, you can go in," the staff glanced at the two with an interest, and pushed the bag over.

Lausanne grabbed the bag and walked in with a red face.

It's embarrassing that she just wants to leave here now.

The three waited twenty minutes in the VIP lounge before boarding the first class.

Annual average Ting and Lausanne sit in a row, Xiao sits behind.

After putting on the seat belt, the average annual Ting turned his face, and his interesting hooked lips, "What does it mean to be thin?"

"Huh?" Lausanne was foggy.

"Pretend, you art colleges like to pretend," Nian Junting pinched her little face with joy, "Fortunately, I know you, I'm shy on the surface, and stuffy inside."

Lausanne had a bad hunch, "What the **** are you talking about?"

"Okamoto," Ning Junting chuckled, "I just saw the word jiji on it. I don't understand. You explain it to me."


Lausanne wanted to cry without tears, she thought he would not mention it, but did not expect ...

"You don't know, how do I know."

"It was you who bought it, you wouldn't know."

Junting Nian was extremely happy, she said vocally that she would not have a relationship with herself if she wasn't married, and it turned out to be a good thing. The first time she went away she hid a box of TT in her bag.

Didn't any pre-marital **** mentioned before be done on purpose to force herself to marry her earlier.

It's true enough to say that she's still young and doesn't want to get married. It's one of the 36 strategies in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

"I didn't buy it, it must be Yan Susai in my bag," Lausanne explained.

"Don't tell me, I understand," Nian Junting smiled and nodded.

Just as he always likes to take Sister Lan out to cook, she also takes Yan Su to cook.

Sure enough, I have been with myself for a long time, and I have slowly learned myself.

"You know, you really understand?" Lausanne looked at him, feeling that his clothes had been stripped of his fiery eyes.

"Well," Nian Junting nodded, "Since you don't want to say, then I use a mobile phone to check the meaning of excitement online."

Lausanne had the heart to die.

You know a fart.

She was annoyed and sent Yan Su a WeChat.

She really couldn't think of it. Yan Su, who seemed so clear and innocent, would secretly buy TT.

Yan Su quickly replied: I discovered it so soon, I just put a box for you, just in case, I don't believe Nian will do nothing this time. "

Twenty more.

Huh, exhausted, staying up late to update to more than one in the morning, too sleepy, the remaining 30,000 words wake up and change. Start at about nine o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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