Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 291: She asked another man to be her husband

Chapter 291: She Called Another Man Husband

"It's not yet married, but isn't this a matter of time? And now the young people on campus like to hang out with their wives and husbands. I wasn't used to it, but my wife has to do this, and I can do nothing.

Junting Ting patted the back of Lausanne's hand very softly, and the gentle eyes could drip water.

Lausanne: "..."

Xiao wantonly vomited.

Although Yi Jingxi knew that the other party was irritating himself, his chest was still tingling and he wanted to kill.

It took more than ten seconds for him to bear it for a while, before he said in a low voice, "It is better to pay attention to the year, lest it will be embarrassing for other girls to get married in the future."

"Indeed, it's like my wife was engaged before Mr. Yi's engagement, but then she didn't get married. It was really embarrassing," Mr. Nian nodded deeply.

Yi Jingxi: "..."

He changed his overlapping legs, afraid he couldn't help but want to hit someone.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Such people are better off not talking to him.

But how can the average annual Ting give up this opportunity.

He didn't forget all the shame he suffered in the hospital last time.

Although it is impossible to destroy Yi Jingxi's work now, it doesn't matter, he can abuse his heart.

For a rich man, there is nothing more interesting than heart abuse.

As a man, he can see that Yi Jingxi still likes Lausanne.

If you do n’t love, why your eyes always show jealousy, and you wo n’t save Lausanne in the diving with no regard for your body. The subsequent worries are also true.

"Well, wife, last time I said I would go on vacation together during the winter vacation.

"Jian Tingjun also put it on Lausanne's shoulder." Go to the seaside, sleep in the water house on the sea, and lie down and watch the stars together. " "

"Okay, husband," Lausanne smiled in cooperation as he watched the scene.

Yi Jingxiqi's heart shrank fiercely.

She had never called him so.

Now she even asked another man to be her husband.

His heart was cut like a sword.

Can't help it anymore, he got up, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Zhong Yi glanced at Lausanne with a hate.

"What are you looking at," Ning Junting struck back, "Are you jealous of my wife's beauty?"

Zhongyi: "..."

"Knowing that you are jealous, I would recommend you to go to the plastic surgery agency invested by our company. I can give you a discount and look at Mr. Yi's face," said Ning Junting.

Zhongyi couldn't say a word.

The dog was silent in my heart.

I have never seen a man with such a poisonous tongue.

"Wife, you and Xiao want to sit for a while, and I suddenly want to go to the bathroom," Nian Junting let go of her hand and stood up.

Lausanne blinked, a little unbelievably.

Is he going to chase Yi Jingxi all the way and go to the toilet?

It's not so practical.

This is what she did.

The fighting ability is too strong.

There is no place for her.


In the men's bathroom, Yi Jingxi washed his face while holding the water.

Slowly pulled out a white ring from his pocket.

This was the day he and Lausanne got engaged when they went to the mall together.

They were so loving at that time, but now, why is he standing beside others with a smile, calling others' husbands.

He always thought that the most painful thing was watching her hate herself but not love.

It turned out not to be.

The most painful thing is that she is with others.

His heart really hurts.

Chapter 35

(End of this chapter)

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