Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 328: Look at Ji Chuan ’s Christmas gift, what gift will you give me

Chapter 328 You See Ji Chuan Gives New Year's Gift to Christmas, What Gift Will You Give Me?

"What's wrong, is Nian Xi's fiance reluctant to change jobs?"

When Lausanne had heard that he wasn't quite right, he got out of the quilt.

Nian Junting looked back at her, and she was not in the same mood. "Lusanne, if you were you, would you marry a soldier? Ji Chuan is not the same as an ordinary soldier. He often performs tasks outside, sometimes Going to a dangerous country. "

"The soldiers like them who defend the country are quite admirable. Aren't there also many soldiers in the world, they are proud of their husband's profession."

Lausanne frowned. "But I don't think I would marry a soldier. I can't stand my husband being away from home all year round. I also don't like separating the two places, but Nian Xi is different. She is a police officer. A character for the nation. "

"Nian Xi didn't really want to be a police officer."

Junting Nian lay beside her. "She has loved Ji Chuan since she was a child, and she ran behind his buttocks. Ji Chuan's parents were also senior military officials. His grandfather and my grandfather were comrades-in-arms, and the two fathers were good brothers. He said that the baby is dear,

For Ji Chuan, Nian Xi, who did not like to be a police officer, ran to the army to train. She thought that Ji Chuan would change her career sooner or later, and resolutely joined the police team. In fact, if she did not really like Ji Chuan, I would not agree with them. It's too bitter to be a soldier ... "

He talked and suddenly felt that the woman around him was exceptionally quiet. He turned to look at her and smiled at him without blinking, "What are you looking at?"

"Jun Ting, although you seem to be very indifferent to Nian Xi, in fact you care about her very much," Lausanne stomped his instep with his toes.

"Nonsense, my sister can only bully me, others can't, just like you, you can only be bullied by me."

Junting Nian took her into her arms. "You see Ji Chuan giving Christmas gifts to New Year, what gift would you give me?"

Lausanne Blackline, "Should I ask you?"

"I will definitely give you your gift, but if I don't ask you, I'm afraid my gift will not fall," said Mr. Nian.

"I won't tell you," Lausanne yawned, buried in his chest. "Sleep, it's late, so sleepy."

"Well, by the way, I started to plan to take you on vacation abroad, but Ji Chuan will be back in the New Year, and we will go after the New Year," added Jun Ting.

"Okay, I follow you."


At eight o'clock the next morning, Lausanne waited for five minutes at the gate of the school before seeing her with her book for class today.

"How about, look at your spring glory, last night should be well moisturized at the Nian family," Yan Su joked with a smile.

Thinking of the hot scene last night, Lausanne now feels hot and hot somewhere when he walks.

"Looking at you, you don't know the news yet," Yan Su laughed. "This morning's Shui Chang and many other men's indecent photos are all posted on the campus network."

Yan Suo said in a flash, Yan Su continued: "Don't look at her like a goddess. She used to go out with many old men in private. I heard that those people are all in the entertainment industry. She probably thought Debut early, but it's ugly like that, she's ruined. "

When Lausanne heard it, he quickly opened the campus network, and Shui Chang and some old men were back-to-back, and some even fed mouth to mouth or sat on their thighs.

It looks ugly.

Ninth more.

The last night will be more, before nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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