Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 337: Do you still care about Master, do you love him so much?

Chapter 337 Do you still care about Master, do you love him so much?

President Nian replied: Can she control me?

Nian Xi: @ 桑桑, come out and manage my brother.

Lausanne looked at it for a while, clicked the reply, typed out a string of words, and thought about deleting it again. He turned off the phone and left it depressed.

She died of depression. He was really chic. He called him all day long. He didn't answer and went to the bar to play. There were so many hot girls here, right?

Let you play enough.

Tomorrow Christmas Eve, Christmas the day after tomorrow, you can go find someone else.

Don't look for her for the rest of your life.


In the bar, Jun Ting kept looking at his mobile phone so that Xiao was panicked and simply said, "Go back."

"Well, okay," Nian Junting stood up, took a few steps, and saw Xiao Xu still sitting in his position looking at him depressedly. "Anything else?"

Xiao wantonly to vomit blood, he just talked about it, "We just stayed for less than half an hour?"

"The circle of friends has all posted, and what are they still doing here," said Junting Ting.


Uncle, who did n’t admit it came just to make friends.

"Don't look at me resentfully, I can accompany you if you encounter this situation in the future," Nian Junting thought, feeling a bit unhappy, and finally added.

Xiao Xi's silent slander: I will not be like you.

Back at the villa, Jun Ting lay down for a while and looked at the mobile phone. There was no Lausanne comment. When he lay down again and looked at the mobile phone, there was no comment.

All night, my cell phone was on the bedside table and didn't sleep well.

In the early morning, Sister Lan came out to make breakfast, and saw the young master sitting in a chair with two dark circles, and froze, "Master, you have insomnia, don't drink coffee this morning."

The average annual Ting murmured "um".

This was not the case before. As long as he sent a WeChat, Lausanne would definitely comment, and he would still interact with him tirelessly.

I didn't call later.

Is she angry?

What's so angry, is it okay to be him?

Could it be that I want to rekindle the old feelings of Yi Jingxi.

So she's blind again?

Really headache, there is a woman who always has blind eyes.

"Sister Lan, give me your phone," he called Sister Lan.

Sister Lan was hesitant, and hesitated to hand over her cell phone. "Master, what are you doing, my cell phone is just over a thousand, which is not as expensive as yours."

"I took your mobile phone and sent a few WeChat messages to Lausanne. Don't say I used your mobile phone," said Ning Jun Ting, and then opened her sister WeChat, but she was a bit speechless when she saw her WeChat name.

A pretty flower.

It's really ...

Sister Lan suddenly realized that the young master had a quarrel with his girlfriend.

Really, use yourself again.

Jun Ting looked down to find Lausanne's WeChat and sent a message in the past: Sang Sang, have you quarreled with Master?

Three minutes later, Lausanne replied: What's wrong?

A pretty flower: Nothing. Seeing the young master is not in a good mood, so ask.

Lausanne: A bit of a dispute.

A pretty flower: The young man is very good, and he will not lose his temper for no reason. Is it something you did to sorry for him?

Lausanne: Sister Lan, don't you know that I am human, what can I do to be sorry for him.

A pretty flower: I saw the young man's hand was injured, and at first glance it was bitten by someone, and he bleed a lot of blood ...

Lausanne: Did you help him with the medicine? I bit it, but I'm not angry with him yet.

A pretty flower: Sang Sang, do you still care about the young master, do you love him?

(End of this chapter)

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