Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 340: You are not loyal

Chapter 340: You Are Unfaithful

Moving forward, Lausanne turned around.

She had a touch of light makeup on her face and her favorite cherry powder on her lips.

"What do you do in such a beautiful dress? Why do you want to easily confuse me with beauty and let me forgive you? I tell you, I'm not superficial," as soon as Nian Junting met, he opened his mouth wildly.

As soon as Lausanne's lips were open, he was blocked by his words.

My heart is funny and angry.

He laughed because he was still bragging about his beauty.

OK, don't hesitate to dress up in shock, but his high-pitched tone is still so arrogant, and he has no idea of ​​knowing anything wrong.

"If you can't speak well, I'll go now," Lausanne turned his head and walked down the steps.

Before two steps, Jun Ting held her shoulder and forced her to turn around. "Is it because I do n’t speak well, or because Yi Jingxi is willing to post it upside down, so I have no patience with me, you still bite me , My bitten hands are almost gone. "

He raised his injured hand and shook it in front of her.

Two days passed before it became scabby.

He's angry, he's really angry.

Nowhere is he better than Yi Jingxi.

Where does her eyes grow? Why isn't the current eye hospital treating her vision and brain?

Lausanne looked at his hand and felt a little guilty in her heart. She didn't expect that she would make such a heavy mouth that day. It was obviously thick and thick, but she saw no pleasure at seeing him happy at the bar last night.

"I bit you because you're unreasonable and it's easy to deal with Jingxi."

"You know it yourself," Ning Junting sneered at her, "you are not loyal."


Lausanne was a little speechless, "Don't have Christmas Eve, but I'm leaving."

"Yeah, you don't go with me. You want to go with Yi Jingxi."

Nian Junting stared at her with a dark warning, "Xu Luosang, if you drive away today, don't come to me in the future."

Lausanne's heart trembled, and his nose and throat suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, which was particularly uncomfortable. "I haven't figured out what I did wrong until now."

"You and Yi Jingxi ... cuddling in school," Nian Junting gritted his teeth and said, "You let him touch your waist and let him pull your hand, but I also grab you, but you Bit me. "

"When did I hug him," Lausanne said, somehow tired.

Nian Junting threw the photo from her pants pocket angrily. "You look at it yourself, you better give me a reasonable explanation."

Lausanne glanced down and froze, "Who gave it to you?"

"How do I know that someone sent me," she just threw the photo over her face as soon as Nian Junting finished talking.

"Junting, I am so untrustworthy in your heart, others willfully choose some ambiguous photos to send to you, do you believe it."

Lausanne was annoyed, "I tell you, the course of the matter is that I was pushed by Shui Chang a few days ago, when the car came over, Yi Jingxi flung me aside and saved me. This photo was helped by him It looked like my body was sore and painful at the time,

I didn't push away in time. As for the next one, he was holding me and letting me go. I was arguing with him. "

"Really," Jun Ting stunned, "You didn't lie to me?"

"If one day someone else accidentally hits you, and it looks like it is hugging you, can I misunderstand you, too," Lausanne asked in return.

First more.

I wrote 10,000 words yesterday, so tired, I did n’t save it,

Let's write slowly today. Updated before twelve.

(End of this chapter)

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