Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 374: I almost forgot I was a man

Chapter 374: I almost Forgot I Am A Man

Lausanne groaned. "Actually ... your grandmother is not making no sense, you see, this time your company suffered heavy losses ..."

Before he could finish speaking, his body turned hard.

With a big palm tightly hugged her shoulders on both sides, Jun Ting's face was tight. "Don't listen to the old lady talking nonsense."

"No, you don't understand, Yi Jingxi is really distorted," Lausanne bit his lip and didn't tell him about Yi Jingxi's love for her, afraid he would be crazy.

"I know, because he loves you and can't get you, he wants to destroy you," said Jun Ting indifferently.

He understands Yi Jingxi's mood. Maybe it is him. Seeing his beloved woman follow other men, maybe he will do the same crazy thing.

Lausanne froze. "You know him ..."

"If it wasn't because he still loves you and is always pestering you, even if there is resentment in your family, your dad is already in jail, it doesn't make sense," said the young average tinge coldly. , He has no chance at all. "

Lausanne pouted, thinking that even without you, Yi Jingxi wouldn't have a chance.

"Lusanne, you listen, the reason why this thing has fermented is because of Yi Jingxi. Behind him is the media that he is helping with. If no one deliberately speculates on this, you will be safe and sound. This time, I will definitely do my best to clean up Yi Jingxi. "

Nian Junting stared at his eyes solemnly, "I want all his auditing projects to fail, once the funds cannot be pulled back, he will suffer heavy losses, and the shareholders on the other side of the film and television villas will be shaken. When that happens, I will take the opportunity The shares have been acquired, and I want him to have nothing. "

Lausanne was shocked.

Nian Junting then confidently said: "If one day, I will break up with you, unless it is because I no longer love, money or something, I don't care, just as I said to my grandmother before, even if I can do it After you have nothing, you can still make a comeback. Those who can defeat me in this world have not yet appeared. "

Lausanne might have made a joke if someone else said such arrogance, but she could not laugh if she replaced it with an annual average.

Sometimes this guy's self-confidence is not in vain.

"Well, don't think about it, it's too superficial to leave me for something like money, because your man is priceless after all," Ning Junting let go of her shoulder, "I'll take a bath and you're in bed Wait for me, it ’s been a long time since I have forgotten, I almost forget that I am a man. "


Watching him turn into the bathroom, Lausanne flushed instantly.

Well, he has been separated for too long, and he has forgotten how obsessed the guy is with such things.

Surprisingly, he took a long bath this time, only to see him come out of it for half an hour, his beard shaved cleanly, and he restored the delicate facial features of the past, only the bloodshot and dark circles under his eyes. Seeing people distressed.

"I think you should take a break," Lausanne couldn't help but say.

"No, I have to rush to a meeting again at eight tomorrow morning. I don't want to wake you up, so be sure to be affectionate tonight," Nian Junting started taking off his pajamas. "No more intimacy, I'm afraid you will forget my taste and invest The arms of Chi Shengxu. "

Lausanne was speechless. "I'm not your man. I want to cheat."

"Who knows, I've heard people talk at the outside dining table before. Women's desires are very strong, especially for women who have opened their babies. Once they are not full, they can easily be attracted by men outside.

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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