Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 382: I have to make him feel that I am super beautiful

Chapter 382: I Have To Make Him Feel Super Beautiful

Lu Kang waited in the car for fifteen minutes before he saw the average young Ting face coming out of the villa.

He played the drum straight in his heart, and since he was in love together, he has been going out every day.

Could it be because you are three minutes late?

After Nian Junting stretched his face, he asked uneasily, "General manager, what's wrong with you, am I doing something wrong?"

Then Jun Ting glanced at him lightly, saying indifferently, "Last night."

Lu Kang said for a moment, "Did you always buy any stocks last night, but have you always been in the stock market?"

The annual average is huh, "What is the stock market? I did it because you bought the pajamas for Lolo last time. She managed to put it on last night. I was too busy to see it."


Lu Kang's mouth twitched, so much money you smashed into the stock market, and you even said what the stock market was.

However, the mouth still said: "The annual total of the overtime work last night to go back so late should take a good rest, the company's stock is now stable, you do not need to worry about it."

"I'm not in business, I'm in private," Nian Junting frowned anxiously. "Winter vacation will take Lausanne out of the duo's world. I want to find out which sea is more interesting. After checking for a few hours, I feel nothing special. "

Lu Kang: "..."

He really thought his boss was too dedicated. He was already faint.


At two in the afternoon, Nian Xi came to Lausanne and Murong Cheng to go shopping.

On the way, Lausanne drove. Nian Xi sat in the co-pilot and checked his cell phone to see which kind of cosmetics was good.

"Lolo, what do you think of this Diordi lipstick, it is said to be suitable for winter," Nian Xi showed her a photo.

Lausanne took a moment to take a look. "That's right."

"What about Estee Lauder?"

"It's okay," Lausanne said, looking at her tangled, "I bought it all if I like it, but I still have to try it on the spot to know."

"Also, I feel that I have a lot of things to buy today. You must accompany me today until 10 o'clock in the evening to go back," Nian Xi couldn't help getting excited, "Ji Chuan is coming back, I have to dress myself up pretty We haven't seen each other for a year, and I have to give him the feeling that I'm super beautiful right now. "

Lausanne smiled and understood her mood.

I want to show the most beautiful side in front of the person I like.

However, after hearing Junting Ting said that Feng Jichuan would return to the hospital for treatment directly, I was really worried that she would have a leisurely look.

The mall where the three went is the place where Xiacheng buys the most luxury goods. Murong Cheng has been waiting for a while there, a coat of the season, looks mature and capable.

After meeting, Murong Cheng said with a gentle smile: "I met in a hurry the other night and it was a bit unpleasant. Today we will take a good stroll. Sang Sang, what do you like to tell me, Auntie bought it for you, now you It's my half-daughter-in-law. "

Lausanne is flattered.

Even though Junting Ting said she was buying and buying crazy, she was still embarrassed.

The first time you go shopping can not make people feel that they are material.

"Thank you Auntie, but Jun Ting bought a lot of new models for me a while ago. I can just take a look."

"You're welcome, my mom is rich anyway, my brother doesn't spend her money, and I'll spend it alone to show that the pressure is high," Nian Xi took her hand and went upstairs. "Walk, let's see lipstick."

Murong Cheng glanced helplessly at his daughter, "Whether it's for you or for Sang Sang."

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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