Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 431: She felt bleeding

Chapter 431: She Feels Dripping

After thinking about it for a while, Junting Ting felt right, and said halfway: "Let's talk when we have children."


Lausanne was speechless for a while, and felt quite at ease.

"Welcome two to Hamilton Island," laughed the Chinese guide on the car. "Two are newlyweds on their honeymoon. The concentration of emotions is very high at first glance, and I have never seen anyone who is so fit Loving Chinese. "

The average annual Ting Tiao ticked his lips, opened his wallet, and took out a stack of banknotes and passed them, "That's a good point, a tip for a reward."

Lausanne glanced at the banknote, all of which were AUD $ 100, which was at least thousands.

She felt bleeding.

This neuropathy.

What did people say, you just dumped so much money.

The guide was dumbfounded, and he continued to thank Qian, and said a lot of praise. He praised it for more than ten minutes. Even Lausanne's clothes were praised. In the end, Lausanne couldn't listen anymore, and quickly shifted the topic. Asked about Hamilton Island Attractions.

"When it comes to attractions, the two must go to see the heart-shaped reef. Sitting on a plane overlooking the sea scenery is beautiful and stunning. Legend has it that the lovers who see the heart-shaped reef together will always be happy."

"Really, then you must check it out," Nian Junting clenched Lausanne's hand and looked at her without blinking.

Lausanne was completely embarrassed by him, and quickly turned away and looked out the window.

On the way, the director talked about the history of the island and its former owner.

After listening to the annual average, he concluded, "Would you like me to buy an island for you?"

From buying an airplane to buying an island, Lausanne feels that if he continues to talk like this, will he simply buy the island, "Whether you came to buy or buy, or to play."

The average annual Ting did not say anything.

The two stayed in the hotel at about dark, and the hotel's villa has its own infinity pool with private balcony and beach.

Lausanne likes it very much, just looking at the scenery from the balcony feels too beautiful, you can imagine it will be more beautiful if you reach the attractions tomorrow.

While admiring the scenery, suddenly a force behind her hugged her.

Lausanne exclaimed, and hurriedly hugged his neck.

Junting Ning strode her into the bedroom and put it on the big bed. Lausanne stiffened and stuttered. "This is the moment you get to the hotel, you will need that ... I haven't eaten any meal yet."

"What do you want?" Nian Junting pinched her nose. "Don't you say you're tired? I'll hug you in for a rest. We'll let the hotel deliver the meal over for dinner. After sleeping, we'll leave for diving tomorrow."

Lausanne breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he didn't say he wanted that tonight, she has no physical strength now, and it is estimated that lying on the bed will be like a dead fish.

However, he was looking forward to it, but he was still worried about his tiredness.

Lausanne was still very touched. He reached out and hugged his arm. "Sleeping together."

"Well," Jun Ting is actually more tired than her.

The two lay down and fell asleep shortly after. They originally intended to sleep for a while, but fell asleep until twelve in the night.

Nian Junting told her to get up to eat, she couldn't get up at all, and wrapped her body with a quilt to keep him from making noise.

Wake up again and it is already dawn.

Jun Ting did not know when he woke up. He wore a pair of shorts and a white T-shirt.

The first time he saw him wearing summer casual clothes, as if he was five or six years younger, Lausanne looked stunned.

"You see me every day, why are you still not looking tired and foolish?" Nian Junting was very satisfied when she looked at herself in a daze.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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