Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 671: After you broke up with the young master, he asked us to call you your wife

Chapter 671 After You Break Up With The Master, He Lets Call Us Your Wife

Lausanne blushed.

It sounded half a while, and the weak mosquito said, "I'm pregnant for more than a month."

Yan Su looked at her half-heartedly and smiled for her. "I knew you might be pregnant. Congratulations to you and Mr. Nian, both were as expected, but you didn't expect that at that time, you were desperately thinking about pregnancy. Actually pregnant. "

Lausanne also sighed, "Yeah, I didn't think I would be pregnant during the safety period, and I didn't expect it to be."

"Who makes Mr. Nian exceptionally strong," Yan Su frowned.

Lausanne warmed up all over his head, thinking something he shouldn't think.

"It seems I'm going to be a godmother too, but ..." Yan Su suddenly murmured. "You are pregnant, and you should move out of the apartment soon."

Lausanne shook his head gently. "No, he lied to me to sign a surrogacy agreement. I won't forgive him easily, and you have just fallen in love. I'm not assured of you alone."

"Sang Sang, how nice you are," Yan Su hugged her a little.

"Crap, friends are more important than men," Lausanne joked.

Yan Su shuddered, "Don't say this, don't say it in front of Nian, I'm afraid he will be destroyed."

Lausanne thinks, it is really possible.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lausanne read a book in the library after class and planned to go to the cafeteria for dinner. Yan Su was going to record tonight. She was alone in the evening and was not very good at cooking.

Going to the cafeteria on the road, I suddenly received a call from Ning Junting, "Is it after class, I bought vegetables and cooked for you."

Lausanne froze, and the subconscious flashed in his mind. The unripe ribs and chicken wings in the box lunch that Junting made for her last year shook her stomach. She said, "No, I can eat in the cafeteria. "

"The cafeteria is unhygienic."

"The school cafeteria is clean," Lausanne retorted.

"No matter how clean it is, the house is not clean. You don't want to go to the Tianhu Villa. I have to bring Sister Lan over here, isn't it all right?" Nian Junting said coldly.

Lausanne was ashamed. "You took sister Lan for a long time. I thought you were going to do it for me."

"I thought so, but Sister Lan knew you had to come over to do it when she was pregnant," said Ning Junting again. "Come back soon, don't let Sister Lan wait for a long time, otherwise she will lose weight and who disappears to her. Responsible for the fat. "

Lausanne: "..."

She can imagine the mental shadow area of ​​sister Lan.

Back at the apartment, Nian Junting and Sister Lan had stood at the door of the apartment for a while, and put a bunch of things on their feet.

Sister Lan saw her immediately greeted with a smile, "Ma'am, congratulations, really happy for you and my young master."

Lausanne called her a black line, "Sister Lan, who is your name?"

"You," Sister Lan smiled. "Since you broke up with the young master, he has let us call you a wife."

Lausanne looked silently at the average annual Ting.

The average annual Ting Ting pointed at the closed door, "Open it."

Lausanne had to open the door, and Jun Ting walked in immediately with the things. "I asked the company's employees who have given birth to children, and they have to change pregnant women when they are pregnant. I bought them for you. This is for pregnant women. Towels, toothbrushes, slippers, pillows, skin care products, shampoos, shower gels, radiation-proof clothes, yes, there are all kinds of vitamins and dha supplements. Pregnant women eat them, and all the nutrients that children need Inside, when we gave birth to the children, not only the black hair was bright, but also smart, fair-skinned, and I bought you a ten-month course of treatment. "

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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