Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 716: Your girl is so fleshy, she is a weed

Chapter 716: Your Girlfriend Is Beautiful, She Is A Weed

"Again?" Yi Jing Xizhi Street threw the papers on the table. "Who is this time?"

During these days, the company's billions of people were going to terminate one after another, and the news on the court side was always frequent.

Zeng Huai took a silent look at the document and said, "It's not the termination of the contract. You should look at it. The case in Xu Zhengxuan's case has already accepted the appeal. The first trial is set to end in June. This is the court. Book of summons. "

Yi Jingxi's pupils contracted for a while, he quickly opened the file and looked at him, his face sinking like snow.

"Because you were the relevant witness of that year," Zeng Huai reminded.

"I refused to attend and immediately let Lawyer Cao come over," Yi Jingxi said.

Zeng Huai sighed, "Sorry, I had contacted Lawyer Cao when I came in, and he said that he has been busy recently and has no time."

Yi Jingxi fiercely stood up and swept away the things on the table. "In the past two years, have I given him little benefit? Now that Yi's has not collapsed, I can't avoid it, Wang Bazhen."

Zeng Huai looked at him in anger, and did not know whether he should be more sympathetic or something else.

"General Yi, let me be honest, many cases were sensational that year, and Junting Ting found a team of lawyers many times and the appeals were rejected, because once the court opens, this case will again become the focus of the public. Only this time, the court I will agree. I think it is Miss Xu who has the most important evidence to prove that Xu Zhengxuan is innocent. "

Yi Jingxi sank fiercely.

For a long time, there was a trace of sadness on his face.

From the moment he resolved to frame Xu Zhengxuan, he thought that he might be punished by law, but people always think of the good, especially after he later became a giant in the film and television industry.

"You told the court that I was busy and refused to attend," he said for a long time.

"Maybe the court will send a forced summons," Zeng Huai reminded.

"Mr. Cao is unwilling to come, call Mr. Jin," a long time later, Yi Jingxi spoke.


Summer city.

Because Xu Zhengxuan's lawsuit was about to start recently, Lausanne took the subway to Sheng Ting as soon as he had a class. As soon as he entered the president's office, Jun Ting saw that she was sweating, her face was flushed, and her forehead was stuck A few strands of hair wet with sweat.

His handsome face sank, and he couldn't help blame. "Why don't you say it in advance if I come over, I will let the driver pick it up, and you see what you do when you are pregnant and warming up my little princess."

Lausanne was very warm. He couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard it. "I'm okay with the sun, I just care about your daughter."

Lian Junting proudly hummed, "You want to bask in the sun, you make yourself suffer, and no one forces you, but my girlfriend must be pampered, and she will be hot and uncomfortable in your stomach. You have never considered her feelings at all. "


Just like your girl, she is a weed.

Lausanne gritted his teeth. "Don't you know that the first three months of pregnancy are the most careful time for you, you should think more about me."

"You're right," Nian Junting couldn't help raising an eyebrow. "You see how clear you are, but you don't care about my little princess."

"Okay, I understand. If you have a girl in the future, I won't be a big deal," Lausanne said with a sour heart.

"How old are you, and are jealous and naive with children," Nian Junting patted the sofa next to him, "Sit, I'll cut an apple for you."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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