Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 721: Session 1

Chapter 721: Court Session 1

Lausanne's waist had never been fat. When he heard him, he immediately pulled his hands apart angrily. "I have been pregnant for three months, and my waist must be thicker. If you hate me, don't touch it."

"How come, I like to touch the pig," Ning Junting quickly re-sticked again.

Lausanne was hit lightly. "Will you talk well? I'm only three pounds fat and you say I'm a pig."

Nian Junting blinked innocently. "I mean you will sooner or later become a pig anyway, so I said in advance that you will not think about your body becoming ugly."


So she will become a pig in a few months.

After all, Lausanne is a young girl, who doesn't like to be slender or beautiful, and he hits her with depression and wants to vomit blood.

Forget it, he used to be more poisonous, but now he has made a lot of progress.

Lausanne turned his back and didn't want to ignore him.


On June 30, Xu Zhengxuan's first lawsuit opened in Ancheng at 2 pm.

Lausanne is about to take summer vacation. She wants to take an exam on the day. She thought about asking for leave, but the average annual allowance will not allow her. She will be pregnant once she is admitted to the senior year. She is pregnant now. a lot of.

But Xu Zhenghuo couldn't let go.

After 12 o'clock in the morning, Lu Kang took her to the airport and flew to the Ancheng court.

By that time, it was three o'clock. Many journalists were guarded outside the court. When this case was reported that Xu Zhengxuan was going to reverse the case, it immediately caused a stir.

As soon as the court session started in the morning, reporters came to squat.

As soon as Lausanne got out of the car and wanted to enter the court gate, he was stopped by reporters and said, "Ms. Xu, this time Xu Zhengxuan's case can be reopened. Is Mr. Nian walking through the back door?"

"I heard that the victim had died unexpectedly. Do you want to start from this point?"


Lausanne heard the aggressive questions of the reporters and couldn't help but stop and glanced at them coldly. "When you asked these questions, didn't you investigate the case before the reappeal of this case was rejected. Four times?

We asked a team of lawyers to study this case from March. For four months, if it really takes so much time to find a relationship, what you said is an insult to the laws of the country, and you can even sue. You have vilified Mr. Nian's reputation. "

She didn't care about the ugly faces of the reporters and walked quickly inside.

Today's trial is open. Lausanne walked into the court and just saw An Lan stood up. She was dressed in a dark lawyer's robe, and Yi Jingxi's black suit stood on the witness stand, as she was in the same position. Accused of Xu Zhengsheng indecent.

"Mr. Yi Jingxi," An Lan held the pen in her hand, her voice was crisp and clear. "According to your testimony that year, you said that you saw Zeng Lijuan coming out of Xu Zhengxuan's office in a disheveled manner."

"Yes," Yi Jingxi nodded with a cool face.

An Lan also nodded, but then turned around and suddenly asked, "Mr. Yi, after Xu Zhengxun went to jail, did his name, Xu's film, become your company, now it has changed to Yi's film."

Yi Jingxi frowned. "This problem has nothing to do with the case. I am a witness, not a suspect."

The judge frowned, and An Lan quickly said, "Master, this question is related to this case, you will know later."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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