Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 750: Year is always compared with him, not fresh and thirsty

Chapter 750 The Year Always Compares Him, Not Tenderly Thirsty

"It ’s because you do n’t like the bodyguards to follow too closely, so it seems to be swaggering, so I asked them to stay away. When you got to the third floor, they were still on the first floor. The location of the incident was a blind spot in their eyes. Jiang Qifei's hand was broken. "

Junting Tiao frowned. "That kid is really tough."

Jiang Qifei is abominable, but generally people who save people can only suppress them, or call the police. Rarely, he breaks the arms of others directly.

"I think it's chic ..." Lausanne received the warning of the average annual Ting warning before he finished speaking.

The young Jun Ting smiled and smiled, "I see that you are very different to this kid. He hugs you. See how well-behaved you are, being held in your heart by an unfamiliar man."

When he spoke, the dark pupil shot a dangerous light.

He is an extremely confident person.

But after meeting her, she was stripped of her confidence.

Not to mention that the kid is really very evil today.

And it still doesn't look like it's completely open. Once he is his age, he can barely match him.

Lausanne was stunned by his question.

When being hugged by the boy just now, she had no clean and pure thoughts in her heart, and she also had a strong feeling that the boy did not hold herself because he had a crush on himself or wanted to take advantage of himself.

It is strange to have such an idea, and no one will believe it when it comes out.

"I was stunned and hurt my head at the time, how I struggled, and I had to think about the baby," Lausanne turned his eyes white, pretending to be angry, "I'm pregnant for your baby You even said such things to doubt me, I ignored you. "

After she said that, she turned sideways and left him a back of his head.

The average annual Ting pursed his lips and started the car.

Back to the villa.

Lausanne fell asleep in the copilot's side.

Junting Nian opened the car door and hugged her lightly.

Sister Lan came out and was about to speak. He faced Jun Jun Ting and looked over.

She took a breath.

Nian Junting put her on the bed, covered her belly with a sheet before driving to the police station.

Step into the gate of the police station.

Someone immediately greeted him, "Nian Zong, Nian Xi is in the office."

"I'm not here to find Nian Xi."

"Your case has been moved to Nian Xi," the man smiled and went out to patrol.

The average annual Ting frowned for a few seconds, and opened his long legs to the Nian Xi office.

There were three policemen blocking the door for investigation, peering into their heads, and Junting Ting stood behind them and did not find them, still whispering whispered.

"Well, I regret to die. I knew that the witness was so handsome and I would not hand it over to Nian Xi."

"Yeah, it's so handsome, if I can't calmly record my confession, look at Nian Xi, it is indeed a woman who came out of the beautiful men's pile, calm."

"It is true that the small fresh meat brought by Nianxi last year was not bad."

"There is also Nian Xi's elder brother, who is also handsome."

"The year is always younger than him, not thirsty enough."

Nian Junting raised an eyebrow. "Now the women in the police station are idle and can only talk about gossip."

There was a sound from Leng Buding's back, and the three policemen with orthogonal ears turned back to see him, scaring their legs and almost kneeling on the ground.

Especially Chen Shunhua, who said he was not tender and delicious, had the heart to die, "Nian ... Nian ... Ah ... Nian Xi, your brother is here."

Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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