Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 855: Don't forget, I will get married in a few days

Chapter 855 Don't Forget, I'm Getting Married in a Few Days

"It shouldn't be so," Zhanhong shook his head, "forgive them and dare not be so brazen, but they may be trying to hold Mr. Jiang out of the country."

Uncle Han nodded with a sigh. "They would be better if they came in secret, and they ran back home after a fight. The most fearful thing is that they are involved in such a lawsuit. The judge dragged on. Many cases returned to China after finishing the case are two Three years later, it doesn't matter to ordinary people, but Mr. Ke's research projects will all stagnate. "

Nian Xi felt a shiver.

She's a police officer, of course.

Although some people tossed out for months, they had to live in Paris under police surveillance and couldn't leave.

"Uncle Han, regarding the research data on the nanometer border, Mr. Jiang should have detailed research reports, as long as they are handed over to the police for comparison ..."

"If Kristin had already said hello to the police here," Zhan Hong interrupted her, "Oda Ronichi hasn't dare to do this, there must be Americans behind him, and France is not moving towards the United States. . "

"Anyway, see if you can release Mr. Jiang first," Han Shu sighed.


Next, Uncle Han quickly found a well-known Chinese lawyer Mao. Lawyer Mao took them to the Paris police station, but the police here did not allow them to see anyone, saying that the circumstances were serious and they were not allowed to see people. bail.

Nian Xi anxiously said, "Can't we compare Mr. Jiang's research report on the nano-border? Can anyone with a good eye know who is plagiarizing?"

Attorney Mao glanced at her lightly, "It's because Oda Langyi didn't know where to get the complete nanometer border information. Mr. Jiang said in a public place that he was plagiarizing, so he in turn sued Mr. Jiang, or Mr. Jiang acknowledged himself To slander his reputation is to admit plagiarism. "

Uncle Han shook his head. "Either of these two choices can destroy the reputation of the gentleman. How well he will gain a foothold in the physics world, not to mention, this is a question of one's dignity."

Nian Xi was shocked. "All the information was stolen. Who did it?"

"I already know. It's from our laboratory," Uncle Han smiled wryly, "but he has fled to the United States in advance."

"Wang bastard," Nian Xi hated such people the most.


In the next few days, Jiang Yining's arrest at the airport was also filmed and transmitted to China by the Chinese at the airport.

That night, Nian Junting called Nian Xi, "You'll buy a ticket tomorrow and come back with colleagues."

"Brother, how can you do this, haven't you read the news?" Nian Xi was angry and angry. "He was wronged. These people want to curb his talent in this way. You are I didn't see how amazing he was at the physics conference ... "

"I didn't say he was wrong, I believe him," Nian Junting interrupted her.

"It's just that this case is complicated. It's not something you guys can manage. The Physics Society will definitely find a way to get him out, but it's not a short while. This is a long battle. Have you stayed there Yes, "reminded Nian Junting," don't forget, I'm getting married in a few days. "

"I don't have the mood to attend your wedding now," Nian Xi always felt a fire in her heart for the past two days.

"Even if I don't let you come back, your director will soon let you go back," Nian Junting said helplessly.

Good headache writing this conspiracy problem, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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