Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 864: Wedding eve

Chapter 864: Before The Wedding

Although Mo Jin has been here for a long time, Lau Tsang has hardly ever slept because the average annual temperature is too tight.

Mo Jin's room is well decorated.

I also bought her many new clothes. As a mother, she made up for Lausanne as much as possible.

Lausanne came, and Xu Zhengxuan quickly followed, "Ajin, let me sleep in the room below."

Mo Jin rolled his eyes at him, "Who agrees that you are sleeping here?"

Xu Zheng pretended to be embarrassed. "Tomorrow my daughter is getting married. I can't live in the Jun Ting family. At that time he will come to pick up the relatives. It is still more convenient for us parents. Lucy, do you think?"

"I don't understand, you guys," Molucy looked down at the phone without looking up.

Xu Zhengxuan: "..."

"Mom, let Dad sleep in the guest room," Lausanne had to persuade. "There is no hotel nearby, and it is not easy for Dad to stay out. I can't make it tomorrow."

"Right," Xu Zheng nodded quickly, and rolled up his sleeves before Mo Jin said before. "I'll make dinner for you tonight. Now your mother is a strong woman. She earns more than me and is younger than me. I can't do anything better. Only by hard work can you eat your mother's soft rice. "

Lausanne smiled, and his dad really got along with Junting Ting for a while and became even more shameless.

Then secretly looked at Mo Jin, her eyes glanced at the forbearable smile.

She felt a little warm in her heart, and it seemed that her parents were still promising.

Xu Zhengxun's craftsmanship has always been good, and now it is better every day.

A family of four had a happy dinner, and Lausanne was really relieved. She never expected that she could have such a complete family.

After dinner, Molucy was washing her dishes in the kitchen with a sullen head. Lausanne walked over and looked at his handsome face with a paralyzed face. He coughed softly and said, "Su Su is my bridesmaid. She will come to accompany me tomorrow morning. So I invited her to our house for the night. Could you be a little better towards her? I know you're still thinking about the last thing. I promise, she didn't mean to tell me. I suspect you are gay. To prove that you are not ... "

"Well, don't tell me, I'll stay in the room for a while," Morius put the bowl in the sterilizer and turned to leave.

Lausanne has a headache.

At more than nine o'clock, Xu Zhengxuan went to the door to pick up Yan Su.

She just came over from Beijing after finishing a television program recording, carrying a suitcase and dusty servants.

Lausanne invited her to sleep with her, and the two hadn't chatted in bed for a long time.

After taking a shower, Yan Su watched Lausanne's delicate and elegant wedding dress hanging in the dressing room. She had thought about marrying Shige in white gauze.

"What's wrong with you? It looks like you're thinking about something today," Lausanne joked. "It's not because I'm getting married, I can't bear it."

"I have to be reluctant. I will probably be alone in the apartment in the future," Yan Su sighed. "I will move to the company's place after this year."

"Work hard, and you will be my proudest friend in the future," Lausanne patted her on the shoulder.

Yan Su said in silence, "The company arranged for me to participate in a large concert in Shanghai next week, when ... Xi Xu will also go."

Lausanne froze. "So you're in a bad mood because of this?"

Yan Su nodded. "After breaking up, I thought about meeting him countless times, but I didn't expect to come so fast."

Fifth more. . . Before the sixth and nine o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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