Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 874: I heard I confessed to you yesterday

Chapter 874 I heard that I confessed to you yesterday

After looking at each other and Lausanne for a moment, he put down his spoon, looked at him carefully, and said, "Don't pretend, you should be very worried."

Xiao scowled, "Why should I get it?"

Lausanne reminded with a smile, "Did you forget that you drove aggressively to the women's toilet and confessed warmly yesterday after you got drunk?"

Xiao stunned his cakes in shock, "I really went to the women's toilet?"

Lausanne nodded, "Yes, you scared all the women in the toilet, and you took An Lan as a confession of warmth. At that time, warmth was present. Anlan gave your hand to the warmth, and then kindly for you Close the door and leave. "

Xiao shook his forehead in horror, "Don't lie to me, how could I do such a thing."

Nian Junting glanced at him lightly, "Isn't it okay, otherwise you will always be ambiguous with others, and you won't tell you when you can catch up."

Xiao Qian's forehead reached the table, and the image established in front of Ji Nuanyi was completely ruined. "So ... Is the confession successful or failed, how did I go back?"

Nian Junting shrugged and laughed: "Anyway, Ji Nuyi helped you out, and then said to Feng Jichuan," Please trouble me to send my boyfriend back. "

Xiao looked up abruptly and looked at him in disbelief.

It was like waking up, and suddenly the lottery company called him and said he had hit 100 million.

"Congratulations," Lausanne smiled and raised his milk glass.

"Aren't you pitting me?" Xiao Qian still didn't believe it.

"I believe it or not," said Jun Ting indifferently. "After all, you will never have to hide at home to watch movies or magazines."

"Shut up, this thing is not allowed to go out," Xiao Qian quickly stood up, took out Ji Nuyi's phone and dialed out.

"Mr. Xiao ..." There was a thick, sleepy Ji Ji voice, "Why did you call so early?"

Xiao Zan was a little disappointed when she called herself "General Xiao". "I heard one thing. I am a girlfriend now. Is this true?"

Ji Nuanyi: "..."

Xiao Qiang coughed, "I heard I confessed to you yesterday, and then you agreed."

"Yes, I didn't agree, you are still a bachelor."

Ji Nuanyi hung up the phone after speaking.

Xiao looked at the phone froze until Lausanne said rudely: "I haven't gone to the hotel to apologize to others, and I confessed to myself, but I forgot that I would be too lazy to ignore you."

Xiao Qian returned to God, stood up suddenly, and rushed out without saying a word.

Nian Junting said disappointingly, "It's a real **** for such a person to have an EQ for his girlfriend."

Lausanne glared at him. He felt that Xiao's EQ was much higher than him. Otherwise, Sheng Ting's interpersonal entertainment came from Xiao Zhan, but Xiao Zhan was so shameless.


At 2 pm on the same day, Xiao Xi drew a photo held by two hands in the circle of friends: Good, I am also a girlfriend.

Nian Xi: Who, what am I missing.

Junting Nian: Congratulations, finally don't watch bikini magazines at home.

Ji Nuanyi: Bikini Magazine ...?

Xiao replied to the average annual Ting: You don't slander me.

Junting Nian: When do you collect the pile of collector's garbage you sent me, I hate it ...

Lausanne looked at Mr. Ning Jun after he looked at him silently: "Are you ashamed of your friends?"

Junting Ting sighed, "I don't know why I always want to see his way up in love."

Lausanne: "..."

Otherwise you will be together.

She exited with warmth.

Fourth more. . Fifth more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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