Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 885: You made the porridge last night.

Chapter 885: You Made The Porridge Last Night

"How do you know?" Molucy glanced over.

"I met An Ning when I came back yesterday," Yan Su glanced at him. "You have been dating An Ning. I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Molucy frowned.

When did he associate with An Ning.

But thinking of An Ning's porridge, he did not deny it.

It is not impossible to try to understand.

And he did accidentally ask someone for the first time.

As a man, irresponsibility is really not good.

When Yan Su saw him not talking, when he acquiesced, he was even more annoyed by himself, "An Ning is very good. Yesterday, she even injured her hand to help you cook porridge, and then asked me to teach her to cook porridge ... .... "

"You made the porridge?" Moliusi asked, turning his head.

"Uh ... I taught her how to boil," Yan Su feared that she would say the wrong thing and affect their relationship.

Of course, she would never say that she was telling An Ning how long to cook as she boiled, and she also cleaned up the kitchen.

Although An Ning is awkward in the kitchen, the important thing is that she is willing to pay.

Molucy frowned. Yesterday An Ning didn't mention that Yan had instructed her throughout the process.

"Do you eat buns?" Moluci opened the buns in his hand.

"No, I boiled porridge and eggs at home," Yan Su shook her head.

She didn't dare to eat his buns.

Moulixi frowned even tighter, and couldn't help thinking of the porridge last night. He had originally planned to go back and heat up the leftovers, now that she had boiled a new one ...

"Don't you think porridge with buns tastes better," Molucy raised an eyebrow suddenly. "So, I'll take the buns and offer you porridge for me to drink."


Does this person have a face?

Yan Su was speechless. "I think porridge with eggs is enough. I don't need to eat too much in the morning."

"No, you are my sister's friend. If my sister knows that I bought buns and you eat them regardless of what she eats, she will definitely say me, especially if the buns are so expensive, they cost two yuan each."

Just when the elevator arrived, Molucy went in and turned to her outside, "Not yet in."

The expression on Yan Su's face was like eating a poop.

Two yuan each, really expensive buns.

He looked suddenly in a good mood.

When Yan Su came in, she couldn't bear it: "Wasn't you afraid of your sister saying you when you grabbed my red envelope?"

"I remember what I said at the beginning, I should take it for me," Moliusi answered her question unchanged.

Yan Su closed her eyes and had nothing to say.

As soon as the elevator arrived, she took the key to open the door, and Moluci was behind him. She turned to close the door quickly. He blocked the house door with one hand and walked in coldly and said, "Sorry, disturb . "

Yan Su: "..."

You're embarrassed to know harassment.

Do you know that this is a formidable house?

Molucy himself took off his shoes, then went to the kitchen to take out the plates, and arranged the buns one by one.

Does Yan Suxin want to eat a bun? Is it necessary to take a plate?

But thinking that she had already entered the door, there was really no way. For the sake of accidentally sleeping with him, she told herself to be generous.

She filled two bowls of porridge from the pot and sprinkled a little **** into it when she came out.

Originally only one egg was boiled, but later I thought about it, and another one.

Molucy took the porridge and looked at the color, which is exactly the same as yesterday.

He sat down and tasted, even the taste was the same.

"You made the porridge last night, did An Ning just stand by the side, right?" Moluci said suddenly.

"Is there a difference," Yan Su said inexplicably.

Tomorrow continues. . Six thousand words are finished today. . Chapter three has two thousand words.

(End of this chapter)

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