Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 896: He may also have a little meaning for Yan Su

Chapter 896: He May Also Have Some Meaning For Yan Su

Lu Kang and Moliusi watched the door shut, and Lu Kang couldn't help but said to Moliusi: "I said, Mr. Mo, is it easy for your brother-in-law to let me out and chase a girlfriend earlier, as it is a light bulb?"

"Chasing my girlfriend so late ..." Molucy glanced at him lightly. "Want to sleep in the house?"

Lu Kang's captive blushed and thick neck. "Don't talk nonsense. I got off work at six in the afternoon and rushed back to make a cake. I usually work overtime until eight or nine in the evening."

"It's unpredictable, I'm not familiar with you, after all," Morius turned and entered the door code.

Lu Kang looked at his back and gritted his teeth, "Can't you like Susu?"

Moliuxi looked back, "I don't like women, I like men."

After turning, he stared deeply at Lu Kang.

Lu Kang was chopped off by the goosebumps he was watching. "That ... I left beforehand."

He hurried into the elevator after speaking and was relieved.

After he left, Molucy's eyes gradually faded.

Like Yan Su, how can it be, he just likes to eat her porridge.

In the early morning of the next day, he went to drink porridge and drank a small bowl, saying, "I said before that your woman is not very prepared, so how can you let Lu Kang come in late, knowing that he has bad opinions on you? Thought. "

Yan Su frowned fiercely. "Assistant Lu is very good. He is a gentleman."

"I do n’t think that the more mature a man is now, the more he experiences, and the higher his emotional intelligence. It ’s not impossible to send milk and hold you directly, so pay more attention to yourself. If I ’m not next time, it ’s better not to open the door. "" Molucy said, and bowed his head to eat a croissant.

Yan Su was stunned by him, "Are you a gentleman? Don't forget the elevator ..."

She blushed and couldn't keep talking.

Of course not only in the elevator.

Although she didn't go well that night.

But he was also wildly disgusting.

"I haven't seen it before."

Molucy said lightly.


Meaning now sees the world.

Thinking of the world he had seen that night, Yan Su stopped talking and drank his porridge silently.

Molucy frowned, and each had his own heart.


Sheng Ting Group.

At 9:10 am, Lu Kang walked into the small council room with a narcissistic expression. He averaged out and struck his leg after sitting down. Then he looked at him more, "What's wrong, I didn't let you yesterday. Did you chase your girlfriend early from work? "

Lu Kang is speechless, and you are embarrassed to say that you leave work early at six o'clock, "Nian, take the liberty to ask, has your brother who has been separated for many years been outside?"


The average annual Ting was calm, "Do you think my dad had other women and illegitimate children outside that year?"

This misunderstanding was a little serious, Lu Kang quickly said, "No, didn't you go to Yan Su's house yesterday, but Moluci was also there, and he never stayed, and told me about you."

Junting raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Why, I'm afraid I'm not good for Lausanne. He's more attentive."

"How do I think he might have a little meaning to Yan Su?" Lu Kang frowned. He was actually a little worried. After all, Moluci was young and handsome, and a young sister-in-law of the average youngster. He might lose pk.

"Don't talk nonsense," Nian Junting leaned into the back of the chair, and said indifferently, "so as not to frighten Yan Su, how much mold must be poured before the boy can like it."

Second more. Fourth Evening

(End of this chapter)

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