Leo asked curiously.

Rowling began to explain...

"This is obvious."

Rowling raised her head slightly.

Her eyes seemed to be shining with a light of insight into the truth!

"First of all, at this point in the story, Fang Yuan's intentions are already very clear."

"That is, he would definitely let Hitler complete the rearmament of Germany, remove the restrictions on the status of a defeated country in World War I, and strengthen its military strength."

"So, this is the story at this point. Germany's opening of the shackles is an inevitable and unstoppable situation."


Rowling's voice became a little higher.

"However, if we blindly strengthen Germany and highlight Hitler's overly strong personal ability, the restoration of conscription in Germany is because they are strong enough to tear up the treaty.......This will cause a problem"

"It seems that Germany has the confidence to break through the blockade just by relying on its own military force."

"This is not conducive to the development of subsequent plots."......

"If it is written like this, it will undoubtedly leave the audience with an impression that Germany has infinite potential and that they can already dominate the European continent by relying on their own development."

"So who can stop them in the later stages?"

"Therefore, Fang Yuan took another approach to strengthen Germany."

"He let Hitler use a"fraud" or"tricky" way to let Germany"cheat" and"speculate" to seize the opportunity of the changing situation in Europe and steal such an opportunity to lift the seal."

"Regardless of whether the country they exploited was England, France, Italy, Poland, or any other country,"

"There is only one purpose - that is to convey a message to the audience: Although Germany has developed at present, it is still weak in strength and is not enough to engage in direct conflict with European countries."

"This also laid the groundwork for Hitler and Germany's future failure."

"Only in this way can their failure seem natural and unobtrusive."......

Rowling said a lot in a long speech.

Some viewers with poor comprehension ability were a little confused.

But in fact, it can be summed up in one sentence.

That is: Fang Yuan wanted Germany to get out of the cage, but did not want it to achieve this goal by force, so he arranged England as a"clown" to let Germany achieve its goal by taking a shortcut.

In this way,

Germany's strength did not increase.

In the future, it would be more natural for European countries to destroy it.


After listening to it, Xiao Lizi immediately understood it.

So he nodded and said

"I think Ms. Rowling's speculation makes sense."

He looked at the screen and said

"You are right. Although Hitler has restored conscription"

"However, from this recovery method, we can still feel that Germany's strength is still lagging behind that of European countries."

"That is why Hitler adopted this method of playing both sides and taking advantage of the changes in the world situation to gain benefits for Germany."

"It does make sense"......

Next, several judges discussed Rowling's speculation.

The four of them reached a consensus.

This was

Fang Yuan's foreshadowing for Germany's final failure.

Otherwise, if Germany was written as too powerful, then who could defeat him in the later stages of the story


After reaching a consensus,

Rowling breathed a sigh of relief.

After her forced explanation, her goal was achieved.

There was almost no"pointing fingers" at England in the comments. After all, from this point of view, even if there was no England, there would be"France".’、‘Italian’、‘Pogili’......Or some other auspicious thing.

Such a country will emerge to create an opportunity for Germany to"escape"......

Rowling once again predicted

"So I think I understand the following plot."

"Although on the surface, Germany has broken through the blockade imposed on it by other countries after its defeat and can develop its military strength"

"But in essence, there is still a big gap between Germany's national strength and other countries."

"Then, such an aggressive country will soon expose their ambitions after being freed from restraints."

"By then, European countries will find that Germany is their biggest threat compared to the Red Soviet Union in the east."

"So other countries will take action against Germany"

"As the hegemon of Europe, England will inevitably launch a fierce attack on Germany after discovering that it has been deceived and used."

"In the end, under the cannons of the British Empire's warships, Hitler and his evil empire were completely crushed!"......

Hearing this,

Little Leo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Ms. Rowling, are you saying that England would be the one who ultimately defeated Hitler?"

"Are they heroes who save the world?"

Rowling said without hesitation

"Yes, that's right."

"As the most powerful empire in the world, is there any country more suitable to play this role than England? Mr. Leonardo"......

The most powerful empire in the world?

In the eyes of this old English Union Jack, the world still seems to be in the era when the sun never sets?

"What you said makes sense, maybe."

Leo smiled and did not refute......

Several guests discussed a lot this time.

Of course, the main topic was Rowling's solo showtime.

After listening to their opinions, the comments were also hotly discussed.......

——"So according to the judges, although Germany's military development is no longer restricted, its strength is still weak?"

——"So, although England was deceived by Hitler, it was they who ultimately defeated Hitler?"

——"So, although Te'er seems to be enjoying great success now, it is actually just a false superficial prosperity?"

——"Ah this......"

——"but......It seems to make some sense."

——"Yes, if I were the source god, I would definitely not write Germany too strong, then it would be very difficult to write about the fall of Germany later."

——"I think what Rowling said is very right and indeed very logical, but there is one thing I disagree with.......The one who finally defeats Germany must be our great Great Cold Underworld, Simida!"

——"That's right, although we are located in Asia, as early as 5,000 years ago during the time of King Dangun, Europe was the territory of our Great Hanming Kingdom. It is we who must return to Europe, defeat the evil Hitler, and save the world!"

——"Baka! The one who will save the world must be our Great Japanese Empire!"

——"No, it must be our India!"

——"Baka! It must be our Great Japanese Empire!"......

As the discussion went on, the style of the comments gradually deviated.

It became a battle between the Koreans and the Japanese to be the savior of the world.

For a while, the live broadcast room was filled with the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and there was a harmonious atmosphere everywhere.......

In the room,

Fang Yuan took a sip of water.

He pressed the Enter key and started a new line.

He continued Hitler's story.

【As his military power grew, Hitler's confidence grew】

【He set his sights on the next region - the Rhineland. 】

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