[System]: 100% refining Gu

[Host]: Li Si

[Refining Gu]: Select the initial Gu that actually exists without any thought, add the appropriate Gu refining formula and materials (you can do it if you don’t have any), customize the target Gu, and you can generate the success rate of refining Gu. You can increase the success by consuming spiritual points. The success rate increased by each spiritual point depends on the specific situation. 〗

[Spirit Points]: 1〖Can be obtained by killing intelligent creatures. 〗

An oil lamp was lit in the dim mine. Under the light, Li Si was wielding a pickaxe and digging the mine. He looked at the green light curtain that appeared in front of him with an expressionless face. At the same time, he was still sorting out this thing in his mind. The remaining memory of the body.

Yes, he traveled through time. To be more precise, he took his body. When he first came to this world, he was just a remnant soul, and there was a risk of dying at any time. In order to survive, he could only take this body nearby. The original owner of the body.

Li Si is his own name. The original owner of this body has no name. As a mining slave, he only has a number: 101.

This is a Gu world of refining, raising, and controlling Gu. Standing at the top of the food chain are those powerful Gu masters. 101's identity is the mining slave of the Qingming clan in the Baishi Mountains.

There are three Gu Dao families in the Baishi Mountains, namely the Qingming Clan, the Lin Clan, and the Dongzheng Clan. They are all 'powerful' forces with third-level Gu masters.

There is a mineral called "White Stone" in the Baishi Mountains, which can be used to feed Hope Gu. It is this mineral that Li Si is digging now.

Hope Gu is very special. It is the only level 0 Gu in the world. It has only one function, which is to allow humans to open up their Dantian.

If you want to become a Gu master, you must first open up your Dantian, which contains the spiritual sea. The greater the proportion of the spiritual sea occupying your Dantian, the more Gu you can control.

"It seems that if you want to become a Gu Master, you must first obtain Hope Gu. However, I am a mine slave. It is a bit difficult to obtain Hope Gu. I wonder if I can refine it with this Gu refining system?"

Li Si paused while digging, thought for a moment, and then grabbed a white stone that had just been knocked down from the ground, about the size of a fist, and then followed the system prompts and used his mind to select the white stone as the initial Gu, and customized the hope Gu as Target Gu.

The system interface will soon start to refresh.

[Refining Gu]: White Stone*1kg→Hope Gu (Level 0)

〖Success rate〗: -1000000% {Do you want to start practicing? }(Each spiritual point consumed can increase the success rate by 20%.)

Seeing the refreshed content, Li Si was instantly dumbfounded.

Good guy, the success rate is actually negative. One spiritual point is increased by 20%. To raise it to 100%, it takes 10,500 points. The one spiritual point he now gets is obtained by killing the original body. Yes, to achieve the goal, wouldn’t it be necessary to kill more than 10,000 people?

Darling, this system is too evil. Although Li Si is not a good person, he will kill more than 10,000 people without any injustice. How can he do it? What's more, he is just a mining slave, and he doesn't have the ability to kill thousands of people easily.

"It seems we have to find another way."

Li Si picked up the pickaxe again and dug the mine. As a mining slave, the mines he dug every day were subject to quotas. If he failed to meet the quota, he would be beaten and work fees would be withheld.

The original owner of this body was on the verge of sudden death due to intense exertion all day long and malnutrition, which was why he was able to succeed in the fight so easily.

time flies.

The oil in the lamp was running out, and Li Si was so tired that he was panting. The lamp was about to go out, which meant that it was almost time to get off work. If he didn't leave the mine after work, he would be found by the patrol team and would be punished more severely.

Li Si immediately carried the backpack, put away the pickaxe, picked up the oil lamp and walked out of the mine.


"Hurry up, you bastards, if you delay my drinking time tonight, I will beat you to death."

Outside the mine, the foreman waved a whip and cursed. Sometimes he would whip someone he didn't like, and he didn't care about the life and death of these miners.

Li Si carefully shrank among the people leaving the mine. His body was too weak, and he didn't want to suffer any more physical disasters.

After weighing the excavated white stone ore, it barely exceeded the target a little bit. Li Si couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After receiving the wages, he followed the crowd to the shack area where the slaves lived.

Under the rule of the Qingming clan, there are not only mining slaves, but also planting serfs, herding slaves, construction slaves, etc.

The wages of mining slaves are high enough among these slaves, with a full ten Qingming coins per day. This Qingming coin is the exclusive currency of Qingming coins and can only be used within the sphere of influence of the Qingming clan. One Qingming coin can buy a steamed bun.

If you don't ask for nutrition, a mining slave only needs to eat three steamed buns a day to ensure that he will not be hungry for a day.

After returning to his shack, Li Si lay down tiredly on the bed made of hay in the shack. After resting for a long time, he sat up, untied the cloth bag he carried around his waist, poured out the Qingming coins in the bag, and counted them carefully.

"...247, 248, 249, 250. Wow, what a lucky number."

"In the original owner's memory, someone sold '薷虫' on the trading street in the civilian area next to the shack area. I heard that the hope Gu was made from 薷虫. Go get a 薷虫 to see the success rate of refining the Gu. If the success rate is high enough, then..."

Thinking of this, Li Si put the Qingming coins back into the cloth bag, changed into a clean set of clothes, and left the shack and walked towards the civilian area next door.

Along the way, many slaves also rushed to the civilian area, because there was no trading place in the slave area. If these slaves wanted to buy food and daily necessities, they could only go to the trading street in the civilian area.

Hope Gu is very precious to ordinary people, and the Qingming clan has extremely strict control over the circulation of Hope Gu. If you want to buy it, not only is the price expensive, but it is also not allowed to be sold to slaves.

It is said that there are no restrictions on the 薷虫 that can be used to refine the hope Gu. After arriving at the trading street, Li Si saw that there were several stalls selling 薷虫.

"It seems that the method of refining hope Gu should be extremely demanding, otherwise the Qingming clan would not be so indulgent."

Li Si's heart sank slightly, but he quickly calmed down. With the system, even stones can be forced to refine Gu successfully. As long as there are enough spiritual points, nothing is a problem.

The success rate of refining Gu by worms is higher than that of stones.

Coming to a stall selling worms, Li Si picked up a worm trapped in a grass cage. While selecting it as the initial Gu with his mind, he asked the stall owner:

"Boss, how much is the worm?"

The stall owner, who was yawning out of boredom, saw a customer and greeted him with a smile, "Sir, this is a worm that can refine hope Gu. I don't need to say how precious it is. The price is 500 Qingming coins."

"Are you kidding me? How dare you sell something that is so common on the street so expensive?"

Li Si threw the cage in his hand back to the stall and turned to leave.

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