
This gluttonous Gu is also a Gu that can theoretically store unlimited amounts of money.

Feeding Gluttonous Gu requires ripe peaches. The more items the Gluttonous Gu stores, the faster it will starve.

If the hungry gluttonous Gu cannot be fed peaches in time, it will directly eat the stored items and will not stop until all the stored items are completely eaten.

If you don't feed it with peaches, you won't be able to store items again.

"This Gu is a bit troublesome. It seems that if there is a chance in the future, I will have to change to a storage Gu."

Li Si secretly made up his mind.

This gluttony Gu is very capable, but it is also really ruthless.

As long as it is not fed enough, it will eat up all the stored items. Who can bear this? You can't always devote part of your attention to whether this guy is hungry, right?

If this guy suddenly gets hungry during the battle and Taozi is not around at the time, wouldn't the stored items be exhausted?

She restrained her urge to scold her.

Look at the peaches scattered around and the peaches still hanging on the trees.

Li Si immediately transformed into a hard-working old worker and began to collect all the ripe peaches in the peach forest, and then put them into the gluttonous Gu's stomach.

After a long time.

Looking at the empty peach grove.

Only then did Li Si stretch out with satisfaction.

This large pile of peaches is enough to feed Gluttony Gu for a long time.

Fortunately, this gluttony Gu can store unlimited things, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to take away so many peaches.

Feeding food problem solved.

Li Si finally took off the cloth bag that had been tied to his waist and put it into Gluttony Gu's stomach, completely freeing his poor thin waist that had been burdened for a long time.

Then, he turned around and left the peach forest with ease.

Go through the cave.

Jump out of the water curtain.

Finally, leave Sento Valley carefully all the way.

Looking at the quiet surroundings and the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Li Si let out a long breath. Although there were some twists and turns during this trip to Qianteng Valley, the harvest was absolutely extraordinary and far exceeded his expectations.

After feeling slightly emotional.

He wasted no time, took out the map, found the correct route, and continued to rush towards the set goal of 'Silver Dragon Mountain' from the beginning.

As for things like sleeping and rest, Li Si has never considered them.

He is now just a level 1 Gu Master as weak as a chicken, how can he be qualified to rest? How dare you sleep?

Although he seems to be quite safe now, that's just the surface. He is walking on thin ice all the time.

If he encounters a Gu Master who has mastered a Gu worm that can break the ability of the Transformation Gu, he will be in danger.

If he meets a Gu Master who can discover that he is a time traveler, he will be dead.

He believed that the Gu masters in the Gu world would not leave a visitor from another world alone. At the very least, they would arrest him for dissection and study, and even use it as Gu material to directly refine it into Gu worms.

Therefore, in order to live, in order to live better, in order to live without being threatened by anyone.

He could only seize all the time to improve himself, and wait until he was promoted to level 9, or even the legendary level 10 Gu Master.

Only then will he be able to have some confidence to talk about sleeping and resting.

Anyway, he now has spiritual power to nourish his physical body at all times, and at the same time he often practices meditation to increase his mental strength. Even if he doesn't sleep for ten days and a half, there will be no physical problems.

Therefore, he can work harder to roll it.

Hurry and hurry along the way.

Early morning one day later.

Li Si finally arrived at the foot of Yinlong Mountain.

During the more than a day of traveling, his spiritual points, which had been depleted to only 1 point, were slightly replenished and reached 7 points again.

It has to be said that after putting away the baggage tied around his waist, there were indeed fewer people coming to rob him.

This confirmed to him that the reason why he was robbed by waves of people was not because he was unlucky, but because he was brave.

It's just a person walking alone, with a heavy cloth bag tied around his waist. His appearance makes him either an expert or a novice.

And the mid-level 1st level aura he deliberately showed off clearly told others that he was just a novice. At this rate, it would be strange if those tribulation cultivators couldn't rob him.

Standing at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the majestic Yinlong Mountain, towering into the clouds, the top cannot be seen at a glance.

Li Si took a deep breath, and then walked up the mountain without hesitation.

According to the memories obtained from the source blood extracted from countless people he killed, he is no stranger to the general situation of Silver Dragon Mountain.

The reason why Silver Dragon Mountain is called Silver Dragon Mountain is not because its mountain shape is as simple as a dragon, but because there is a strange beast called Silver Dragon entrenched in the mountain.

This alien beast called the Silver Dragon is extremely powerful, with a maximum species limit as high as the early fifth level. Most of the worms that coexist with it are also worms with extremely strong attack capabilities.

Fortunately, the Silver Dragon has returned to strength, but its population is sparse. In the huge Silver Dragon Mountain, the number of individual Silver Dragons probably does not exceed a thousand.

As long as you are not unlucky and deliberately looking for it, it is still difficult to encounter a silver dragon in Yinshan Dragon.

In addition, silver dragons like the cold and are sleepy, so under normal circumstances, the silver dragons in Silver Dragon Mountain will sleep in the ice caves more than 10,000 meters above the mountain, and improve their cultivation through sleeping.

Li Si came to Yinlong Mountain this time to get ice and snow to feed the Ice Muscle Gu.

Under normal circumstances, there will be snow on the mountain at about 5,000 meters, so the possibility of him encountering the silver dragon is not high.


Although the possibility of encountering a silver dragon was unlikely, Li Si was still fully prepared for unexpected events.

He was holding a long and thick wooden stick while climbing the mountain. Under the sunlight, the wooden stick naturally left a shadow on the ground.

If he encounters danger, he can sneak into the shadows to hide at any time and gain valuable escape time.

Just when Li Si was working hard to climb the mountain.

Gu Xiaolian returned to Qingming City with a gloomy expression.

That night, after losing sight of Li Si, she did not return to the city directly.

Before she left the city, she obtained information about the five tasks that Li Si had accepted through some means.

Starting from the south gate, it is the closest route to Yunshan.

Among the tasks Li Si accepted, the task of going to Yunshan to obtain the claws of the Yunshan Flying Eagle happened to require going to Yunshan.

Therefore, she planned to wait and see, and went directly to Yunshan to guard Li Si.

However, after squatting for a full day and night, she didn't see any sign of Li Si.

Unwilling to give up, she worked tirelessly and went to several other locations where Li Si received the mission to investigate the situation, but also found nothing.

In the end, she could only return to the city with hatred.

After all, her main job is to undercover the Qingming clan, and she cannot leave Qingming City for a long time.

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