‘I don’t know if I can get rid of the control of the Gu after I fake death and resurrect. It should be possible. ’

On the way, Li Si thought with some worry that if he could not get rid of the control of the Gu, all his plans would be in vain.

However, now that the matter has come to this, he can only take one step first and then take another step.

White Rock Mine.

The mining slaves have already gone into the cave to mine.

Outside the mine, the foreman and the supervisors were lying on rocking chairs, drinking tea and chatting comfortably.


A figure rushed towards the mine.

That figure was none other than Li Si, who was late.


The foreman narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Si, who was getting closer. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed the long whip beside him. When Li Si approached, he directly raised the vicious long whip in his hand and whipped it hard without saying a word. To the panting Li Si.


A crisp sound sounded, and Li Si was hit hard by the sharp whip without any bias.



Li Si screamed miserably, and then fell to the ground suddenly, completely losing his breath.


The foreman's eyes opened slightly, and he suddenly stood up from the rocking chair.

The supervisors on the side also stood up one after another, came to Li Si's side to check for his pulse, and then looked at the foreman with frowning eyes and shook their heads, "I'm out of breath."

"Run out of breath? Are you going to die now?"

The foreman frowned slightly at the same time. He never expected that Li Si would be whipped to death with just a 'light' whip.

"This guy must have been overworked and tortured by the blood slave Gu, which made his body severely overdrawn. That's why he couldn't bear the whip from you, the foreman, and died." The supervisor who checked Li Si's pulse guessed.

"That makes sense."

The foreman nodded, then waved his hand nonchalantly, "If you die, just die. You have nothing to do. You two can throw him to the mass grave before dawn."


The two supervisors responded, then picked up Li Si's body and rushed to the mass burial mountain.

Logically speaking, the corpse of a lowly slave could be thrown anywhere.

However, the Qing Ming clan once established a clan rule that as long as the corpses of non-Qing Ming clan members were thrown into mass burial mountains if conditions permitted.

No one knows why there is such a strange clan rule, but this clan rule has been implemented for hundreds of years, so no one deliberately explores the reason.

The supervisors are also Gu masters, and the mass burial mountain is not far from the Baishi mining area.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Li Si's body to be thrown into the mass burial mountain.

Time flies.

Seven days flew by.

When Li Si woke up again, he found that he was lying in a wide cave.

Without rushing to confirm his location, Li Si first touched his left face with his hand. The feeling was smooth and delicate, and there was no trace of scar marks at all.

"It's done!"

Li Si was overjoyed, realizing that he was freed from the Qingming clan's control over the slaves.

"But where is this place? Shouldn't I be thrown into a mass grave?"

After the joy, Li Si calmed down and scanned the surrounding situation.

This is a cave the size of a football field, with unknown vines all over the cave wall. The vines glow with a faint pink light, barely illuminating the cave enough to see things.

In the center of the cave, there is a pool of about one hundred square meters. The water in the pool is scarlet in color. The source of the water seems to be dripping from the vines on the cave walls.

The sound of 'tick' and 'tick' echoed in the cave.

Looking at this weird scene, Li Si felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Is this the reason why the Qingming clan wants to throw corpses into the mass burial mountain?"

Li Si couldn't help but have a quite reasonable guess in his mind. The only thing that puzzled him was that he didn't understand what this place was used for.

Just when Li Si was confused.

He suddenly saw something swimming in the scarlet pool.

This made his hair stand on end instantly.

However, in order to explore the situation here and find a way to leave.

Li Si gritted his teeth and finally got closer to the pool to observe.

Soon, with the help of the dim light emitted by the vines on the cave wall, he could barely see clearly what was swimming in the pool of water.

He was very familiar with that thing. It was none other than the necessary Gu for becoming a Gu master: Hope Gu.

Although the Hope Gu swimming in this pool of water is a little different from the one he refined, judging from the breath, they should be almost the same.

"This is actually where the Qing Ming clan breeds Hope Gu!"

Li Si instantly guessed the function of this place, and roughly guessed the formula for the Qingming clan to breed Hope Gu.

"This is trouble."

Li Si frowned.

Hope Gu is the foundation of a Gu master family. If a place like this is said to be undefended, even a three-year-old child would not believe it.

Moreover, such a place must be heavily guarded. Leaving from such a place is as difficult as climbing to the sky for a mere level 1 Gu Master like Li Si.

Thinking of this, Li Si couldn't help but pace back and forth in the cave, racking his brains to think of a way to break the situation.

After a while.

He looked at the summoned system panel. For now, only with the help of the power of the system could he hope to break the situation.

So, like a hard-working old farmer, Li Si immediately picked up local materials in the cave and used exhaustive methods to find the suitable Gu refining formula bit by bit.

There is no time in the cave.

After trying hundreds of times.

Li Si only found three kinds of Gu insects with a refining efficiency of more than 50%.


[Refining Gu]: Black Mud*10 jins + Blood Essence*2 Liang+Corpse Vine Roots*7 jins+Green Grass*2 jins→Shadow Gu (Level 1)

〖Success rate〗: 57% {Do you want to start practicing? }


[Refining Gu]: Blood-coagulated hope Gu*7 pieces+Corpse-eating vine*10 kilograms+Blood essence*3 kilograms+Stone powder*5 taels+Corpse-eating vine leaves*43 pieces+Corpse-eating vine roots*8 taels→source blood Gu (Level 1)

〖Success rate〗: 61% {Do you want to start practicing? }


[Refining Gu]: Corpse-corroding vine leaves * 5 pieces + green grass * 1 kilogram + black mud * 4 kilograms + blood essence * 3 kilograms + stalactites * 7 kilograms + stone powder * 8 taels → Transformation Gu (Level 1)

〖Success rate〗: 62% {Do you want to start practicing? }


Although the effects of these three kinds of Gu are unknown, and the refining efficiency is not too high, Li Si has no other choice at present. As long as the success rate exceeds 50%, it is worth a try.

He started with the Transformation Gu, which had the highest success rate.

Since he had searched for various materials when trying the formula before, he quickly gathered the materials for refining the Transformation Gu.

Call out the system and choose to start refining.

A large amount of materials disappeared instantly, and the refining progress bar of the Transformation Gu appeared in front of Li Si's eyes.

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