late at night.

In the gathering place of casual cultivators in Yinlong Mountain.

Chi Lao looked at the many casual cultivators in the cave with a faint look, and said softly and unhurriedly:

"Several other people from other casual cultivator gathering places have already replied, and they are willing to take revenge on the Qingming clan according to the plan we proposed.

By the time.

With Qingming City as the center, the casual cultivators from Wandu Valley are responsible for destroying the resource points of the Qingming clan in the southeast, the casual cultivators from Bailize are responsible for the southwest...the casual cultivators from Jilei Mountain are responsible for the north, and the casual cultivators from Luoqueyuan are responsible for the west...and Our Yinlongshan casual cultivators are responsible for the east direction.

In order to achieve the maximum result in the first time and avoid the Qingming clan being on guard after the first time, the attack time was set at dawn when the sun was rising. Do you have any objections? "


The casual cultivators in the cave immediately said in unison.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time. As casual cultivators, if they can survive until now, these people cannot be kind people.

The Qingming clan persecuted them so mercilessly, and there was no way they could bear it.

"very good."

Chi Lao smiled and nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hands to everyone, "Everyone, please prepare well. As soon as the day breaks, it will be the time to drink the enemy's blood.

A level 2 Gu Master is coming with me. Let's discuss the order of destroying resource points and the route of escaping after making achievements. "


Everyone responded.

The first-level Gu Masters each found a place to rest, thinking in their minds as they simulated the details of their battle to the Dawn War.

Huang Shi and other seven second-level Gu Masters came to a smaller cave with Chi Lao.

A rather detailed map is spread out on the floor of the cave, with the various resource points of the Qingming clan clearly marked on it.

at the same time.

In the mine tunnel of Xiaohuangshan.

Li Si stopped and continued digging.

At this moment, the proportion of silver spiritual power in his Dantian has reached 68.7%, reaching the standard of late stage 2.

"it's time."

Li Si thought to himself.

During this period of time, he has researched a total of ten kinds of Gu insect ratios that may have purification capabilities. The refining efficiency of these Gu insects ranges from as high as 72.8% to as low as 46.5%.

Among them, the one that gave him the most high hopes was a kind of Gu named [Pure Spirit Gu]. The name was related to the purification of spiritual power, and it was very likely to be able to purify the power of blood.

"Let's refine the spiritual Gu for the first Gu. If it can enter the soul in one shot, there will be no need to continue to refine other Gu, so as not to waste time and spiritual points."

Thinking like this.

Li Si made a prompt decision and put the Gu materials for refining the Pure Spirit Gu into the system panel.

[Refining Gu]: Source Stone * 100 degrees +... + super qualified Gu Master corpse * 3 kilograms + peach juice * 10 kilograms... + water * 500 kilograms + Chiyang Fruit * 1 → Jingling Gu (1 order)

〖Success rate〗: 60.7% {Do you want to start practicing? }(Each spiritual point consumed can increase the success rate by 10%.)

【Spirit Point】:222

Looking at these Gu refining materials, Li Si couldn't help but feel filled with emotion. The corpse of this super qualified Gu master was simply a universal Gu material and could be mixed with any kind of Gu refining.

It's a pity that the Qing Ming Bu Du Ling weighed only about a hundred kilograms in total, and the remaining body parts that were blown up by the scorching sun weighed less than sixty kilograms. They were really precious.

"It would be great if I could keep Qingming Budu by my side and cut off a few pieces of his flesh when I want to refine the Gu."

While Li Si enjoyed the beautiful scene, he consumed 4 spiritual points and began to refine the purifying spirit Gu.


As the Gu refining progress bar reaches full.

A Gu worm that bounced like jelly was fixed in the gluttonous Gu's stomach by the invisible power of the system.

Li Si then introduced it to Dantian, mobilizing the terrifying spiritual sea that had already silvered more than two-thirds to suppress it suddenly.


A sound like the sky and earth falling apart echoed in the dantian.

How could a mere level 1 Pure Spirit Gu withstand such horrific suppression? It just surrendered obediently after just one attack.

With his mind connected, Li Si understood the power of the Pure Spirit Gu the moment he surrendered to it.

Level 1 Purifying Spirit Gu is a one-time use Gu. After use, it can purify abnormalities in the spiritual sea of ​​Level 1 Gu Masters.

This ability is very simple and is exactly what Li Si wants.

The only thing that gave him a bit of a headache was that he was not 100% sure that this Pure Spirit Gu could purify the blood-stained power when purifying the spiritual sea.

"Logically speaking, the blood-stained power can be regarded as an anomaly in the spiritual sea, and the Pure Spirit Gu should be able to successfully purify it.

But... alas, there is no guarantee after all, we still have to find a way to try..."

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly had an idea in his heart.

He planned to catch a level 1 Gu Master to try out the abilities of Blood Sea Gu and Pure Spirit Gu.

Although this will inevitably cause him to waste a Blood Sea Gu and a Pure Spirit Gu, this is already the best way at the moment.

There was no way he could try it himself.

Firstly, it was because the Blood Sea Gu and Pure Spirit Gu were both level 1 and had no effect on him at level 2.

Secondly, he was worried about an accident. If the Pure Spirit Gu could not purify the power of blood stains, he would be in trouble if he tried it himself.

Although he had the secret to fake death and resurrect, after dying again, his Gu Dao qualifications would be reduced to level C.

The cost of doing this is much higher than simply wasting a Blood Sea Gu and a Pure Spirit Gu.

Think of this.

Li Si no longer hesitated, and with a thought he called up the system panel, put in the Gu materials and started refining new Blood Sea Gu and Pure Spirit Gu.


After consuming a large amount of Gu materials and 8 spiritual points.

A blood sea Gu was bound in front of him by the invisible power of the system.

Later, after a large amount of Gu and 4 spiritual points were consumed, a Pure Spirit Gu also followed the footsteps of the Blood Sea Gu.

Li Si took out two Gu cups, easily put the immobile Blood Sea Gu and Pure Spirit Gu into them, and then put them into the gluttonous food Gu's stomach pouch.

"Everything is ready, all we need is Dongfeng. After the spiritual sea is completely transformed into silver spiritual power, we will catch a level 1 Gu Master to serve as a guinea pig."

Li Si does not plan to refine the remaining nine types of purifying Gu insects for the time being, so as not to waste Gu materials and spiritual points.

His hands turned into iron pickaxes again, and he continued to dig hard. As long as he fed the millstone Gu seven more times, he would be able to reach the ultimate cultivation level of the late second level.

Feeding Mopan Gu once will consume about two thousand kilograms of silver ore (silver ore with a silver content higher than 30%).

Although the silver mine in this small barren mountain is not a big silver mine, the silver ore contained in it is at least tens of thousands of tons. It is just enough to feed a millstone Gu, and it can definitely be afforded.

While mining and feeding Gu, Li Si's mind was not idle, and he began to study the high-success-rate refining ratio of Level 2 blood sea Gu at full capacity.

Although the specific effect of the Pure Spirit Gu has not yet been tested, it is absolutely necessary to prepare in advance the Level 2 Blood Sea Gu that can enhance the Level 2 Gu Master's Gu Dao qualifications.

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