Gu Immortal: Start with a Thought Gu

Chapter 17 Aunt Xingxiu's Killing Formation

All Gu masters have empty apertures. The true energy in the void is actually the essence of the Gu Master's body.

Therefore, as long as the Gu Master does not die and the empty orifice still exists, the true energy in the empty orifice will slowly recover.

A counterexample is the zombie lineage.

Because their bodies are essentially dead, even if the void still exists, they cannot produce true energy and can only replenish it through primary stones.

Moreover, because the body is dead, the mind of the zombie is empty, and the speed of generating thoughts is extremely slow.

If you want to think completely, unless you store your thoughts for a long time or use Gu insects to assist you, you are basically a fool.

...The Yi Dao Gu Master can defeat this kind of thing.

Lu Wang had raised several fairy zombies in his previous life.

The Immortal Aperture is the empty aperture of the Gu Immortals.

Although Gu Immortals have great magical powers, the providence of this world is very deceptive, and even Gu Immortals will fall.

After the immortal orifice falls to the ground, if no one takes it, it becomes a blessed place without an owner.

Judging from the meaning of the letter, the reason why the Jia family can rise rapidly is not just the source of springs and springs, but the resources in the blessed land.

...In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed unreasonable for Yuanquan to suddenly appear in such a location.

I didn't know why before, so I just assumed it was luck.

But if Mr. Jia brought him out of the blessed land, it would make sense.

For some reason, a huge crack appeared in the blessed land, allowing mortals to pass through.

Or maybe the earth spirits in the blessed land have strange ideas and decide to use mortals to do something, which is unknown.

All in all, the opportunity was placed in front of Lu Wang.

"Blessed place... As expected, it's better to run quickly."

Of course Lu Wang knew the importance of blessed land.

Even Gu Immortal would never mind spending a lot of effort to manage a blessed land if given the chance.

These are all Immortal Essence Stones.

The Gu Master is short of Yuan Stone, and the Gu Immortal is also short of Immortal Yuan Stone.

Because of the limitations of God's will, almost no one is without resources.

But it was precisely because of knowing that Lu Wang decided to run quickly.

It is impossible for ordinary sand pirates to know about the blessed land, not to mention that this news must be regarded as top secret by the Jia family - Lu Wang has reason to believe that Mr. Jia did not even tell his wife.

So, two possibilities.

This incident itself is false, and these sand pirates are just released victims.

No matter who it is, this important information will be found from them.

Their role is to let some powerful people know that the Jia family has a ruined blessed land, thereby disrupting or even destroying the entire Gu Dou Conference.

Only in muddy water can you fish.

Or, the news is indeed true, and the sand pirates themselves are not planning to be Lu Wang's treasure-delivery boys, but are just professional habits, and then they are licked by Lu Wang.

But no matter which one it is, it will only strengthen Lu Wang's idea of ​​​​running away.

If it's the former, it's full of conspiracy.

If it's the latter, it's a conspiracy.

Although a blessed land is good, you must have a life to enjoy it.

Lu Wang was extremely decisive in this regard and immediately chose to run away without even waiting for dawn.

But unfortunately, the Jia family has information about the damaged blessed land, which seems to be true.

——Because there are really unknown forces chasing Lu Wang.

If the other party intentionally leaked information, there would be no need to pursue Lu Wang.

No matter who it is, all they need to do is reveal the information.

If it fails once, spread it again until the news is known to everyone who should know.

Only those who truly desire a blessed land will not want variables to arise and will nip all variables in the cradle.

Lu Wang had tried his best to hide, but it was obvious that the other party had good detective skills.

After initially wasting some time, the opponent quickly found Lu Wang's tail and pursued him endlessly.

... There is really no way around this, there are too many Gu insects, and with the superposition of all kinds of strange abilities, even Lu Wang cannot be completely spared.

Every day that followed, Lu Wang spent his time fighting.

Day one.

"Get carried away."

All the "sand bandits" who were chasing him fell to the ground instantly, and Lu Wang licked his bags with tears.

the next day.

"Get carried away."

All the "sand bandits" who were chasing him fell to the ground instantly, and Lu Wang licked his bags with tears.

The third day.

"Get carried away."

All the "sand bandits" who were chasing him fell to the ground instantly, and Lu Wang licked his bags in tears.

On the fourth day, the other party obviously realized that Lu Wang's killing move was very special and could not be resisted by ordinary people, so he invited more masters.

At the same time, various defensive killing moves also began to appear.

Day five.

"Get carried away."

All the "sand bandits" who were chasing him fell to the ground instantly, and Lu Wang licked his bags with tears.

Lu Wang spent the entire ten days in bloody battles.

The blood of the "sand bandits" almost stained his feet red.

Lu Wang realized that he could not go on like this.

...His thirty straw bags are about to be filled to the brim.

He was almost full.

No, not this.

If the fight continues like this, the other party will only pay more and more attention to it. In a few days, maybe even the strong men of Rank 4 and 5 will form a team to kill him.

This does sound outrageous, but since it concerns the blessed land, it is bound to be nothing trivial.

Lu Wang could already smell the scent of Gu Immortal.

Mortals value Rank 5 Gu Masters and regard them as an undefeable force.

But for Gu Immortal, Rank 5 is just a more expensive victim.

The Gu Immortal would definitely do such a thing.

Lu Wang didn't know how many times the time flow rate of the ruined blessed land was, but as long as it was ten times, it would be worth the Gu Immortal's heavy bet.

Isn't it just a few deaths of the fifth-turn? Even if it takes fifty years to cultivate a fifth-turn, with a ten-fold flow rate, it only takes five years to get back the investment.

If a few hundred million people are raised in it, the investment will be returned even faster.

If there is any specialty in the blessed land, it is the king bomb.

In order to achieve the goal, Lu Wang, who destroyed the plan of the unknown force, must die.

No matter how strong Lu Wang is, he dare not underestimate the heroes of the world.

It should be known that heroes of the world are like crucian carp crossing the river. Even if they are strong enough to have a legendary Gu like his own, they will inevitably be defeated by others.

After thinking about it, Lu Wang chose to return again.

For now, the Jia family, who is at the center of the incident, is the safest.

This requires courage.

Fortunately, Lu Wang has never lacked courage.

Lu Wang suppressed his thoughts and returned to the oasis.

When he reappeared in the oasis, he happened to meet Jia Sheng, the third son of the Jia family.

This time, Lu Wang did not hesitate, and immediately disguised himself as a casual cultivator, expressing his willingness to join Jia Sheng's camp.

Jia Sheng was a little surprised, but he agreed.

At this time, he was recruiting soldiers, and Lu Wang's strength at the peak of the second transformation was more or less a figure.

This game was dangerous, but since he was already in the game, Lu Wang chose to take the initiative.

So he chose to take the initiative.

"Mr. Jia, when will the Gu Fighting Conference start? I am willing to be the pioneer!"


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