When Shen Shining called her father, Liu Yan was negotiating with Bai Yuan, who was on the phone, and she didn't hear Shen Sining's words at all.

Liu Yan looked at Bai Yuan with an aggrieved expression: "Director Bai, you won't really believe Shen Sining's words, you want to ask a lawyer to sue me, right?"

Bai Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to Liu Yan, but continued to talk to the lawyer from the company's legal department on the other end of the phone.

Listening to Bai Yuan's words, it was obvious that they were true

! Immediately he was furious! He

asked angrily: "Okay! Bai Yuan, you don't believe a word of what I say, and you are in a hurry to do what Shen Sining's slut said like a holy decree? Bai Yuan, they are all employees of Xinghai Group, why do you favor Shen Sining? Why do you treat them differently?"


If you are the chairman's daughter, I will also favor

you!" Bai Yuan hung up the phone and glanced at Liu Yan coldly: "Liu Yan, read a colleague, I advise

you to keep your mouth clean, open your mouth and close your mouth slut, and be careful of the trouble coming out of your mouth!" Bai Yuan pursed his mouth and continued: "Also, don't open your mouth and close your mouth to treat it differently, you have violated the company's regulations by concealing the true information of the listing, and have smeared the company's image! I just seek truth from facts and act according to the rules!"

Liu Yan snorted coldly: "Hehe! What a truth-seeking, Bai Yuan, what you said is really high-sounding! You touch your conscience and say, let's be a real estate agent, which means is clean?

You also climbed from the bottom to the position of regional director, you are more familiar with all kinds of routines of intermediaries than me, as long as you can sell the house and create performance for the company, any regulations are bullshit!

Now Shen Sining's slut is angry with the customer, stirring up the big order that is about to arrive, harming Xinghai Real Estate, and losing more than 20 million yuan, you are now opening your mouth and closing your mouth to act according to the rules, how can you compensate for the losses that Shen Sining brought to the company?

Sneered: "Hehe! Why should I compensate? The regulations are the regulations, if you violate the regulations and have an impact on the company's image, you should bear the corresponding legal responsibility!" Liu

Yan glared at Bai Yuan viciously, and then looked at Shen Sining who was not far away.

"Okay! Bai Yuan, I violated the rules, right? Why are you so clean? Do you think you have to go to bed with a rich woman for the sake of performance, I don't know? Don't pretend to be a decent gentleman in front of the old lady! The old lady is disgusted when she looks at it!" Listening to

Liu Yan's words, Bai Yuan's originally calm face instantly turned cold like frost!

Real estate agents mess around with customers a lot for the sake of performance, but few are clean, which has become commonplace in the entire industry.

This kind of thing is tacitly acknowledged, but Liu Yan just brought it to the table and said, isn't this pure tearing your face!"Liu

Yan, you can eat indiscriminately, you can't talk nonsense, if you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that I will sue you for slander!"

Liu Yan grinned and threatened: "You can sue one for a try!"

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

After a long time, Bai Yuan showed a playful smile: "Hehe! Liu Yan, instead of thinking about exchanging one with me, you might as well think about how to protect yourself first! Finally, I would like to advise you, some people, you can't afford to provoke them, don't think about breaking the jar and breaking it, honestly bow your head and bear it, it will not hurt you!" "

What do you mean by that? Threaten me?" "What

do you mean? I can only say, isn't it good for you to be the leader of your sales team honestly? Why are you messing with Shen Sining!".


After a while, a Rolls-Royce Phantom and more than a dozen Mercedes-Benz E-Class cars slowly stopped in front of Villa 13 of Jinjiang Yipin.

More than a dozen black-clad bodyguards instantly walked down from the Mercedes-Benz and displayed them on both sides.

The door of the Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly opened, and a middle-aged man in casual clothes, medium stature, and good temperament slowly walked out.

Bai Yuan and Liu Yan were stunned for an instant!

Why is the chairman here?

Jiang Cheng looked at the middle-aged man and immediately recognized him.

Isn't this person Shen Xinghai, chairman of the Xinghai Group?

Worth more than 7 billion yuan, he often appears on TV, but he is a big man with a head and a face in Qingzhou City.

The Xinghai Group, which is under its umbrella, is the leading real estate boss in Qingzhou City!

How could he suddenly appear here

? Just now Shen Sining called his father and asked him to come and pick her up? Shen Sining's

surname is Shen, and Shen Xinghai is also surnamed Shen.

Could it be that Shen Sining is Shen Xinghai's daughter?

No, can't you be so bloody?

Jiang Cheng instantly gasped.

If Shen Sining's family is rich, Jiang Cheng believes it, but he would never have imagined that he is so rich!

Before Shen Sining said that she would go back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties, Jiang Cheng thought it was a joke, but as a result, the assets of the family were billions.

After doing it for a long time, the clown turned out to be him

! No wonder Shen Sining and Murong Xue met, and they were still best friends!

Shen Xinghai looked around, and saw Shen Sining at a glance, and his face instantly changed to a loving smile.

Just as he was about to step forward, Bai Yuan ran in front of Shen Xinghai first.

Shen Xinghai smiled and

patted Bai Yuan on the shoulder: "Bai Yuan! I'm here to pick up my daughter, thanks to you for taking care of me these days

!" Bai Yuan said modestly: "Yes, yes!" Chairman, in fact, I didn't do anything, I just treated the eldest lady like an ordinary employee!".

Shen Xinghai nodded, he naturally wouldn't believe that Bai Yuan didn't take care of his daughter, he just felt that this Bai Yuan was quite modest, didn't invite credit, and was quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

There was appreciation in her eyes

!"Girl!" Shen Xinghai didn't say anything more, turned to look at Shen Sining, and showed a doting smile.

Shen Sining touched her nose a little embarrassed, and slowly walked towards Shen Xinghai.

In fact, Shen Sining's heart is quite complicated at the moment.

At the beginning, she vowed to come out to experience life, but she turned around, and now she ran back in disgrace

! But these days are not without gain, he met Jiang Cheng, and because Jiang Cheng earned more than 3 million!

Although it is not much, it is not empty-handed! If you really go back empty-handed, those uncles, uncles, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents at home still don't laugh at her?

Looking at the scene in front of her, Liu Yan was already dumbfounded.

I only felt that the swollen face over there was hot and painful!

Before thinking of it, she scolded Shen Sining slut again and again, saying that she slept with a customer and sold her body.

She even ridiculed others for being the

Xinghai Group that someone else had opened it? I just felt that my face was about to be torn out

! My father was the chairman of the Xinghai Group, wasn't the Xinghai Group opened by her family?

At this moment, her bowels were all green with remorse

! Only then did she understand why Bai Yuan had just persuaded her not to break the jar and break it, and she would go over with her head down!

This was to remind her!

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