Jiang Cheng is not short of millions of people.

It's just that Shen Xinghai said so, if he refuses again, it will be hypocritical! It's just

that he didn't expect Shen Xinghai to be so atmospheric.

You must know that even if it is a murderous mansion, this villa is worth more than a million!

But Shen Xinghai sent him directly, which made Jiang Cheng's impression of Shen Xinghai much better.

Whether it was because of Shen Sining, or because he was in a hurry to deal with the murderous mansion, Shen Xinghai felt much stronger than Murong Shan's family to Jiang Cheng.

At least the words of the people are beautiful, and the things that are done also make Jiang Cheng very comfortable.

Thinking about the pure hot potato of this murderous house, if it can be sold, Shen Xinghai can wake up with a smile when he sleeps at night.

Jiang Cheng is not the kind of superstitious person, so naturally he won't mind.

For both sides

, it can be regarded as a great joy! At this point, Jiang Cheng can be regarded as picking up a large villa worth 20 million yuan for nothing.

As for what exactly this villa will be used for, he has not yet figured it out.

However, no matter who lives there, or as he said, he has to find someone to take a good look at this villa, what is the problem.

Jiang Cheng thought of the middle-aged Taoist priest who treated Murong Xue's strange illness.

That Taoist priest did have something, maybe he could really see the weirdness of this villa.

The group arrived at the sales hall, because of Shen Xinghai's instructions, it was naturally the regional director Bai Yuan who personally prepared the contract for Jiang Cheng.

Anyway, he didn't want money, Jiang Cheng didn't care too much about the contract, and after a few casual glances, he directly signed the transfer agreement.

Because I didn't bring the household registration book, I had to make a new appointment for the transfer.

However, Shen Xinghai specially instructed that Bai Yuan personally follow up on Jiang Cheng's transfer procedures.

This made Jiang Cheng feel like a spring breeze, and he had a long-lost sense of respect.

People are eager to succeed and be respected.

What's more, he is a little person who has been at the bottom of society for five years, and this desire is even stronger.

That kind of depression of being looked down upon and inferior, and the humiliation of being played at will, Jiang Cheng never wanted to experience it again in his life.

Shen Xinghai's actions just met Jiang Cheng's psychological needs and made him very relaxed.

Jiang Cheng signed the contract, and many intermediaries in the sales department saw it really, and few people were surprised that Jiang Cheng bought the murderous house.

After all, they all subconsciously thought that Jiang Cheng and Shen Sining had an adulterous relationship, and Jiang Cheng naturally didn't care about the millions in order to sleep with Shen Sining.

It's just that what stunned them was that Bai Yuan, the regional director, actually served Jiang Cheng in person, nodding his head and bowing throughout the whole process, as humble as he wanted.

They have also dealt with many rich second generations in Qingzhou City.


people have speculated one after another, what is the identity of this

Jiang Cheng? After signing the contract, Jiang Cheng walked out of the sales hall amid the discussion of the sales.

Hu Lili tilted her head, boldly came to Bai Yuan's side, and asked in a low voice: "Director Bai, what is the origin of this

person? How can you meet him in person?" Bai Yuan restrained his smile and glanced at Hu Lili meaningfully: "Are you in a panic? This month's performance is complete? Do you want me to move a chair for you, and then buy you a bag of melon seeds for a while?"

Hu Lili pursed her lips with a look of grievance.

"Director Bai, don't you just ask! Don't you often say that only by knowing the details of customers can we know customer preferences? Isn't it also for performance?" Suddenly

, Hu Lili thought of something, and asked suspiciously: "By the way, Director Bai, what about Shen Sining? Isn't this customer Shen Sining's? Why did it suddenly transfer to you?"

Bai Yuan said with a straight look: "She has resigned! In the future, she is not allowed to chew the root of Shen Sining's tongue in the company, do you hear?"

Hearing that Shen Sining had resigned, Hu Lili was stunned at first, smiled coldly at random, and secretly scolded that she deserved it!

Laughing and said: "What? Director Bai, could it be that you really have a leg with Shen Sining

?" Bai Yuan's face instantly turned cold: "Hu Lili, I warn you, if your broken mouth is not closed, it will be sewn up sooner or later, do you believe it or not?"

After speaking, Bai Yuan returned to the office without looking back.

Hu Lili took a sip: "Cut! The little lover left her job, her heart was unbalanced, and she began to bite indiscriminately!" In

her impression, the relationship between Bai Yuan and Shen Sining was not ordinary, Bai Yuan ran to the sales department to find Shen Sining when he had nothing to do, doesn't this explain the problem?

At this time, Liu Yan walked out of the office with a cardboard box in her hand, her expression was lonely.

When Hu Lili saw Liu Yan, her eyebrows bent, and she hurriedly stepped up.

"Have you heard? Sister Liu, Shen Sining's slut has resigned! It's really very happy! You don't know, I just complained about Shen Sining's slut, Director Bai actually murdered me, I think they definitely have a leg.

Sister Liu, you can't let that slut go! Anyway, she's not from our company, why don't I find someone to repair that slut and help Sister Liu vent your anger?"

Liu Yan's eyes lit up, and she looked Hu Lili up and down. I can't help but crook the corners of my mouth.

Pretending to be embarrassed, he said, "This ......

I'm afraid it's not okay?" "Sister Liu, that little slut has left her job, what are you afraid of?" I know that the house that the little slut rented is in our Jinjiang Yipin, hum! It's only 4,000 guaranteed salary a month, and I don't look at my own strength, I actually spend 3,000 to rent Jinjiang Yipin, it's really vain, I can't get used to that slut for a long time, I'll find a few colleagues to teach

her a lesson!" Liu Yan squinted, raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Okay! Lili, you are so sweet! That sister thank you first!"

Liu Yan's eyes flashed sinisterly

! She scolded Shen Sining so much and chewed the root of her tongue behind her back, why was she the only one who was unlucky enough

to be dismissed? Why?

Liu Yan's psychology had already begun to be a little distorted

! Since Hu Lili was looking for death by sweeping the goods, she would do everything

she could, and let them be as unlucky as her! In that way, her heart would be balanced

! "Hey, hey, hey! Sister Liu, what are you doing with this box?"

Hu Lili suddenly saw Liu Yan holding a cardboard box in her hand, and said with some curiosity.

Liu Yan casually made an excuse: "Oh! What do you say about this? Some old things that you don't use, ready to pack them up and take them home!"

Anyway, Director Bai said that if she let her go by herself, she would not announce to the public that she was dismissed.

Leaving one's job and being fired can be very different from finding a new job.

This was only agreed by Shen Xinghai when she was dedicated to the company and Bai Yuan helped her intercede.

She didn't hate Shen Sining or Shen Xinghai, she only blamed herself for having no eyes and not being able to recognize the true Buddha

! But other people who had mocked Shen Sining with her, she couldn't maintain her kindness!

Why are they still at ease, but she is the one who is unlucky?

sneered in her heart, just look at how these fools are cleaned up

! The simple Hu Lili doesn't know that she has fallen into Liu Yanshe's pit!

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