A good meal, because of the extra Jiang Ling, Chu Yanran ate very crampedly.

If it was anything else, it would be easy to say, but the worst thing was that she was just about to say something to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Ling, this girl, just stared at her directly.

That look was like a thief!

staring at her scalp was a little numb.

wanted to chat with Jiang Cheng about the details of the cooperation, but he was also lacking in interest, and in the end, the whole room was quiet and the needle drop could be heard.

Jiang Cheng was also speechless

! He didn't expect that he would have another sister Jiang Ling, why was the atmosphere so embarrassing

? He regretted that he had brought this little girl with him

! This is not his girlfriend, he is already like a thief, if this is really a girlfriend, he can't do it?

He thought that he had to find a chance to have a good chat with Jiang Ling!

This is not always possible!

At this time, a young girl wearing glasses and professional clothes walked in through the door.

It was Chu Yanran's little secretary.

"Miss, the contract is ready!" After

speaking, the female secretary handed a yellow paper file bag to Chu Yanran.

Chu Yanran nodded, didn't open it, and directly handed the file bag to Jiang Cheng.

"Mr. Jiang, take a look! If there is no problem, you can sign it directly.

Jiang Cheng nodded, took the file bag, opened it, and took out one of the contracts inside.

It's actually a simple agreement to repay the arrears.

Roughly according to the previous agreement, the 400 million owed to buy the rough stone will be repaid in 12 months in the next year from the effective date of the contract.

Jiang Cheng also looked at the monthly interest, which was even 0.1% higher than the bank's.

Don't look at this inconspicuous 0.1%, the principal of 400 million, but more than 4 million a year.

You must know that four million, for the vast majority of people in the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible to earn in a lifetime.

But Chu Yanran added it to herself so lightly!

No need to ask, Chu Yanran was definitely not careless.

It must have been deliberate.

It's just that Jiang Cheng couldn't figure out what Chu Yanran meant by this.

Jiang Cheng was puzzled and said, "Miss Chu, are you giving this interest too high?"

Chu Yanran smiled: "It's not high, it should be!" Mr. Jiang made me earn a lot, and I, Chu Yanran, can't be unproductive!"

As a person who has been in society for five years, Jiang Cheng naturally understands what Chu Yanran means.

These four million can be understood as sophistication.

Of course, this money was not for nothing, Chu Yanran naturally had something else to ask him for!

Jiang Cheng also had a rough idea in his heart.

Although Jiang Cheng knew that Chu Yanran must have his own purpose in doing this, Jiang Cheng was not disgusted.

If you give the benefits in place first, it's much better than the Murong Shan family's kind of people who not only don't give you soup to drink, but also pick your skin

!" "Miss Chu, if you don't have merit, you can just say anything!"

Chu Yanran showed a smile like a spring breeze.

"Mr. Jiang is really a smart person, and it is a pleasure to cooperate with a smart person like Mr. Jiang! To tell you the truth, I am going to go to the flour country and shoot some raw stones, I hope that Mr. Jiang can go with him, and he will have a good look!" Jiang

Cheng frowned instantly.

Chu Yanran's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

This is to help her go to the flour country to select jadeite rough stones.

Originally, Chu Yanran was just the material that had been cut from Jiang Cheng's hands, and all she earned was the profit at the end of the sales chain.

Now, this is to earn even the profits of the jade rough end!

If he agrees, won't it be equivalent to working for Chu Yanran?

Although he was dissatisfied, Jiang Cheng still did not move.

Just as he was about to refuse, Jiang Ling, who was struggling to cook on the side, spoke up.

"No, why does my brother want to go with you? What is there to take care of a lonely man and a widow?"

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched, what was Xiao Nizi thinking? Xiao Nizi

didn't understand the cause and effect, and obviously didn't understand what Chu Yanran meant.

As a result, he grabbed the key words "peers" and "care"

! Obviously, it was a misunderstanding!

However, Jiang Cheng did not want to criticize anything.

Jiang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry a little: "Ling'er, what do you want! What kind of lonely man and widow? Miss Chu said that she asked me to go to the flour country to help choose the raw stone materials! And it's not just the two of us who go, what the hell are lonely men and widows?"

"Ah? That's fine!" Jiang Ling smiled awkwardly and continued to bury his head in cooking! Jiang

Cheng said to Chu Yanran with a straight face: " Miss Chu, I understand what you mean, speaking of which, I have been working for others for five years, and I am really tired of the life of a tool man, and I only think about doing my own business!"

Jiang Cheng's meaning could not be more straightforward.

He didn't want to be a tool for others.

Even if he wants to go to the flour country, it is to make money for himself!

Especially after being cheated by the Murong family once, his vigilance has exploded.

Making wedding dresses for others, this kind of trivial thing, he doesn't want to do it again

in his life! Chu Yanran smiled indifferently: "I know, Mr. Jiang, it's me who is abrupt! I still have some things to deal with here, so I'll leave first, if Mr. Jiang changes his mind, you can contact me at any time!"

After speaking, Chu Yanran stood up, smiled at Jiang Cheng and Jiang Ling, and turned around and walked out of the room.

Jiang Ling spit out a bone and tilted his head to look at Jiang Cheng who looked confused.

"Brother, why did she leave suddenly?"

"How do I know?" Jiang Cheng glanced at Jiang Ling.

Looking at the contract in his hand, his heart was also full of questions.

Chu Yanran was too calm!

Calm and a little abnormal.

Just like her own refusal, it was simply expected for her!

Jiang Cheng hurriedly ran his clairvoyant eyes, and a pair of eyes stared at the direction Chu Yanran left.

Three seconds later, the white wall in front of him disappeared in an instant.

Chu Yanran's figure instantly appeared in front of Jiang Cheng's eyes.

Looking at the direction in which Chu Yanran left, Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Chu Yanran didn't go out of the Baishan Garden directly, but went straight into a separate room on the first floor.

Jiang Cheng's eyesight turned to the limit.

Large white walls slowly disappear from view.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up.

"It's him!" Jiang

Cheng unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

It was the cold man who was with Chu Yanran at the Ruili auction - Wei Qinglin.

Looking at what Chu Yanran and Wei Qinglin were talking about in the room, Jiang Cheng instantly had the illusion of smelling the smell of conspiracy.

This Chu Yanran is definitely not a good stubble!

Thinking carefully, he was extremely frightened, and he had already begun to suspect that Chu Yanran suddenly appeared in the Murong family's stone solving field before, and suddenly spoke out to help him.

Was it intentional, or had it been planned for a long time

? What was her purpose?

Jiang Cheng was so irritable at the moment!

Hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom.

found a pit, locked the door panel, took out his mobile phone, and called Qian Duo.

A moment later, a proper voice of the royal sister came.

"What's the matter?"

said in a very impatient tone.

Jiang Cheng instantly had the illusion of being ruthlessly abandoned after being slept.

"Qian Duo, can you help me check someone?"


"Qingzhou Chu family, Chu Yanran." "

Female?" Qian Duo instantly broke his defense, "Jiang Cheng, you bastard, we are just ...... Are you thinking about finding a new love again?Bastard, tonight at 12 o'clock, Blue Moon Hotel 802, if you don't dare to come, my sister will kill you!"

Jiang Cheng: ʕ((l)–(l))ʔ

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