In the face of Zhou Ying's excessive enthusiasm, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt at a loss.

I don't know what medicine the young lady took wrong.

A moment later, Zhou Ying walked up to Jiang Cheng with a water glass.

"Brother Jiang, drink water

!" "Alas, thank you!" Jiang Cheng took the water cup and was about to take a symbolic sip.

As a result, she found that Zhou Ying looked at herself with a smile.

It felt like being stared at.

A glass of water, held in your hand, is not to drink, not to drink.

"That...... Is there something dirty on my face?" Jiang Chenghu asked.


"Brother Jiang, I just want to thank you!" Looking

at Zhou Ying's serious little appearance, Jiang Cheng instantly looked confused.

"Thank me?"

Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

Zhou Ying took out her mobile phone, clicked on the small video of acne marks, and showed Jiang Cheng the small video with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey, Brother Jiang, look at this, are you familiar

with it?" Jiang Cheng took Zhou Ying's mobile phone with some suspicion and looked at it.

was also stunned.

"Hey, this is not ......

" Jiang Cheng instantly recognized it, wasn't this the "Phoenix Proud Intent" he painted yesterday in order to show his master how to draw stickmen? However, the

person who painted it was not him.

It's Zhou Ying.

To be precise, it was Zhou Ying who took his painting and pretended to pose with a brush twice.

and with the original sound of the movie "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance" to Zhu Zhishan's demonic nature.

Not to mention, Zhou Ying really has a talent for funny.

It's kind of like that, but it's quite interesting.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, after you left yesterday, when I was cleaning up the waste paper, I saw it and thought it was very interesting, so I took a small video and sent it to a small video of acne marks

, and it exploded!" In the end, Zhou Ying's eyes were already full of light, and she was extremely excited.


"That's right, Brother Jiang, look at the number

of views!" Jiang Cheng withdrew from Zhou Ying's homepage at this time, and when he looked at the number of views under this video, he was instantly stunned.

"What the hell is more than 3.3 million?"

Rao is Jiang Cheng was also taken aback.

Is it so explosive?"

"It's not over yet!" Brother Jiang, take a look at the recommended homepage!" Zhou Ying reminded.

Jiang Cheng was stunned and retreated to the recommended homepage.

Deng Shi was stunned.

On the interface, a chubby eldest brother is wearing the clothes of an ancient literati, holding a brush in his hand, and screaming "Ahhh

Then, as soon as the picture turned, a picture of a stickman chick eating rice appeared in the picture.

is the same as Zhou Ying's painting style, all of which are dubbed with the magic of the original movie.

Not to mention, this big brother is a little similar to Chen Baixiang.

The number of views of the video reached 314,000.

Jiang Cheng flipped down several more times.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you suddenly take a breath.

What Zhuzhi Mountain is divided into mountains in the northeast, mountains in the northwest, Fengcheng is divided into mountains, and Caoxian is divided into mountains, like mushrooms after a rain, all of them have sprung up.

All the routines are the same as Zhou Ying's small videos.

But the style of painting is more exaggerated than the other.

Although these people are pure followers.

But even if he followed the trend, Jiang Cheng was really taken aback.

The least number of these videos is also up to 100,000.

That's the level of a small internet celebrity.

Is it so hot?

This is not over, Zhou Ying clicked on the search interface again.

The hot search list is all the same# "Phoenix Proud Intent", # "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance", #祝枝山, #陈百祥, #星爷.

It's outrageous.

The traffic was directly bored!

Jiang Cheng called out to the good guy.

Just when Jiang Cheng was stunned, Zhou Ying took back her mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat QR code, and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

Giggled: "Brother Jiang, because of this painting of yours, my small video exploded this time, and the backstage income directly reached more than 10,000 yuan overnight, which is a big sum! I will add you a WeChat, and when the income arrives next month, I will give you

half of it!" "Share half of me?" Jiang Cheng was a little stunned and waved his hand randomly.

Smiled: "My painting is just casually painted, besides, anyone can paint, those who follow the trend, aren't they all painted by themselves? But it's still very popular! So, painting is not the point, your good idea is the key, this money is earned by yourself, it has little to do with me, and I have no reason to share the money with you!"

Zhou Ying straightened her face: "But, Brother Jiang, your painting is much better than those half-hangers! Many netizens put your "Phoenix Proud Intent" Compared with the picture in the movie, it is exactly the same.

Moreover, if it weren't for your paintings, I wouldn't have been able to come up with that idea!No matter how I say it, I'll score half of yours, otherwise I'm not sure!"

Seeing Zhou Ying's insistence, Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly.

The little girl is quite simple.

However, this amount of money is really nothing to Jiang Cheng.

He didn't expect that money to make a fortune.

But for Zhou Ying, this amount of money is a lot of money.

Relying on this money, she should be able to improve her life

! Her eyes rolled: "That's it! If you really want to thank me again, when the income is withdrawn next month, invite me to dinner

!" "But ......

" "Don't do it! It's so decided! Otherwise, don't call me Brother Jiang in the future!"

Jiang Cheng said with a straight face.

"That...... Alright then!" Zhou Ying grinned instantly, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

"By the way, what about my master?" Jiang Cheng picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

"It's in the backyard! I'm going to inform Liu Lao!" After

speaking, Zhou Ying was about to go to the back hall, but was stopped by Jiang.

"Wait a while!"

Zhou Ying was slightly stunned, and looked back at Jiang Cheng with some suspicion.

Jiang Cheng explained: "That, I have a friend's third uncle and grandfather celebrating his birthday today!" Zhou

Ying blinked: "Brother Jiang, what do you mean, pick an antique?"

"Hahaha! Zhou Ying, you are so smart!"

I have to say that Zhou Ying's brain is really good.

She casually mentioned it, and she guessed it.

was praised by Jiang Cheng, and Zhou Ying's little face was also flushed.

"Brother Jiang doesn't want Elder Liu to know?" Zhou Ying instantly understood and asked tentatively.

Jiang Cheng didn't deny it either, and nodded.

"The things in the master's shop are naturally all good things, and they all say that the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders, and I can't go to other stores to buy antiques, but if the master knows about it, I won't be able to give me a discount or something! It will also affect Fu Ruixuan's business, right?"

Zhou Ying smiled sweetly: "Brother Jiang, isn't it good to give you a discount? How many people want to climb Liu Lao's relationship, but they can't climb it!"

You don't understand, business belongs to business, friendship belongs to friendship, and if some feelings are mixed with interests, they will change their taste!"

Zhou Ying nodded thoughtfully.

I didn't expect Brother Jiang's values to be so positive!

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