Listening to his sister Jiang Ling's words, Jiang Cheng was also stunned.

"Bought it for me?" Jiang

Ling instantly smiled like a flower.

"Hehe, brother, look at the clothes on your body, they are all faded! You can't wear this to someone's birthday banquet, right?"

Jiang Cheng looked down at the washed white shirt on his body, and was suddenly a little embarrassed.

He's so used to it, and he really doesn't care much about how he dresses them.

It's just that Jiang Ling is right, if you are usually at home, no one cares if you are dressed or fleeing.

But when you go to someone else's house, you have to pay attention to your appearance!

This is not to show off or anything, but to respect others at least.

It's just that what Jiang Cheng didn't expect was that Jiang Ling actually bought him a big bag of clothes.

Even socks and pants are available.

Jiang Cheng was stunned.

Picked up a pair of bells and whistles

bear pants, and couldn't laugh or cry!"Sister, you don't even have to buy this for me, right? Aren't you embarrassed when you pick

them?" Jiang Ling glanced at Jiang Cheng: "What's so embarrassing about this, my classmates picked it out with me!" I see that your pants hanging on the balcony have poked a hole! Aren't they uncomfortable to wear

?" "Huh?" The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched, "Sister! If it's broken, it's broken, why do you use the word poke?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's extremely embarrassed appearance, Jiang Ling instantly covered his mouth and giggled.

"Oh, don't rub it off, let's go in and take a shower!"

Jiang Cheng raised his arm and sniffed: "Is there one?"

Jiang Ling hurriedly pushed Jiang Cheng into the bathroom, and did not forget to stuff the bear pants into Jiang Cheng's hand, and closed the bathroom door with his backhand.

He shook his head and muttered, "Alas, there is no one to take care of you, Ma Daha, what can I do!"

Then, he turned around and walked to the floor mirror, carefully examining his "new skin", his eyes were full of joy!

Five minutes later, the bathroom door was slowly pushed open.

Jiang Cheng covered his crotch and walked out very crampedly.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's strange appearance, Jiang Ling blinked, a little unclear.

"What's wrong?, why are you holding your crotch?" It's

okay to say it without asking, Jiang Cheng instantly had a black line: "You're embarrassed to say, your pants are too small, and you almost didn't strangle me!" Looking

at Jiang Cheng's protrusion, Jiang Ling's flower branches trembled with laughter instantly: "Hahaha! Brother, it's not bad! That's right, doesn't this mean that you are enthusiastic and majestic

!" "Ahem! I'd better change it

!" "No!" Jiang Ling instantly straightened his face, "I finally picked it for you, if you dare to change it, I will be angry!" Looking

at Jiang Ling's more truthful appearance of uncompromising death, Jiang Cheng let out a long sigh!

"Big ...... It's a big deal, you can go with me tomorrow and buy it again!" Jiang Ling pursed his mouth.

Jiang Cheng was also speechless.

I had no choice but to paralyze myself, just strangle it! It's better than being broken!

Jiang Cheng changed into the clothes that Jiang Ling had personally selected.

He looked in the mirror carefully, and his eyes revealed satisfaction.

I have to say, except for this little bear pants, the whole is not bad!

Jiang Ling looked at Jiang Cheng in the mirror, and his eyes revealed surprise.

"Let's go!" Jiang Cheng patted Jiang Ling on the shoulder and took the lead in going out.

After being stunned for a long time, Jiang Ling regained his expression, the corners of his mouth raised lightly, and he ran in small steps to follow.

The Dorsett Hotel, the Emperor's Hall, is already crowded and lively at the moment.

"Alas! What's wrong with the head of the family today? What kind of meal did you invite us over to have at Emgrand? What is a big day today

?" "It is said that Si

Ning's third uncle and grandfather have a birthday!" "What? Si Ning's third uncle and grandfather have a birthday? No, isn't Si Ning's third uncle and grandfather only

77? "What is 77, isn't it only 76?" "Okay, don't care if 77 or 76

, the head of the family has a heart, can't he celebrate his birthday on an ordinary birthday?"

"Alas, why didn't the head of the house tell us earlier? I didn't even have any gifts! I came empty-handed! I always felt that something was wrong when I ate a white banquet empty-handed!"

"Alas! we are all a family, which one is better than that?"

At this moment a discordant voice came.

"You guys are really filial to me, Si Ning's third uncle and grandfather obviously won't have a birthday until the eighth day of the first month of next month!"


Everyone was dumbfounded!

I don't know what kind of medicine the head of the family, Shen Xinghai, sells in the gourd.

On the other side, Shen Xinghai respectfully helped an old man dressed in a Tang costume with crane hair and a childish face and slowly walked into the banquet hall.

It was Shen Sining's third uncle and grandfather, He Yanwu.

He Yanwu didn't walk into the banquet hall until he walked into the banquet hall and sat on the main seat of the birthday boy, and the whole person was stunned

! He took Shen Xinghai's hand a little confused and said, "Xinghai! What kind of big day is this today? Do you have to come out with this old bone?" Shen Xinghai

grinned, touched his nose awkwardly, and explained: "Her third uncle and grandfather, have you forgotten?

He Yanwu had a question mark in

his head, how could he not know? "Xinghai? Am I only 79? I will only have my birthday next year! Are you too busy with business and forgot?"

Shen Xinghai smiled: "No! It's today!"

He Yanwu scratched his head, could he have remembered wrong?

"Wait......! Isn't that right, isn't it my birthday on the eighth day of the first month of next month?"


Shen Xinghai smiled awkwardly and secretly slandered.

"Her third uncle and grandfather, if you knew that you were forced to celebrate your birthday for the sake of a Jiang Cheng, you wouldn't be able to laugh!"

Shen Sining walked over: "Dad, why are you making such a big scene? Relatives all know that the third uncle and grandfather are not celebrating today's birthday, but you claim that the third uncle and grandfather are celebrating today's birthday! Aren't you making a joke

?" Shen Xinghai hated iron and steel, and poked Shen Sining's head: "You stupid girl, is Daddy doing this for you

?" "For me?"

Shen Sining was a little unsure.

Shen Xinghai glanced at Shen Sining: "Don't talk nonsense! Where is Jiang Cheng?

At this time, the housekeeper walked over and whispered in Shen Xinghai's ear.

Shen Xinghai nodded.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a sneer.

"It's good to come! I'm afraid they won't come! How can you not inform the three families of such a big event!" Then

he instructed the housekeeper: "Be sure to entertain me, but don't let

the Murong family, the Huang family, and the Chu family say that my Shen family is not well entertained!" The housekeeper nodded, turned around and left!

Shen Sining's black line on the end: "Dad, you just make jokes in your own family, why do you still invite the Murong family, the Chu family, and the Huang family? You are confused!"

Shen Xinghai didn't panic at all, and smiled faintly: "Girl, you don't understand, today's banquet, without the witness of the Murong

family, the Chu family, and the Huang family, is meaningless!" Shen Sining looked at his father with a dark and complicated color, and became more and more confused!

At this time, an introduction suddenly came from the radio.

"Mr. Murong Shan gave Mr. He Yanwu a piece of Hetian Jade White Jade Buddha!", "

Mr. Huang Qian gave Mr. He Yanwu a century-old Pu'er tea brick!"

"Miss Chu Yanran sent Mr. He Yanwu a birthday gift, and wished Yunming the cursive handscroll of "The Legend of Dayjin Tang"!".

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