In the First People's Hospital of Qingzhou City, the door of the emergency room was pushed open from the inside, and a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked out of the door.

Murong Shan, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, walked up quickly with an anxious face.

"Dean Bai, what's wrong with my daughter

?" Dean Bai Hongwen sighed: "Mr. Murong, Miss Murong's physical functions are normal and healthy, but it's just ......

" "Just what?" Murong Shan said anxiously.

"I just don't know why, Miss Murong's other physiological characteristics are very normal, that

is, the brain waves are extremely weak!" "The brain waves are weak, Dean Bai, what do you mean by this?"

Bai Hongwen straightened his face and said: "Generally speaking, when human brain cells are active, brain waves will be very strong, and the most common situation is especially strong during the daytime when you are awake at work.

But once you fall asleep at night, most of your brain cells will go into a dormant state, and your brain waves will become weak.

Of course, during sleep, there are still some brain cells that will continue to be active, they are responsible for information transmission and wake-up work, when stimulated by the outside world, these brain cells will wake up the brain and carry out normal brain activities......"

Murong Shan's brows furrowed when he heard this.

"Stop, stop, Dean Bai, you said so much, what does this have to do with my daughter fainting??" Bai

Hongwen sorted out his thoughts and explained: "Mr. Murong said so! Miss Murong's fainting was because her brain cells instantly went into a state of sleep, that

is, she fell asleep!" "Asleep?"

"Yes, but this is not sleeping in the traditional sense, it is more like an animal hibernation!" "Hibernation

? Dean Bai, don't make trouble, how can people hibernate

?" Bai Hongwen lifted his glasses, and then said: "Mr. Murong, let's say so! We found that the brain cells responsible for waking up Miss Murong's brain to work normally also fell asleep! We also tried to give Miss Murong some external stimulation, but we were never able to wake up Miss Murong's brain!" Murong Shan's

eyes were red: "Dean Bai, what are you going to say?"

Even the chairman of Tiansheng Group couldn't help but burst into foul language at this moment.

"Generally speaking, Miss Murong will fall asleep all the time! Just like animals hibernate, but I don't know how long this hibernation will last!"

"What? Falling asleep all the time? How can this be? Dean Bai, can my daughter still wake up?" "

Generally speaking, if the external stimulation reaches a certain level, it can wake up the part of the brain cells that are responsible for awakening the normal work of the brain, and Miss Murong will also wake up at that time!

It can be said that Miss Murong's current state is similar to the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale! And the prince's kiss is the external stimulus that can wake up the Sleeping Beauty! It's just that we haven't found this kind of stimulation at the moment!"

Murong Shan was silent in an instant.

Liu Ruiming and Shen Sining, who were standing on the side, glanced at each other.

Murong Shan pulled Liu Ruiming and Shen Sining aside.

"Old Liu, you were with Xiaoxue just now, what the hell is going on with her?" Liu

Ruiming glanced at Shen Sining, and said with a complicated look in his eyes: "Mr. Murong, in fact, I don't know very well, at the beginning, I went to the Wanfu Calcite Field on the outskirts of the city with Miss Murong to pick up the rough stones, and Miss also bought two good rough stones, and then she said a few words to Miss Si Ning, and suddenly fainted!" Murong Shan narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Sining

: " Si Ning, you and Xiaoxue are good friends, what's going on?"

"I'm ......" Shen Sining didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, he told Murong Shan about the whole process.

Of course, Jiang Cheng did not hide what she said.

The more he heard the back, the more solemn Murong Shan's expression became.

It seemed that he had thought of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Murong Shan asked eagerly, "Si Ning, do you mean that Jiang Cheng told you that Xiao Xue's brain has a problem, and asked you to tell Xiao Xue to go to the hospital to have a brain check, right?"

Shen Si Ning also suddenly realized something.

"Yes, I thought Brother Orange should be angry, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem that simple.

Ouyang Shan seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and hurriedly beckoned to the old housekeeper behind him.

"Uncle Ping, you go with Si Ning now, and invite this one named

Jiang Cheng to come over to me!" Then he bowed to Shen Sining, and said earnestly: "Si Ning, I have only Xiaoxue such a daughter left, I really want to trouble you this time! You must save her! This is called Jiang Cheng, you must help me bring it back!" Shen

Sining nodded without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Uncle Murong, Xiaoxue is my best friend, I will definitely save her!" said

Shen Sining and followed Uncle Ping to the elevator.

Murong Shan looked at the two of them with a complicated expression, not knowing what they were thinking


! At the same time, the hospital backstreet.

"Xiaoshu, where is Brother

Orange?" "What's wrong with Si Ning?" Orange and Zhixia are skewering with me!What's wrong?"

"Where are you?" Send me a location, I'll go to you right away!" "

Okay, come here, I'll order a few more skewers for you to bake, feed...... Hey?"

Qin Xiaoshu looked at his phone and laughed for a while.

This Si Ning, when he heard that there was a meal, was more positive than anyone else.

Her family shouldn't be short of money! I really don't understand

! I guess it was broken by that person named Huanhuan!

Qin Xiaoshu didn't think much about it, and immediately sent the location of the barbecue stall to Shen Sining.

"Boss! 10 more skewers of big kidneys!20 skewers of squid, 10 skewers of grilled leeks!

" "Okay!"

Just as a few people had taken a sip of cold beer, the barbecue stand was suddenly surrounded by more than a dozen vans.

Immediately after that, a Mercedes-Benz big G slowly stopped on the side of the van! The

door opened, and dozens of young people dressed in fancy clothes and holding baseball bats poured out of the car in an instant.

All of a sudden, Jiang Cheng surrounded the three of them, one by one, they were fierce and vicious, and they looked very bluffing.

This scene instantly frightened everyone present.

The skewers are not masturbated, and they run away after taking the money.

The owner of the barbecue stall wanted to run away, but was dragged down by a few social people!

Jiang Cheng and Qin Xiaoshu glanced at each other, and they were also confused.

What is the special situation

with such a big battle, what about making a movie?

Just when everyone was confused, a bald fat man with a big shoulder, a round waist, a big belly, and a big gold chain walked out of the crowd.

The bald fat man was one meter seventy-five tall, with dark skin, a fierce face, and cold eyes, and walked to Jiang Cheng's table with a swagger, and was not polite, took a stool and sat down by himself.

Without looking at Jiang Cheng and them, he picked up a skewer of freshly roasted crude oil lamb loin and feasted on it.

The little brother on the side was not idle, opened a bottle of cold beer, and poured a glass for the bald fat man.

The bald fat man, whose mouth was full of oil, picked up the wine glass and poured it violently, and let out a long breath.

"Sister, yes! Your father owes me 4 million loan sharks, but you are barbecuing here, and your little life is so smooth, why don't I Chen Hu exist?".

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