The noise in the box quickly attracted many onlookers.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a big belly pushed through the crowd and walked in.

"I'm the boss, what's going on?"

"Boss, you have to judge, how did your waiter recruit, hairy, even a dish is unstable, I just bought the bag, I haven't carried it for a week, she poured it, a pot of boiled beef directly to me wasted, if you don't compensate me for the bag today, I will call the police!".

The middle-aged man looked at Gu Zhixia, then at the women in the box, and finally at the sparsely boiled beef on the ground and the bag full of oil.

His face suddenly became gloomy!

He shouted angrily: "Gu Zhixia, Lao Tzu looks at you pitiful, give you a chance to work, what's the matter with you?"

"Boss, she is talking nonsense, obviously she deliberately pushed me......" Gu Zhixia's eyes were red, and his face was aggrieved.

The young woman sneered: "I deliberately pushed you, I don't push so many waiters in this hotel, I just want to push you, right? The old lady has a grudge against the limited edition LV bag she just bought, right?

Okay! Don't admit it! Call the police! Call the police to evaluate and see what kind of hotel this is, and what quality of waiters are recruited!" When

Huang Fuyuan heard that he was going to call the police, his whole face turned black!

He runs a restaurant, and this is because if the police come, it will not be good for the reputation of his hotel.

How will he do business in the future!

So if he can make a trivial matter, he will never alarm the police.

Huang Fuyuan hurriedly put on a smile and flattered the young woman and said: "Hey, hey, I said beauty, this is a civil dispute, there is no need to alarm the police comrades, the police comrades are so busy, let's not bother them with a little thing, okay

?" The woman clasped her hands to her chest and said lightly: "Okay! Since the boss has spoken, then it's private! My bag is a limited edition of LV this season, and it cost a total of 268,000, pay for it!" "

What...... What? 268,000?"

Huang Fuyuan's face was gloomy and vicious, and he scolded fiercely: "Gu Zhixia, look at the good things you have done, Lao Tzu really wants to smoke you to death! Pay the money! Lao Tzu has no money to compensate for you!"

"Old ...... board, she deliberately pushed me, I ......" Gu Zhixia Qiao's face turned pale

, and her mind was blank! Two hundred and sixty-eight thousand

! Even if she sold her, there was no money to lose

! I wanted to explain, but found that my explanation was so pale and weak!

She was very sure that it was this woman who deliberately pushed her just now, so she didn't stand firm, and a pot of boiled beef was splashed on the bag.

Her family went bankrupt! Her

father was fooled by a friend into gambling in Australia, lost 100 million yuan, owed a lot of loan sharks, and the family's furniture factory also closed down.

The creditor came to collect the debt every day, and the father couldn't stand the pressure and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

But at this time, my mother was also diagnosed with stomach cancer and urgently needed 300,000 yuan for surgery

! The family's house, car, storefront, and factory were all seized and auctioned off by the bank!

Because of her father's reasons, there was a problem with the credit information, and Gu Zhixia's original bank job was also lost, and she, a graduate of Kyoto University of Finance and Economics, couldn't even find a decent job!

She thought about dying, but looking at her withered mother on the hospital bed, she knew she didn't even have the right to die.

In the end, she had no choice but to work as a waitress at Fuyuan Restaurant

! But who would have thought that such a thing would happen

to her! She didn't know why God did

this to her, what she had done wrong! Why did she suffer all this!

She wanted to die on the corner of the table, but her mother was still lying on the hospital bed, and if she died, what would her mother do

......?" I don't have any money!" Gu Zhixia lowered his head, his expression was extremely depressed, and his eyes were hazy with tears.

The woman shouted viciously

: "No money, hehe! If you don't have money, call the police!" Huang Fuyuan hurriedly stepped forward to stop the woman who was about to take out her mobile phone: "Don't don't, beauty, you don't know, this child's family is bankrupt, his father committed suicide by jumping off the building, and his mother has cancer, it's very pitiful, 268,000 is too much!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Gu Zhixia with sympathy in their eyes!

Jiang Cheng looked at Gu Zhixia with pear blossoms and rain complicatedly.

I suddenly thought of what happened to me.

How similar.

His adoptive parents died unexpectedly, and he had to drop out of school to work to support his younger sister.

I was in a car accident and was blind in one eye, and I lost my only job.

The heart has become very complicated.

At this time, a woman next to the young woman pulled her arm and persuaded

: "Sister Xu, I think she is quite pitiful, and she doesn't have much money, so why don't you have less!" Sister Xu pursed her lips, thought for a moment and said: "Forget it, I see that you are quite pitiful, I won't ask you more, you can pay me 30,000 yuan! I won't care about you!"

The woman on the side hurriedly complimented this Sister Xu: "It's still Sister Xu's atmosphere! Sister Xu is really kind!".

"That's, I don't want to think about what Sister Xu is worth, a bag is a meal, girl, Sister Xu has taken care of you very much, only

let you take 30,000 yuan, you are lucky!" Huang Fuyuan hurriedly put on a smile when he heard this: "Sister Xu is atmospheric and kind-hearted, so let's do it, I will take care of a few people in my store today

!" "Zhixia, Sister Xu doesn't care about you, hurry up and give 30,000 yuan to Sister Xu!" Gu Zhixia

looked at Sister Xu in a daze, with a look of embarrassment: "Boss, I... ... I really don't have any money

!""What? Our sister Xu is already very tolerant of you, and only asks you to pay 30,000 yuan, you don't have to make an inch!" "Forget it, I think she is just pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy, and there are still people in this society who don't even have 30,000 yuan in savings?"

"Yes, yes! I think she just sees Sister Xu's kindness and wants to repay the debt! I think I can still call the police!"

As soon as he heard the alarm, Huang Fuyuan panicked, and hurriedly yelled at Gu Zhixia: "

Zhixia, what's the matter with you? Isn't the jade pendant on your neck still worth a few dollars? If you give it to Sister Xu, it can be regarded as a debt!" "

A jade pendant? How much can a broken pendant be worth? Boss Huang, don't be fooled by my ignorance!" Huang

Fuyuan hurriedly explained: "How can it be! Her father was still very rich before he went bankrupt, and I still have some friendship with his father, and I know that this pendant is an heirloom of his family, Hetian jade, handed down from his ancestors, and worth tens of thousands."

The corners of Sister Xu's mouth raised an arc imperceptibly.

was clearly seen by Jiang Cheng.

"Okay, just this piece of jade! Boss, you can't run away when you open the door to do business, you can't lie to me after all, since the boss has said so, let's do it!"

Gu Zhixia touched the jade pendant on his neck, crying and red-eyed.

"No! This is the only thing my grandmother left me, I can't give it to her!"

Huang Fuyuan said angrily: "Okay! Gu Zhixia, I'm going to say that I'm going to help you intercede, why are you playing tricks on me Huang Fuyuan, right?

As soon as he heard that Huang Fuyuan was going to dismiss her, Gu Zhixia was about to collapse.

The hands holding the jade pendant trembled slightly.

It was the only thing her grandmother had left her!

no matter how hard it was, she didn't even think to sell it.

Grandma said that it was left by her ancestors and was not worth much.

She didn't specifically find someone to identify it.

I haven't taken it seriously.

But now, in this situation, it seems that this jade pendant can't be saved.

Just as Gu Zhixia was extremely desperate and slowly took off the jade pendant and was about to hand it to Sister Xu, a young man's voice suddenly sounded in the box.

"Wait! This piece of jade can't be given to her!" It

was none other than Jiang Cheng who spoke.

Everyone looked at Jiang Cheng who suddenly appeared, and they looked confused!

I don't know what he is going to do.

"Jiang ...... Jiang Cheng, ......"

Gu Zhixia raised his head, and instantly saw a handsome face.

How could he be here?

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