A direct loss of essence, how can Hu Yan accept it.

At this moment, his eyes were scarlet, and he was staring at the woman, as if he wanted to see her through.

"Out of the old man?" Hearing the nonsense, the woman instantly smiled and leaned back, squinting at the dealer: "Miss dealer, he said that I am out of a thousand, what do you think?"

The female dealer frowned, and her whole face was gloomy.

Throughout the game, all the cards were turned over by her.

Even if a woman is a professional boss, stealing cards and changing cards must be based on touching cards, right?

And these pokers are completely serious poker, not magic poker at all, and it is impossible for someone to see through the cards in advance.

She couldn't think of how a woman could cheat except for having a clairing

eye? But how could anyone in this world have a clairing eye

? Isn't that a fantasy?

On the contrary, all the cards are dealt and turned over by her, and if you want to say a thousand, she is the most suspicious of the dealer

! The subtext of the nonsense clearly points to her as a dealer who is out of a thousand

! Instantly became angry!

Coldly said to the nonsense: " Sir, this lady hasn't even touched the cards in the whole process, do you mean that I have a thousand dollars?"

"If you have evidence, you can directly show it! If you don't have evidence, you dare to slander us with white teeth and a thousand in the night casino? I don't mind reporting to our boss and teach you a lesson!"

"I ......" Hu Yan was directly choked by the female dealer's words, and his face turned red from anger.

How dare he question the casino's 1,000 yuan? Isn't this looking for death

? The key is that he doesn't even have evidence, how can he prove the 1,000? The

woman smiled coldly, revealing a disdainful look: "Why? When you won 500,000 yuan before, don't say that I made a thousand dollars? Now I'm lucky, and after winning a few handfuls, I start to bite indiscriminately? Don't come out to gamble if you can't afford to lose, and you're a big man! It's not as good as a girl!"


You ......

." The woman then pointed at Jiang Cheng and said, "This brother lost all his money to you, so can I think that you are also out of a thousand?"

"I ......"

Yan Yan gritted his back molars hatefully, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Snorted coldly: "I can't afford to lose? Joke! Stinky girl, you are lucky today, do you dare to gamble again tomorrow night?"

The corners of the woman's mouth rose slightly, and she smiled contemptuously: "Hehe! The old lady is afraid that you will not succeed? I am afraid that some people who are neither men nor women will bite indiscriminately!"

I wanted to say cruel words, but I held back.

If you lose, you will be the most shameless.

glared at the woman, and Hu Yan walked out of the box door stupidly.

Jiang Cheng smiled meaningfully at the woman, and then followed.

The woman looked at the mountains of chips in front of her, and her mouth was up to the base of her ears.

He took a chip worth five thousand very proudly, and stuffed it into the delicate little hand of the female dealer with a smile.

"Get your tip!"

the other hand did not forget to squeeze the plump place of the female dealer.

The female dealer instantly tightened her chrysanthemum, "rubbed" and took several steps back, staring at the woman vigilantly.

"You ......

" Seeing the female dealer's violent reaction, the woman scratched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm sick!"

said that, she hurriedly packed up her chips, went to the exchange office to exchange the dragon coins, and went out of the night casino, and went directly to a foot massage shop opposite the night bar.

I went up to the second floor and walked straight into Box 5.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a female technician sitting on the sofa in the box.

"It's finished?" asked the female technician.

The corners of the woman's mouth rose slightly, and she didn't speak, so she locked the door with her backhand.

With a flick on his cheek, a silicone mask was torn off in an instant.

Reveal a beautiful face.

It's Qian Duo.

Qian Duo walked straight to the window and looked in the direction of the two people at the door of the night bar opposite.

"Xiao Kui, the fish has been hooked, have all the people been arranged?"

"Don't worry! Sister Duo'er, two hundred and one, all of them are spiritual guys, and it is no problem to support the field!" Qian Duo

smiled and nodded: "Let those people start working, by the way, after this incident, let Lao Mo keep an eye on this nonsense for me, I don't believe he can hold back

!" "Okay!"


On the other side, Hu Yan walked out of the night bar with a gloomy face, walking in front, and Jiang Cheng followed behind.

Walking to a remote place, Jiang Cheng grabbed Hu Yan's arm.

The whole person's temperament has cooled down.

He said coldly: "I said brother, don't leave either, let's settle our accounts now!" Hu

Yan broke free of Jiang Cheng's hand, and raised his eyebrows: "Account? What kind of account

?" "Brother, we said before, I deliberately lost to you, I won the money, and we will split it in half!"

Hu Yan squinted his eyes: "Boy, are you blind? You didn't see that I lost everything, how could I give you money? Get out! If you don't get out, do you believe that Lao Tzu will kill you?"

As a result, Jiang Cheng even dared to come over and settle accounts with him?

Settle fucking accounts!

Jiang Cheng glanced at Hu Yan coldly, didn't speak, walked directly to the side of the road, copied a brick from the flower bed, and walked straight to Hu Yan.

He plucked out his ears and smiled: "Brother, I didn't hear clearly, what did you say just now?"

But he is not a cabbage in the greenhouse, how many years have he been mixed up, and he can still be frightened by this small scene?

Hu Yan glanced at the bricks in Jiang Cheng's hand, smiled contemptuously, and said word by word: "Brother, I said, the money, I lost it, I want the money, no, I want my life, take it!" As he spoke, he deliberately stretched his head in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Lao Tzu's head is stretched out in front of you, if you want to smash it, you can smash it, Lao Tzu snorted, but I didn't take it! However, Lao Tzu has to remind you, if you dare to smash it, Lao Tzu will ruin your family!"

Jiang Cheng touched his nose and smiled playfully.

Without saying a word, according to the nonsense, the back of the head is a brick.

I only heard a crisp sound, like the sound of a watermelon opening.

The bricks shattered into several pieces in an instant.

Then came a terrible wail.

"Nima!" Hu

Yan clutched the back of his head, his whole face was twisted into a ball, his back molars were about to be crushed, and his expression was extremely painful.

He never thought that Jiang Cheng would really dare to make a dead move!

Looking at the shocking amount of bleeding in his hand, the murderous intent in Hu Yan's eyes burst out, and he stared at Jiang Cheng deadly.

Said viciously: "Boy, Cheng, don't you want to settle accounts with me? There is a kind of don't go, I'll let my eldest brother settle accounts with you! Don't waste your hands and feet today, Lao Tzu has your surname!"

After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and shook people.

But at this moment, a large group of fierce young people with baseball bats and golf clubs instantly surrounded the corner of the street, and instantly surrounded Hu Yan and Jiang Cheng.

One by one, they glared at Hu Yan viciously, their eyes full of murderous intent.

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly: "The phone is smashed, as for him, waste a hand, just take a breath!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Jiang Cheng's style as a big brother in society instantly frightened Hu Yan!

He also thought that Jiang Cheng was just a fool who did things without thinking.

As a result, he turned out

to be a big brother! He dared to pretend to be forced in front of him, can people get used to you?

Looking at this posture, Jiang Cheng is going to beat himself into a vegetative person!

A good man does not suffer the loss in front of him, and his nonsense is instantly cowardly.

"Don't, don't, big brother, no, no, big brother, I was wrong! I was wrong! I paid back the money, can't I pay back the money?"

Jiang Cheng turned around, walked straight to Hu Yan, and gently patted Hu Yan's right cheek with a "pop papa", revealing a harmless smile.

"That's right! I've always been able to convince people with virtue, and if I can discuss things well, why do I have to do it? Do you say no?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hu Yan's eyes were full of horror, and he hurriedly said yes, and his head was like a chicken pecking rice.

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